Write your thoughts on this discussion Being in the Active Duty military and more specifically being...

Write your thoughts on this discussion

Being in the Active Duty military and more specifically being an Electronic Combat Officer gives me access to quite a bit of data on enemy systems as well as what we collected. Specifically I work in collecting and identifying various emitters and emissions from air and ground sites. I collect data to pass to intel to help with identifying enemy capabilities and characteristics as well as identifying what particular emitters are in the theatre. This helps with both targeting and threat management. I use this data to inform other players in the area what enemy systems are active and emitting and push that out so that everyone has the same 'picture' of what is going on. There is a massive list of parametrics I use generally, from frequency and so forth and other classified information/statistics.

- Business research can be defined as a process of acquiring detailed information of all the areas of business and using such information in maximizing the sales and profit of the business.

- Business statistics is the science of good decision making in the face of uncertainty and is used in many disciplines such as econometrics,auditing and production/automation including services improvement and marketing research

When it comes to business, decision models are the unique representation of business logic. These 3 are very important for business for many reasons. For starters, not doing any research is foolish. Not knowing the marketspace or anything is just asking for a loss of money. Relying on statistics can show various critical information points, such as who is buying products from you. And decisions models help streamline decisions and free up time.

In: Operations Management

How the ICD is organized? Alphabetic Index and Tabular List of ICD

How the ICD is organized? Alphabetic Index and Tabular List of ICD

In: Operations Management

Differentiate between Nomenclature and classification?in EHR

Differentiate between Nomenclature and classification?in EHR

In: Operations Management

Complete a case analysis of Ford (Case 17) (case study section of your text). A formal,...

Complete a case analysis of Ford (Case 17) (case study section of your text). A formal, in-depth case analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic-management process. Assume your group is a consulting team asked by Ford to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations.

You will be required to make exhibits/matrices to support your analysis and recommendations.

The case analysis must encompass 1-2 pages plus the reference page. The cover page must include the company name, your group name, and the date of submission. The completed case must include: Proposed Alternative Strategies and Recommended Strategies

In: Operations Management

Suppose there are 8 activities in your project with the following information. Activity Immediate Predecessor Processing...

Suppose there are 8 activities in your project with the following information.


Immediate Predecessor

Processing Time




($ per day)

A B 5 20
B - 4 40
C A,B 6 30
D A 7 10
E C,D 6 25
F C 5 40
G E,F 4 25
H F 3 50

What is the total project lead time?

a.) 40 b.)26 c.) 23

What activity is not part of the critical path?

a.) activity E b.) Activity C c.)Activity D

If activity F does not start once it is ready, but it is late for 3 days. What will happen to the project lead time?

a.)Will be 2 days delay b.)Does not change c.)Will be 1 day delay

If activity E does not start once it is ready, but it is late for 2 days. What will happen to the project lead time?

a.)Does not change b.)Will be 1 day delay c.)Will be 2 days delay

In: Operations Management

Write about SNOMED CT Description? Concepts, Description table, and Relationships table?

Write about SNOMED CT Description? Concepts, Description table, and Relationships table?

In: Operations Management

8. What’s the difference between sustainability and philanthropy?

8. What’s the difference between sustainability and philanthropy?

In: Operations Management

Is the evaluation and control process appropriate for a corporation that emphasizes creativity? Are control and...

Is the evaluation and control process appropriate for a corporation that emphasizes creativity? Are control and creativity compatible? Explain.

(300 words)
No Plagiarism (copying) please.

In: Operations Management

conduct a research and find two articles on administartive laws of canada and mexico , compare...

conduct a research and find two articles on administartive laws of canada and mexico , compare the administrative laws and issues and also write your conclusion on your research. write in teo doble space page.

In: Operations Management

How would you respond to this post? In today's world, establishing a solid supply chain network...

How would you respond to this post?

In today's world, establishing a solid supply chain network regarded as one of the main factors for getting a successful competitive edge. Companies are now participating in systems for manufacturer rationalization and restructuring. In most commodities such systems promote single-sourcing. A single supplier company has the advantage of providing socially compatible actions and reacts at a much quicker rate that is not found with multi-supplier organizations. Similar to multi-supplier organizations, a single manufacturer organization is more cost-effective and requires less processing time. During cases of emergencies, a single supplier company will have minimal choices while a multi-supplier entity has alternative solutions to look with to fulfill the requirement. A single source company restricts the enterprise to a single commodity, while different suppliers will potentially extend and make choices. By opting to use a few suppliers, the company will establish long-term relationships with its suppliers (Vonderembse, 2013). "These partnerships allow both parties to work together to better incorporate the supply chain and to establish approaches that can increase efficiency and minimize costs" (Vonderembse, 2013, p. 123). The manufacturer and the company will work together to decide what exactly the component will be doing and how it will function. This may be counterproductive to the company and the customer, depending on the number of components purchased by a particular manufacturer.

In: Operations Management

What is Data infrastructure? What is the most common data type in EHR system?

What is Data infrastructure? What is the most common data type in EHR system?

In: Operations Management

How would you respond to this post? A firm should always have more than one supplier....

How would you respond to this post?

A firm should always have more than one supplier. I work in the aerospace industry. As such, there are many certifications and standards that each supplier must be and be held to. It is very difficult to attain these and therefore exiting a supplier is rigorous work. Making a good decision in the first place is the key. However, having too many suppliers can cause complications with delivery frequency, pricing, or quality (Vonderembse, & White, 2013). Variations in any of these can cause complications for a firm. If I were CEO of a company, I'd rather mitigate the risk of quality, pricing, natural disasters, or otherwise by having multiple suppliers than relying solely on only one or two and risking everything on their performance.

There are several parts that we are always waiting for from suppliers. Some of those have less than a 50% acceptance rate meaning that less than half of the ones the supplier sends us to meet our quality specs. We end up doing rework in house to try and salvage as many parts as we can due to the processing time and cost to qualify new suppliers. There are also situations where parts are designed for certain operations to be done in house and others, outsourced. As a general rule of thumb, though, I think every firm should have multiple suppliers.

In: Operations Management

Provide an overview of how health care in the United States has evolved since the postindustrial...

  • Provide an overview of how health care in the United States has evolved since the postindustrial period.
  • How has the evolution of medical technology, graduate medical education, and the professionalization of medical and nursing staff affected the delivery of care?
  • Why has the United States been unsuccessful in evolving the current health care system into a national health care system?


In: Operations Management

discuss the roles for procurement (strategic, tactical, operational)

discuss the roles for procurement (strategic, tactical, operational)

In: Operations Management

When the owner defaults on a mortgage, what can the lender do to obtain the money...

When the owner defaults on a mortgage, what can the lender do to obtain the money that is owed?

In: Operations Management