When an incumbent company should be concerned about the substitute products? Use an USA manufacturing company...

When an incumbent company should be concerned about the substitute products? Use
an USA manufacturing company ?

In: Operations Management

Mitsubishi Corporation plans to enter the markets of Ghana with its new Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)--...

Mitsubishi Corporation plans to enter the markets of Ghana with its new Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)-- the
Mitsubishi Sogo Sosha Model. You are the Sales Manager of Mitsubishi Corporation for Middle East and African
Markets. Prepare a report for the Board of Directors detailing the feasibility of the proposed venture. Your report
should include the following:

1.1 An analysis of the situation in the aforesaid country by using appropriate tools. (15)

1.2 Industry and its characteristics in the country. (20)

1.3 Recommended strategies and explain why they are the best fit. (10)

1.4 Implementation plans. (15)

In: Operations Management

Depending on actions taken by a corporation, some stakeholders will be positively affected and others will...

Depending on actions taken by a corporation, some stakeholders will be positively affected and others will be negatively affected. Explain with example

In: Operations Management

Your task is that as a CIO (Chief information officer) you design an ICT Strategy to...

Your task is that as a CIO (Chief information officer) you design an ICT Strategy to position the education institute to meet the goals and business strategy provided by the Dean while maintaining security over next 5 years that focus on the following critical IT matter:

1.Infrastructure (especially IAAS)

2. DM (Data Management)

3. MDM (Mobile Device Management)

4. Governance/CoBit

5. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

6. Risk/Security/Privacy

In: Operations Management

Refer to the scenario to answer the following question(s): Unilever, the world’s second largest consumer goods...

Refer to the scenario to answer the following question(s):
Unilever, the world’s second largest consumer goods company, received a jolt in 2004 when its stock price fell sharply after management had warned investors that profits would be lower than anticipated. Even though the company had been the first consumer goods company to enter the world’s emerging economies in Africa, China, India, and Latin America with a formidable range of products and local knowledge, its sales faltered when rivals began to attack its entrenched position in these markets. Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) acquisition of Gillette had greatly bolstered P&G’s growing portfolio of global brands and allowed it to undermine Unilever’s global market share. For example, when P&G targeted India for a sales initiative in 2003–04, profit margins fell at Unilever’s Indian subsidiary from 20% to 13%.
An in-depth review of Unilever’s brands revealed that its brands were doing as well as were those of its rivals. Something else was wrong. According to Richard Rivers, Unilever’s head of corporate strategy, “We were just not executing as well as we should have.”
Unilever’s management realized that it had no choice but to make-over the company from top to bottom. Over decades of operating in almost every country in the world, the company had become fat with unnecessary bureaucracy and complexity. Unilever’s traditional emphasis on the autonomy of its country managers had led to a lack of synergy and a duplication of corporate structures. Country managers had been making strategic decisions without regard for their effect on other regions or on the corporation as a whole.
Starting at the top, two joint chairmen were replaced by one sole chief executive. In China, three companies with three chief executives were replaced by one company with one person in charge. Overall staff was cut from 223,000 in 2004 to 179,000 in 2008. By 2010, management planned close to 50 of its 300 factories and to eliminate 75 of 100 regional centers. Twenty thousand more jobs were selected to be eliminated over a four-year period. Ralph Kugler, manager of Unilever’s home and personal care division, exhibited confidence that after these changes, the company was better prepared to face competition. “We are much better organized now to defend ourselves,” he stated.

1. What was the triggering event(s) in the case of Unilever? Elaborate.
2. Conduct the environmental scanning of Unilever through SWOT analysis,
emphasizing on the factors that were changed based on the management decisions.
3. Which Mintzberg’s mode of strategic decision making is adopted in the case of Unilever? Elaborate.
4. Discuss any 2 strategies used or might be used in the case. Elaborate.

In: Operations Management

Pick a real-life organization 1) List the actors in its general environment and task environment (try...

Pick a real-life organization

1) List the actors in its general environment and task environment (try to name the actors as specific as you can)

2) Assess the environment along the two dimensions of ‘environmental change’ (stable vs unstable) and ‘environmental complexity’ (simple vs. complex). Briefly explain the reasons behind your arguments.

3) Which quadrant of the ‘Contingency Framework for Uncertainty’ does the organization fall? What is the level of environmental uncertainty in that quadrant?

In: Operations Management

Suppose you have assumed the role as the construction manager (CM) in one of the City...

Suppose you have assumed the role as the construction manager (CM) in one of the City of Kelowna’s water park projects. The previous CM resigned the City. The project is 2 months behind the schedule. Over 75% of the allocated budget has been spent and only 55% (based on number of installed/constructed items) of the construction has been completed.

  1. What will be your immediate actions in the first few days? - (300 words maximum)

In: Operations Management

Analyze PepsiCO company using  Porter’s competitive forces model in term of ERP system which use SAPs ERP...

Analyze PepsiCO company using  Porter’s competitive forces model in term of ERP system which use SAPs ERP ??


In: Operations Management

Strategic Management: A Taiwanese story about strategy and structure Before 2000 the Taiwan-based company Acer had...

Strategic Management: A Taiwanese story about strategy and structure Before 2000 the Taiwan-based company Acer had competing strategies. For 15 years one part of the firm had been building computers for other PC sellers who would put their own labels on the machines, while another part sold very similar computers under the company’s own brand. The latter strategy was predicated on direct sales to consumers, which had brought the firm into direct competition with companies such as Dell. However, in 2000 the firm decided to adopt a new business strategy in order to increase its global market share. Acer’s manufacturing division was made an independent company (Wistron) and this enabled a smaller and more nimble sales firm to emerge. The strategy based on direct sales was discarded and replaced with a strategy focused on selling as many low-cost laptops and netbooks as possible to consumers but via a network of partners and retailers. A new logo was adopted to reflect this new strategic direction, which had proved very successful despite the industry downturn. By 2008, Acer had replaced Hewlett-Packard as the market leader in Europe, the Middle-East, and Africa, partly as a result of Acer’s success in the booming netbook market. This strategy enabled the firm to become the world’s second largest PC vendor. However, in 2011 tensions at board level over the firm’s strategic direction culminated in the resignation of Acer’s CEO Gianfranco Lanci. The difference in opinion appears to be about whether the firm’s future lay in PC’s or mobile devices. Acting CEO J.T Wang announced that the PC would continue to be the firm’s core business. In 2009 the firm entered the smartphone market with the launch of four different smartphones and the promise of more in the pipeline. Unlike Apple, which was focused on developing one phone only, Acer’s strategy is based on targeting each of its phones at a different market segment. In march MODULE FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TOTAL MARKS 60 MARKS 2011, Acer announced that revenue projections for the first quarter in 2011 will fall short of expectations by about 10% due to weaker demand in the PC market in the US and Europe. (Source: New York Times, 2009, Bloomberg Business Week, The Financial Times, PC Pro)

Questions Discuss the purpose of Strategic Human Resource Management for organisations today. In your discussion, identify which organisational strategies have been employed by ACER over the years, justify your answer using evidence provided in the case study and discuss how these organisational strategies affect the HR strategy. (60) You are encouraged to use at least 5 current and relevant external literary sources to support your discussion on Strategic Human Resource Management.

In: Operations Management

How else can Nordstrom continue to provide exceptional customer service and increase brand loyalty?

How else can Nordstrom continue to provide exceptional customer service and increase brand loyalty?

In: Operations Management

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns, noun phrases, or other pronouns. Pronouns can...

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns, noun phrases, or other pronouns. Pronouns can be the subject of a sentence, the object of a sentence, or in the possessive case. A pronoun should agree in number and gender with its antecedent. An antecedent is the word the pronoun stands for. The following is one rule for pronouns.

Rule: Use the singular pronoun with "everyone," "anyone," and "each."

Incorrect: Each player on the girls’ soccer team wants their coach to play them in the championship game.

Correct: Each player on the girls’ soccer team wants her coach to play her in the championship game.

Directions: Click on the blank lines that follow and select the pronoun that agrees with its antecedent.

The Soaring Sullivans

Professional Acrobats' Club

Fan Trivia

1. The club got its/their name from founding member Robert Sullivan.

2. After club practices, each of the acrobats soaks their/his or her muscles in a custom-made hot tub.

3. Nearly everybody in the club has broken his/its wrist at least once. Despite the dangers, club president Jim Chevalier says he considers him/himself a careful person.

4. Mr. Chevalier's wife is the booking agent for the club. She/Her and Jim take care of business issues such as recruiting and finance.

5. Mr. Kirk Lyons, a member of the club, became a hero to a local girl after she/he shinnied up a utility pole and rescued her kitten. The girl's family arrived and thanked Mr. Lyons. The heroic acrobat then gave free show tickets to the girl and them/they . The girl told a reporter at the scene that although the president of the United States is her role model, Mr. Lyons is just as cool as him/he .

6. The local press became interested in all the members of the acrobats' club. Reporters interviewed every single one of them/him . Shortly after the article was published, dozens of people auditioned before Jim Chevalier, hoping he/him would offer them/they membership to the elite club.

In: Operations Management

Mitsubishi Corporation plans to enter the markets of Ghana with its new Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)--...

Mitsubishi Corporation plans to enter the markets of Ghana with its new Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)-- the
Mitsubishi Sogo Sosha Model. You are the Sales Manager of Mitsubishi Corporation for Middle East and African
Markets. Prepare a report for the Board of Directors detailing the feasibility of the proposed venture. Your report
should include the following:

1.1 An analysis of the situation in the aforesaid country by using appropriate tools. (15)

1.2 Industry and its characteristics in the country. (20)

1.3 Recommended strategies and explain why they are the best fit. (10)

1.4 Implementation plans. (15)

In: Operations Management

Choose the categories of legally required benefits. (Select all that apply.) Group of answer choices Family...

Choose the categories of legally required benefits. (Select all that apply.)

Group of answer choices

Family and Medical Leave


paid time off



social security programs

protection programs

health insurance

workers' compensation


In: Operations Management

What are Nordstrom’s greatest risks, and who are its biggest competitors?

What are Nordstrom’s greatest risks, and who are its biggest competitors?

In: Operations Management

Evaluate Microsoft’s strategy good and poor economic times.

Evaluate Microsoft’s strategy good and poor economic times.

In: Operations Management