Ethical behavior is a corporate issue that affects the company’s bottom line. How do ethical issues...

Ethical behavior is a corporate issue that affects the company’s bottom line. How do ethical issues impact organizations and operations? Include an example seen in the workplace, in the news, etc. that relates to real-life situations.

In: Operations Management

a)Explore how we can enhance productivity, and increase innovation while considering employee wellbeing. You must address...

a)Explore how we can enhance productivity, and increase innovation while considering employee wellbeing. You must address the challenges of bias and prejudice on achieving the most effective outcomes.
b)Discuss how decision making may well be influenced by a number of internal or external environmental factors impacting a business.
c)Discuss what role responsible, ethical management plays in this and whether it is important for the success of the business.

In: Operations Management

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of...

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of employees are working to serve customers. Some of the employees work in their workplaces while some others work from home. Almost all employees worry whether they will lose their jobs or if they will have a pay cut. It is obvious that unemployment will rise because millions of employees will lose their jobs and the remaining employees may have a pay cut (10, 20, 30, 50%) depending on the position in his/her workplace.

Because of the coronavirus, the business environment has started to change. It is becoming a challenging fast-changing environment. Currently, many managers are faced with difficulties. In the near future and in the long run, they will need to deal with important issues.

Lastly, you have to remember that one can easily manage firms during prosperous times but effective managers flourish during difficult times.

Below is a sample list of terms that you can use when answering the questions.

Job security and protection; Employee morale; Employee stress; Anxiety; Employee wellness; Effective decision making; Work performance; Key competencies; Productive employees; Quality of work produced; Work-life balance; Mental health; Employees in a high-risk health category; Illness; Government sector; Health sector; Security forces.

Q1-What should managers do to manage employees and minimize the negative effects of the coronavirus on employees? Discuss the major OB issues faced by managers when dealing with employees who are currently working and the major OB issues that managers need to handle in the near future.

Q2-What would be the possible changes and developments in the workforce and workplace diversity in the near future and in the long run? Discuss.

Q3-How should managers handle an employee that is unable to work due to age or health issues?

In: Operations Management

There are two types of motivation theories; Content and Process. In your opinion does both types...

There are two types of motivation theories; Content and Process. In your opinion does both types can be apply concurrently. Provide an example of any one theory from both types and justify your arguments?

In: Operations Management

Describe flow chart for a cola industry. Elaborate all steps involved in the preparation of a...

Describe flow chart for a cola industry. Elaborate all steps involved in the preparation of a soda industry.

In: Operations Management

1. Define: The Comparative methods   BARS Critical incident diary 360° assessment

1. Define:

The Comparative methods  


Critical incident diary

360° assessment

In: Operations Management

How seriously should an organization looking to be totally customer-focused regard its informal leaders?

How seriously should an organization looking to be totally customer-focused regard its informal leaders?

In: Operations Management

You have been invited to speak to a group of parents during the Family Day of...

You have been invited to speak to a group of parents during the Family Day of Cemerlang High School on the following topic:

Social media has become increasingly popular amongst teenagers. What risks do sharing personal information on social media websites have and how can we combat them?

Write the speech that you will be making to the parents. Provide two (2) main risks that sharing personal information on social media have and two (2) ways we can combat them. (write a speech of about 600-700 words)

In: Operations Management

Tesco case study Introduction Tesco is a customer-orientated business. It aims to offer products that provide...

Tesco case study Introduction Tesco is a customer-orientated business. It aims to offer products that provide value for money for its customers and to deliver high-quality service. Tesco wants to attract new customers, but it also wants to keep its existing customers happy. Building customer loyalty is a cost-effective strategy to grow the business. This is because satisfied customers are a good advert for the business. Tesco has more than a 30% market share of the UK grocery market, nearly double that of its nearest rival. In its 2009/2010 financial year, Tesco earned revenues of £38.6 billion in the UK and employed more than 280,000 people. To keep at the top of its game and to maintain its number one spot in the market, the company needs skilled staff at all levels and in all roles. Roles in Tesco Roles in Tesco range from business development, supply chain management and marketing to finance, store operations and personnel management. Each area of expertise requires leadership and management skills. Tesco aims to develop the leadership qualities of its people throughout the organisation, from administrators and customer assistants to the board of directors. It adopts a similar approach to leadership development for staff at all levels. This is in line with Tesco’s employment philosophy: ‘We believe in treating each other with respect, with everyone having an equal opportunity to get on, ensuring Tesco is a great place to work.’ Berian is a bakery manager Berian manages a team of 17 in a Tesco in-store bakery. One of the key challenges of Berian’s job is to ensure his team produces the right products to meet demand at key times. His usual management approach is to allow the team to take responsibility for achieving the desired result. In this way, the team not only buys into the activity, but also develops new skills. For example, when the bakery expanded its product range and Berian needed to ensure that all the products would be on the shelves by 8.00 am, rather than enforce a solution, he turned to the team for ideas. The team solved the problem by agreeing to split break times so that productivity could be maintained. Berian’s approach produced a positive outcome and increased team motivation. Tesco’s leadership framework sets out not just the skills and competencies but also the personal characteristics and behaviours it expects of its leaders. Tesco looks for managers who are positive, confident and genuine, with the capacity to inspire and encourage their teams. A key part of Tesco’s programme for building leaders is encouraging self review and reflection. This allows staff to assess their strengths and find ways of demonstrating the characteristics that are vital to the long-term development of the business. Stephen is a Tesco store manager Stephen is the manager of a medium-sized Tesco store. He has been with the company for over 10 years and his first job was filling shelves in the dairy section. He is currently working towards the Tesco foundation degree. Stephen directly manages a team of around 20 departmental managers, who between them are responsible for almost 300 people. Stephen’s leadership style is usually to allow his managers to make most operational decisions. However, if, for example, an accident occurs in the store, Stephen may take control to ensure a prompt and co-ordinated response. The best managers adopt leadership styles appropriate to the situation. Stephen’s preferred leadership style is to take a democratic approach. He consults widely as he feels that staff respond better to this approach. For example, when planning a major stock reduction programme, he encourages his managers to put forward ideas and develop plans. This increases team motivation and encourages creativity. Some mistakes may be made, but they are used as a learning experience. However, as a store manager, Stephen deals with many different situations. Some may be business critical and it is important that he responds to these in the most appropriate way. In such situations, Stephen may need to adapt his leadership approach and exert more authority. Martin is Tesco's Programme Manager for Education and Skills Martin is Tesco’s Programme Manager for Education and Skills in the UK. He has a range of responsibilities associated with people, processes and standards. Martin may use a democratic approach when setting training budgets. Managers can suggest ideas to make cost savings and they can jointly discuss their proposals with Martin. By empowering his managers, he gets them to take ownership of the final agreed budget. Laissez-faire is at the other end of the spectrum from autocratic. A laissez-faire manager takes a ‘hands-off’ approach and trusts teams to take appropriate decisions or actions with broad agreed boundaries. For example, Martin might leave an experienced departmental manager to develop a budget. This could be because he trusts that the manager has a good knowledge of the needs of the department and of the business. Factors influencing leadership style People at each level of responsibility in Tesco, from administrators and customer assistants to directors, face different types of decisions. Each comes with its own responsibilities and timescales. These will influence the most appropriate leadership style for a particular piece of work or for a given project or audience. Tesco managers have responsibilities for ‘front of house’ (customer-facing) staff as well as ‘behind the scenes’ employees, such as office staff. Before making a decision, the manager will consider the task in hand, the people involved and those who will be affected (such as customers). Various internal and external factors may also affect the choice of leadership style used. Internal factors include the levels of skill that employees have. Large teams may have members with varying levels of skill. This may require the manager to adopt a more directive style, providing clear communication so that everyone knows what to do to achieve goals and tasks. On the other hand, team leaders may take a more consultative approach with other managers of equal standing in order to get their co-operation for a project. External factors may arise when dealing with customers. For example, Berian may need to use a persuasive style to convince a customer to accept a replacement product for an item that is temporarily out of stock. Critical success factors (CSFs) In order to build a sustainable and robust business, Tesco has set out critical success factors (CSFs). These are linked at all levels to its business goals. Some CSFs apply to all employees. These are: • customer focus – to ensure delivery of ‘every little helps’ • personal integrity – to build trust and respect • drive –to achieve results, even when the going gets tough • team working – to ensure positive relationships in and across teams • developing self/others – to motivate and inspire others. Others are specific to the level of responsibility the person or role has and covers: • analysing and decision making • managing performance • managing change • gaining commitment. • By meeting the requirements of these CSFs, Tesco managers can build their leadership skills & contribute to the growth of the business. • Tesco leaders need to be inspirational, creative and innovative, ready to embrace change and with a long-term vision for achievement. Effective leaders manage by example and in doing so, develop their teams. Tesco encourages all its managers to lead by example. It requires leaders who can motivate, problem solve and build great teams. • Tesco employs people in a wide range of roles and provides a career structure which allows employees to progress through the organisation. Tesco’s process of 360-degree feedback allows its employees to reflect on their own progress and improve. Even if someone starts as working in store filling shelves – as did Stephen – they can progress through the organisation into positions of authority and responsibility. Answer all the below questions

: 1-In reference to the case of Tesco, evaluate the kind of leadership roles displayed by Berian, Stephen and Martin and the changes they need to make in their respective leadership style as required for the situation.

In: Operations Management

List and define the five measurement errors that can reduce reliability/validity.

List and define the five measurement errors that can reduce reliability/validity.

In: Operations Management

what is the paris agreement?

what is the paris agreement?

In: Operations Management

A chocolate e-commerce website selling its goods and delivering it to its customers . Ofcourse infront...

A chocolate e-commerce website selling its goods and delivering it to its customers . Ofcourse infront of many e-commerce sites there are many threats and many secure security concerns should take place .

As for the case of the chocolate e-commerce site :

1) What kind of threats can the site faces? ( atleast 4 threats)

2) Which technical and non technical precautions can the site developers do to respond to these threats ? ( 3 precautions each ie, technical and non-technical)

Make sure that the techniques used with the chocolate target market are compatible

In: Operations Management

What does motivation account for? Motivation accounts for the level and persistence of a peron's effort...

What does motivation account for?

Motivation accounts for the level and persistence of a peron's effort expended at work.

1. Please elaborate on this.

In: Operations Management

what are the features of the new model strategic purchasing?

what are the features of the new model strategic purchasing?

In: Operations Management

Section One: Write a review of “Dirigible Dreams” that answers the following three questions: 1) What...

Section One:

Write a review of “Dirigible Dreams” that answers the following three questions:

1) What was the purpose of the book?

2) Did the author successfully complete the purpose of the book or did he accomplish less than the purpose? Thoroughly explain your positions and reference sections of the book that support your comments.

3) Did you find “Dirigible Dreams” useful in understanding the development of transportation (or not)? Be explicit, offer examples, and tell me what you liked and did not like about the book (and why).

Section Two:

Compare what you learned in “Dirigible Dreams” to the development of another form of transportation. First, identify specific points of comparison, then apply those points of comparison between the development of airships to your chosen “other” form of transportation.

You may choose a form of transportation that was successfully (or unsuccessfully) developed in the past, or a development(s) that is happening today. For example, compare “Dirigible Dreams” to the development of LNG-powered ships.

In: Operations Management