In a day when companies use Twitter and Facebook to communicate, Teresa Carleo of Plant Fantasies...

In a day when companies use Twitter and Facebook to communicate, Teresa Carleo of Plant Fantasies is a genuine throwback. She doesn’t use social media or email. At first glance, Carleo’s preference for traditional communication methods seems out of touch with twenty-first century technologies. Far from being neo-Luddites, however, the leaders at Plant Fantasies demand communication that works—and that means matching the right communication methods with the right business situations. For example, some tasks at Plant Fantasies involve installing and maintaining gardens. Other situations require collaboration with landscape designers. Still others involve speaking with clients. Not all communication channels are equally suited for each situation; tweeting may be effective in one situation yet hopelessly inappropriate within another setting. Teresa Carleo insists on making a personal connection with customers. After a friend’s hand-written note recently touched her in a unique way, the Plant Fantasies founder decided to launch a personal letter-writing campaign to clients.

  1. Why would Teresa Carleo favor face-to-face communication over email when dealing with customers?
  2. Why would Carleo prefer to use electronic communication methods for certain types of communication within the company.
  3. In the video, Carleo says that she worries that at times she communicates too much. What steps could she take to confirm that her messages are being heard and understood by others?

In: Operations Management

Nicky is the assistant to the HR manager. His best friend Jack is applying for a...

Nicky is the assistant to the HR manager. His best friend Jack is applying for a job with the company and Nicky agreed to be a reference for him. Jack asks for advice on preparing for the interview. Nicky has access to the interview questions that will be asked of all applicants. It would be great for his best friend to work at the same company. Nicky stops to think, what would be the consequences of his decision to share the questions? Choose all that apply.

Select one or more:

a. Nicky could lose his job.

b. If hired, Jack could lose his jobs.

c. Jack could get hired on and not be a good fit for the job.

d. Jack could get hired on and not be as capable of performing tasks as he implied in his interview.

Question text

Scenario: Lee is the general manager for The Mattress Store. His best sales associate, Ben missed his monthly goal by one mattress this month. It is unusual for Ben to miss his goal; he was out for a week with the flu. Unfortunately, Ben did not earn his bonus for the month. Ben is upset and threatens to quit if Lee does not make the exception since Ben had the flu. The rules are clear, and bonuses are paid to those who meet their sales goal. However, Lee does have the authority to make exceptions to the rule.
Should Lee involve others in making this decision? Choose all that apply:

Select one:

a. Yes, Lee should involve the accounting department in his decision.

b. Yes, Lee should involve the payroll department in his decision.

c. Yes, Lee should involve HR in his decision.

d. No, Lee has the information he needs to make the decision on his own

Question text

Scenario: Stanley transferred from the northside location to the southside location and accepted a promotion to manager of the store. On his first day in his new role as manager, an employee approached Stanley and asked if she could leave two hours early to attend her son's school play. She said that the previous manager always lets her leave early. Stanley does not know how to respond.
Should Stanley involve others in his decision? Choose all that apply.

Select one or more:

a. Yes, Stanley should find out if it is appropriate to grant her request.

b. Yes, Stanley should consult the other employees of the department.

c. Yes, Stanley should involve the manager of accounting.

d. No, Stanley has the information to make the decision on his own

In: Operations Management

What moral and ethical issues impacted mastercard between 2014 and 2019? How did these factors/issues impact...

  1. What moral and ethical issues impacted mastercard between 2014 and 2019?
    1. How did these factors/issues impact the company?
    2. What actions did the company take as a result of those issues?
  2. Situation analysis of what you see as reasons mastercard made the 2019 list.

the company is Mastercard

In: Operations Management

Which of the following is not a factor that is increasing the need to better manage...

Which of the following is not a factor that is increasing the need to better manage the supply chain?

Select one:

A. Optimization of their own value by most segments in the supply chain

B. Global competition and outsourcing

C. E-commerce and telecommunications

D. Outsourcing and shorter life cycles

Logistics consist(s) of the following, EXCEPT:

Select one:

A. Compensation and incentives

B. Storage and warehousing

C. Transportation and information processing

D. Inventories and distribution

Which of the following is true about the bullwhip effect?

Select one:

A. Variability in demand increases from the factory stage downstream to the customer stage

B. This cycle is prevalent in just about every industry

C. Lead times between the stages of the supply chain tend to be very short

D. Information lags stemming from large lot sizes with infrequent orders may be a cause

What is the least expensive transportation mode?

Select one:

A. Air

B. Trucking

C. Railroads

D. Water

In: Operations Management

Simple linear regression has how many independent variables? Select one: A. Zero B. One C. Two...

Simple linear regression has how many independent variables?

Select one:

A. Zero

B. One

C. Two

D. More than two

E. Different models have different numbers

Which of the following is not an assumption of regression?

Select one:

A. The residuals are normally distributed

B. The expected value of the residuals is one

C. The residuals are independent of one another

D. The variance of the residuals is constant

E. All of them are assumptions of regression

Which of the following statements about supply chain management (SCM) is correct?

Select one:

A. SCM programs are putting ever greater emphasis on the finance function

B. SCM coordinates and integrates several activities into a process by linking the most important partners in the chain

C. The goal of SCM is to deliver the right product at the right time, while yielding the lowest possible costs

D. SCM enables manufacturers to actively plan and collaborate across a distributed supply chain

Which of the following is false about supply chains?

Select one:

A. Just-in-time deliveries (JIT) and lean manufacturing dictate a demand chain

B. When customers of a service are also suppliers, they should be attracted

C. A supply chain is suggestive of a system of production in which the customer “pulls” the product

D. Suppliers that are not customers must be chosen carefully

E. All of them are false

3PL companies:

Select one:

A. Offer their products in a most efficient manner

B. Are also known as third-place location firms

C. Have chosen to outsource at least portions of their supply chain management function

D. Provide services including handling product distribution and returns, receiving materials and managing warehouses

In: Operations Management

For Soumitra: PART II: Ashua’s Shoestore sells a large number of flat shoes. The shoes are...

For Soumitra: PART II: Ashua’s Shoestore sells a large number of flat shoes. The shoes are shipped from a manufacturer in New Hampshire. Ashua, the proprietor, says, “I want to be sure that I never run out of flat shoes. I always try to keep at least two months supply in stock. When my inventory drops below that level, I order another two months of supply. I’ve been using that method for 20 years and it works.” Each pair of shoes costs $11 and sells for $20. The cost of processing an order and receiving new goods amounts to $100, and it takes three weeks to receive a shipment. Monthly demand is approximately normally distributed with mean 80 and standard deviation 20. Assume a 20 percent annual holding cost, and that a month is four weeks. REMAINING QUESTIONS: Suppose Ashua also recognizes that her order quantity of two months demand may be out-dated. What order quantity would you recommend to reduce costs? What is the average time between orders (also known as the order cycle)? After optimizing the order quantity, what would be the re-order point R be, if Ashua’s new policy in part 3 is applied? What would be the annual inventory holding cost and order cost of this most updated policy?

In: Operations Management

4. Which of the following pricing practices represents price discrimination? Explain. a. Local businesses in a...

4. Which of the following pricing practices represents price discrimination? Explain.

a. Local businesses in a small college town offer a 10% discount to anyone showing a student ID card.

b. Fred’s Fridges advertises a one-day sale on refrigerators. The ad specifies that no phone orders are accepted and that the buyer must transport the refrigerator.

c. A hardback copy of the last Harry Potter book sold for $30 at an independent bookstore; but for $25 at the local outlet of a national bookstore chain.

d. Freshman tuition and fees at Penn State-University Park for academic year 2018-2019 was about $18,000 for Pennsylvania residents and $35,000 for out-of-state students (a pricing pattern that is typical of state universities.)

In: Operations Management

In the simplest terms conflicts that are based in ideas or the “how can we X”...

In the simplest terms conflicts that are based in ideas or the “how can we X” realm of thinking are conflicts that can be openly hashed out in a team setting, these can be defined as constructive conflicts. Conversely conflicts that are personal and perhaps behavioral in nature are those that likely need to be addressed privately. A leader can help their team members to air their grievances by creating an environment conducive to open conversation and even constructive conflict. This often means increasing trust in order for individuals to feel comfortable discussing their mistakes and weaknesses (Lencioni 2002, 182) A team that avoids airing grievances is one that is politically driven and more concerned with avoiding any type of conflict as the team does not have a basis in trust across its members. In my personal work experience I attempt to air grievances as close in time as feasible to the event in question. To avoid conflict is to allow things to fester and prevents productive discourse that could help my team work more effectively. The earlier this is addressed the faster we can get to peak efficiency.

In the hypothetical scenario outlined above I would address them as follows. For the team members disagreeing about productivity I would meet with them and the rest of the seven reports in a group setting. I would direct the conversation around accountability and verify that everyone was making headway on their respective projects and that there were no road blocks preventing forward movement. In this way all team members can understand what each person is working on and what barriers might be preventing them from contributing at a level which might otherwise be expected.

For the worker who is expressing their personal political views in the workplace I would meet with this individual privately in a neutral location. I would direct the conversation around how their actions are making others uncomfortable and how political speech goes against the company policies. This is a form of unproductive conflict and needs to stop.

For the go to worker who is taking on every task I would again have a meeting with the entire team in a group setting. I would direct the conversation around prioritization. If they are taking on a lot of projects in order to be challenged and are meeting this challenge that is one thing. If they are failing to complete items they have taken on then we need to see if anyone else is able to pick up the slack or if this can be delegated to a lower level under the purview of the worker taking on every task. This meeting would hopefully identify what projects need to be moved around and generate agreement on what is top priority.

Give your feedback to the discussion above and question to be answered?

In: Operations Management

Scenario: Paul has been tasked with purchasing a new accounting software for the firm. He has...

Scenario: Paul has been tasked with purchasing a new accounting software for the firm. He has his choices narrowed to two options, but the products are so much alike that he cannot decide. He called consulted three colleagues that he knows from the National Accounting Association for advice. After talking with his friends, Paul is ready to make his purchase.
Did Paul demonstrate characteristics of effective problem-solving and decision making? Select all that apply.

Select one or more:

a. Yes, Paul put aside personal feelings, bias, and prejudice

b. Yes, Paul gathered all the information

c. Yes, Paul analyzed the information

d. Yes, Paul accepted input from others

e. No, Paul was indecisive

Question text

Scenario: Jennifer has plans to go hear a band with two friends. An hour before she was to meet her friends, Andy, a male friend that Jennifer has a crush on called and invited her out for the evening. Jennifer knows her friends are expecting her and they will be upset if she cancels, but Andy is so handsome, and she has been wanting to go out with him for a long time. Her friends will get over it. She calls her friends and tells them she is not feeling well and can't make it through the concert. She meets Andy for dinner.
Did Jennifer demonstrate characteristics of effective problem-solving and decision making? Select all that apply.

Select one:

a. Yes, Jennifer aside personal feelings, bias, and prejudice

b. Yes, Jennifer considered all the possible solutions

c. Yes, Jennifer was accountable for the decision

d. No, Jennifer was self-serving

e. No, Jennifer was indecisive

Scenario: Helen has been tasked with negotiating a new contract with the office's internet carrier. She contacted three internet providers, gathered bids, researched reviews, and did a comparison chart. She decided to sign with a new internet provider.
Did Helen demonstrate characteristics of effective problem-solving and decision making? Select all that apply.

Select one or more:

a. Yes, Helen was able to remain neutral

b. Yes, Helen gathered all the information

c. Yes, Helen analyzed the information

d. Yes, Helen considered all the possible solutions

e. No, Helen was emotionally attached

Question text

Identify and Define Problems. Amanda has a co-worker, Sherry, who is vocal about political opinions. Amanda does not agree with Sherry's views. Amanda likes Sherry but some of her recent comments have upset Amanda and made her feel uncomfortable. Amanda puts her energy into telling their co-workers about Sherry's annoying comments. The gossip has gotten back to the boss, Mel. Mel agrees with Sherry's political views. Mel gave Amanda a written reprimand for violating the company's zero tolerance policy. Mel cited that Amanda was bullying Sherry because she was mocking her political views.
Is the problem in the scenario a work-place problem or is it a personal problem between friends?

Select one:

a. It is a personal problem, Amanda and Sherry are friends.

b. It is a personal problem, Amanda and Sherry are friends and the political conversations are of personal content and do not involve talk about work.

c. It is a work problem because Amanda's gossiping is distracting employees from completing their daily tasks.

d. It is a work problem because an employee feels uncomfortable in the workplace and Amanda's gossip is toxic to the work climate.

In: Operations Management

In the American society today, many people have a low opinion of personal selling as a...

In the American society today, many people have a low opinion of personal selling as a career because of personal experiences with sales people and the way sales people are often portrayed in TV sitcoms and movies. Watch the video "A Day in the Life of a Sales Representative." In the video, Ms. Little and Dr. Jarrell discuss the importance of personal selling. What excites you about the possibility of a career in sales? What turns you off? What products or services do you think you could sell successfully? Why?

In: Operations Management

Billy Doors, Vice President of Marketing for Qapmoc Computer, Inc., must decide whether to introduce a...

Billy Doors, Vice President of Marketing for Qapmoc Computer, Inc., must decide whether to introduce a mid-priced version of the firm’s CP2010 minicomputer product line—the CP2010-X minicomputer. The CP2010-X would sell for $2,500, with unit variable costs of $1,450. Projections made by an independent marketing research firm indicate that the CP2010-X would achieve a sales volume of 480,000 units next year, in its first year of commercialization. 30 percent of the first year’s volume would come from competitors’ minicomputers and market growth. However, a consumer research study indicates that 40 percent of the CP2010-X sales volume would come from the higher-priced CP2010-Deluxe minicomputer, which sells for $6,450 (with unit variable costs of $2,350). Another 30 percent of the CP2010-X sales volume would come from the economy-priced CP2010-Millenium minicomputer, priced at $1,500 (with unit variable costs of $800). The CP2010-Deluxe unit volume is expected at 350,000 units next year, and the CP2010-Millenium is expected to achieve a 500,000 unit sales level. The fixed costs of launching the CP2010-X have been forecast at $2.5 million during its first year on the market.

Should Mr. Doors add the CP2010-X model to the line of minicomputers?

In: Operations Management

Discuss the role of supply chain management in Xiaomi Corporarion.

Discuss the role of supply chain management in Xiaomi Corporarion.

In: Operations Management

Think about any new product you have seen in the past of two years, then answer...

Think about any new product you have seen in the past of two years, then answer the following questions from your own words.


1. How would you define the attributes and benefits of the chosen product?

2. Define the core, actual, and augmented product benefits.

3. Briefly describe the steps in the new product development process.

4. Each product will have a life cycle, although its exact shape and length are not known in advance. Explain each step in the PLC.

In: Operations Management

Some problems or opportunities are internal to a company or organization. Some problems or opportunities, especially...

Some problems or opportunities are internal to a company or organization. Some problems or opportunities, especially in professions that interact with the public like social work, nursing, healthcare administration, business, the creative arts, are external—in the community or borough where your clients or customers reside.

What is an unsolved or not completely solved problem in your community or borough that you would like to see addressed? Or, what is an opportunity in your community or borough that you would like to capitalize on?

How might you address this problem, or capitalize on this opportunity, as a Registered Nurse ?

What solution have other professionals in your field already established?

How might you tweak or add to this solution?

Compose a grant proposal of at least 7–10 single-spaced pages that delineates a problem, the methods used to confirm the analysis of this problem, and a solution (or, an opportunity, methods used to exploit this opportunity, what will capitalize on this opportunity).

Imagine yourself in a workplace related to your field and a new program will carry out the solution with these new funds. You will need to research and select a grant-making organization that provides funds to workplaces like yours.

Need a cover letter:

  • Clear, concise overview of the organization
  • Purpose
  • Reason for funding amount
  • How does your proposal fulfill the grant-maker’s mission and goals?

The summary:

  • Summarize key information
    • Contact information
    • Purpose of funding request
    • Need/problem
    • Objectives
    • Methods
    • Evaluation
    • Budget
    • Amount requested
  • Persuade the grant-maker to consider your proposal

In: Operations Management

post of a minimum of 400 words. The Society for Human Resource Management feels strongly that...

post of a minimum of 400 words.

The Society for Human Resource Management feels strongly that it is the responsibility of the government and employers in providing worker training and development opportunities in the skilled labor force. Apprenticeships are a part of the European educational systems while vocational training in the US is very limited. Describe or develop a formal training program, at the secondary level, that will be a feeder program for the technology trades.

In: Operations Management