Some problems or opportunities are internal to a company or organization. Some problems or opportunities, especially...

Some problems or opportunities are internal to a company or organization. Some problems or opportunities, especially in professions that interact with the public like social work, nursing, healthcare administration, business, the creative arts, are external—in the community or borough where your clients or customers reside.

What is an unsolved or not completely solved problem in your community or borough that you would like to see addressed? Or, what is an opportunity in your community or borough that you would like to capitalize on?

How might you address this problem, or capitalize on this opportunity, as a Registered Nurse ?

What solution have other professionals in your field already established?

How might you tweak or add to this solution?

Compose a grant proposal of at least 7–10 single-spaced pages that delineates a problem, the methods used to confirm the analysis of this problem, and a solution (or, an opportunity, methods used to exploit this opportunity, what will capitalize on this opportunity).

Imagine yourself in a workplace related to your field and a new program will carry out the solution with these new funds. You will need to research and select a grant-making organization that provides funds to workplaces like yours.

Need a cover letter:

  • Clear, concise overview of the organization
  • Purpose
  • Reason for funding amount
  • How does your proposal fulfill the grant-maker’s mission and goals?

The summary:

  • Summarize key information
    • Contact information
    • Purpose of funding request
    • Need/problem
    • Objectives
    • Methods
    • Evaluation
    • Budget
    • Amount requested
  • Persuade the grant-maker to consider your proposal

In: Operations Management

post of a minimum of 400 words. The Society for Human Resource Management feels strongly that...

post of a minimum of 400 words.

The Society for Human Resource Management feels strongly that it is the responsibility of the government and employers in providing worker training and development opportunities in the skilled labor force. Apprenticeships are a part of the European educational systems while vocational training in the US is very limited. Describe or develop a formal training program, at the secondary level, that will be a feeder program for the technology trades.

In: Operations Management

why do we need both flexible budgeting and variance analysis? which is more time consuming? which...

why do we need both flexible budgeting and variance analysis? which is more time consuming? which gives better information? what qualitative factors must go into analyzing each?

In: Operations Management

Explain group properties (roles, norms, status, size, cohesiveness, and diversity) and their impact on group members'...

Explain group properties (roles, norms, status, size, cohesiveness, and diversity) and their impact on group members' behavior and performance, and describe how channel richness affects the choice of a communication channel.

In: Operations Management

Think of a project that you recently began or considered beginning. What did you tell yourself...

Think of a project that you recently began or considered beginning. What did you tell yourself when you began the project or failed to begin the project? Think of a time you were feeling lonely. What were you telling yourself at that time? Think of a day when you were feeling stressed or overwhelmed at work or school. What were you telling yourself at that chaotic time? Think of a criticism you recently received from a fellow student, coworker, boss or teacher. What were you telling yourself? Think of a recent compliment you received from a coworker, team member, fellow student, boss or teacher. What were you saying to yourself when you received this compliment? Think of a day when you were feeling negative about yourself. What were you saying to yourself at the time? Think of a day when you were experiencing an illness? What were you telling yourself at the time of your illness?

You now have notes on your internal dialogue in a number of different situations. Review the notes you have made for yourself and write a brief summary of your internal dialogue (300 words). Is your self talk more positive or more negative in nature? We all have episodes of negative self talk, but if it dominates your internal dialogue, there is a good chance it is keeping you from accomplishing some of your goals.

Identify 3 mental distortions in your self talk. How can you change your self talk to free yourself of these mental distortions? Write a summary (300 words) that identifies the mental distortions you have identified and outline how you can change these mental distortions

In: Operations Management

Section A (25 marks) – Hotel Business in Hong Kong Question A1 Answer the below short...

Section A – Hotel Business in Hong Kong Question A1 Answer the below short questions (a) to (i) according to A Statistical Review of Hong Kong Tourism 2018, published by Hong Kong Tourism Board in June 2019.

a) What is the total number of visitor arrival to Hong Kong upon 2018? How many visitors stayed overnight?

b) Identify Hong Kong’s top THREE source markets of visitors’ arrival to Hong Kong in 2018.

c) Which month contained the highest visitor arrivals number in 2018?

d) Briefly describe the hotel performance in 2018.

e) Which hotel category noted a highest gain percentage in room occupancy compare with 2017?

f) State TWO districts which recorded the highest room occupancy rate in Hong Kong.

g) In 2017, which department in the hotel earn the second highest revenue and what is the total percentage.

h) Refer to the hotel room occupancy rate and average achieved hotel room rate in 2018, illustrate TWO indicators or messages reflected from those figures.

i) The percentage distribution of visitor arrivals by months 2018 were quite steady along the year, the range of percentage starting from 7.2% to 10.1%. If you were the manager of a hotel, try to briefly explain the reasons behind of the distributions. (For example: What is/are the factor(s) may affect the percentage of arrival on Dec 2018.)

In: Operations Management

Question B1 Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has modified the hotel classification system to reflect more...

Question B1 Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has modified the hotel classification system to reflect more accurately the quality and service of Hong Kong Hotel. These factors are weighted to their relative importance according to the result of survey. The composite score of a hotel, which is compiled, based on the scores obtained for the indicators and the weights of the indicator and it is the overall measure reflecting the category of the hotel.

a) Identify FOUR components under Facilities factor; illustrate your answer with ONE example from each component.

b) From each component under Facilities, based on the official websites of EIGHT hotels in HKSAR, find out a total of EIGHT different hotels, including FOUR of them will get lowest score and FOUR of them will get highest score. Briefly provide reasons to support your findings.

c) Under Location, hotel can get score 1 to 5. Identify and explain FIVE different hotels, including ONE each with score 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 at Location, based on the websites of hotels in HKSAR.

d) Explain how a hotel can get the highest score under SRR.

e) Explain how a hotel can get the highest score under AARR. f) Under Business Mix, will a hotel get zero score? Explain your answer.

In: Operations Management

In no less than 200 words, discuss: Is it typically time consuming to convert a firm...

In no less than 200 words, discuss:

Is it typically time consuming to convert a firm to practices that are in full Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) compliance?

In: Operations Management

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company hired you as Marketing Manager of Saudi Arabian...

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company hired you as Marketing Manager of Saudi Arabian Region and you have to answer the below question from your own words:

a. Environmental Analysis

(Conduct an environmental analysis that looks at and comments on Saudi Arabia and your network of business contacts, competitors and customers.)

b. Target Market Analysis

(Identify the target market, describing how the company will meet the needs of the consumer better than the competition does).

c. SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT analysis for Apple company based on your research.

Strengths: List the strengths of the business approach;

Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company's operations;

Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the business's chances of success;

Threats: List the external threats to the business' success.

d. Marketing Mix (4 P's ) Analysis

Describe each of the 4Ps of your chosen company.

Product or Service

Identify the product or service by what it is, who will buy it, how much they will pay for it and how much it will cost for the company to produce it, why a consumer demand exists for your product, and where the product sits in comparison to similar products/services now available.


Identify the location of the business, why it is located there (strategic, competitive, economic objectives), the expected methods of distribution, and timing objectives.


Describe the type of promotional methods that will be used. Identify techniques such as word of mouth, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion etc. television, radio, social media and newspaper ads.


The prices of the products or services that reflects the overall company strategy. Should be competitive as well as a reflection of the quality, costs and profit margin.

In: Operations Management

Huawei Technologies Brief History Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology company that provides...

Huawei Technologies Brief History Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology company that provides telecommunications equipment and sells consumer electronics, including smartphones and is headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. The company was founded in 1987 You have been appointed as a Marketing Specialist to assist Mancosa to develop a Marketing Plan for year 2020. Please note: Your Marketing Plan must be based on market research, situation analysis and must clearly present marketing mix strategies and tactics that are likely to achieve Huawei Technologies business goals. It is important that you explain the rationale for your recommendations - why you are recommending these strategies and tactics - and why the 'client' should believe your recommended marketing strategies and implementation will be successful. Project Requirements: Develop a Marketing Plan that will help Huawei Technologies to attain a competitive advantage in a customer driven market: Report Structure: The Marketing Plan should have the following headings Each section should start on a new page.

1. Title Page:  Includes the title, submission date and your name/student number.

2. Table of Contents:  Page with major section names and their associated page numbers.

3. Executive Summary: (3)  Summary of the highlights of the entire plan.  Tip: It is easiest to write this last.

4. Situation Analysis: (10)  Summary of the key market and environmental factors, Tip: PESTEL, SWOT analysis.

5. Competitive Review: (10)  Including a focused marketing review of the company and their top three competitors.

6. Segmentation of customers (15)  Discuss the segmentation variables and select one that should be used by Huawei Technologies.

7. Marketing Mix strategies (20)  Discuss, Product, Price, Place, Promotion and the extended 3Ps.

8. Bibliography: (2)  Include all of your sources including information from articles, books, websites and other sources in Harvard style.

In: Operations Management

Answer the following questions based on aging/elderly 1- Should people have the choice to end their...

Answer the following questions based on aging/elderly

1- Should people have the choice to end their lives?


3 What happened during the important Terry Schiavo Case? Why was this case so important?

4 Explain the following:

Advanced directives

Living will

Health care proxy

Durable power of attorney

5 Talk about the impact of depression on suicide for the elderly

6 What is the generational equity debate? What does this debate say about inheritance?

7 Can you describe some of the effects of race, class and gender on aging?

8/9 Should age or need be the basis for entitlement?

                Give the arguments that could be made and also your own view

10 What are the effects of politics, networking, interest groups on our current views of aging?

In: Operations Management

Discuss the impact of COVID 19 on different communities living in Canada i.e. First Nations, International...

Discuss the impact of COVID 19 on different communities living in Canada i.e. First Nations, International Students, Women, homeless, etc. How different levels of government - federal, provincial & local - are handling the common peoples problem and what impact it would have for different parties in next elections?

In: Operations Management

Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow. Strategic Management: A Taiwanese story...

Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow.

Strategic Management: A Taiwanese story about strategy and structure Before 2000 the Taiwan-based company Acer had competing strategies. For 15 years one part of the firm had been building computers for other PC sellers who would put their own labels on the machines, while another part sold very similar computers under the company’s own brand. The latter strategy was predicated on direct sales to consumers, which had brought the firm into direct competition with companies such as Dell. However, in 2000 the firm decided to adopt a new business strategy in order to increase its global market share. Acer’s manufacturing division was made an independent company (Wistron) and this enabled a smaller and more nimble sales firm to emerge. The strategy based on direct sales was discarded and replaced with a strategy focused on selling as many low-cost laptops and netbooks as possible to consumers but via a network of partners and retailers. A new logo was adopted to reflect this new strategic direction, which had proved very successful despite the industry downturn. By 2008, Acer had replaced Hewlett-Packard as the market leader in Europe, the Middle-East, and Africa, partly as a result of Acer’s success in the booming netbook market. This strategy enabled the firm to become the world’s second largest PC vendor. However, in 2011 tensions at board level over the firm’s strategic direction culminated in the resignation of Acer’s CEO Gianfranco Lanci. The difference in opinion appears to be about whether the firm’s future lay in PC’s or mobile devices. Acting CEO J.T Wang announced that the PC would continue to be the firm’s core business. In 2009 the firm entered the smartphone market with the launch of four different smartphones and the promise of more in the pipeline. Unlike Apple, which was focused on developing one phone only, Acer’s strategy is based on targeting each of its phones at a different market segment. In march 2011, Acer announced that revenue projections for the first quarter in 2011 will fall short of expectations by about 10% due to weaker demand in the PC market in the US and Europe. (Source: New York Times, 2009, Bloomberg Business Week, The Financial Times, PC Pro)

QUESTION 1 (60) Discuss the purpose of Strategic Human Resource Management for organisations today. In your discussion, identify which organisational strategies have been employed by ACER over the years, justify your answer using evidence provided in the case study and discuss how these organisational strategies affect the HR strategy.

In: Operations Management

QUESTION 1 (30) “Sales volume is argued to be a key factor in whether a business...

QUESTION 1 (30) “Sales volume is argued to be a key factor in whether a business becomes a sustainable enterprise” With this in mind, conduct a viability study for the production of ice to be sold in plastic packs in your immediate and surrounding area, demonstrating whether this idea may lead to viable enterprise.

QUESTION 2 (20) Given the viability of the proposed venture in question 1), craft a business plan that amongst other things, will help you manage your business and help you to source financing for it.

QUESTION 3 (10) Maintaining the correct inventory levels is noted as one of the biggest challenges facing manufacturing/production. accessed 05/08/2019

Given that the production of ice is not immune to such a challenge, discuss a control process that will help you ensure that the inventory levels required for the operation discussed in question 1) are kept at the correct level.

In: Operations Management

. Differentiate between metric and non-metric scale of measurement by giving suitable examples. Give examples of...

. Differentiate between metric and non-metric scale of measurement by giving suitable examples. Give examples of statistical tools where the two types of data (metric and non-metric) are used.

In: Operations Management