Marketing Question: Identify two most important core competencies that the compancy CD Tradepost has and how...

Marketing Question: Identify two most important core competencies that the compancy CD Tradepost has and how in each case of core competencies, the core competency lent essential support to these companies’ successes.

In: Operations Management

Using your own words, please explain the main assumption of situational theories of leadership. Give examples...

Using your own words, please explain the main assumption of situational theories of leadership. Give examples to back up your explanations.

In: Operations Management

Explanation of a "non-contractual promise." 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Example...

Explanation of a "non-contractual promise."

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Example of an "enforceable non-contractual promise."

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Example of an "unenforceable non-contractual promise."

In: Operations Management

List and explain with examples at least three rules for giving an effective feedback.

List and explain with examples at least three rules for giving an effective feedback.

In: Operations Management

- Find 2 major brand in need of a major revitalization. 1. Why does it need...

- Find 2 major brand in need of a major revitalization.

1. Why does it need revitalization?

2.. What would you do from both a product and brand aspect?

In: Operations Management

Subject: Seminar in Leadership and Influence. Q11 Part 1) Think about all the leaders you have...

Subject: Seminar in Leadership and Influence.


Part 1) Think about all the leaders you have ever had in work and/or school environment. Include supervisors, project managers, internship managers, professors, mentors, or any others who were in positions of authority. Pick one leader with whom you had no problems in the working relationship and pick one leader with whom you had some or severe problems. Compare these two leaders’ leadership styles and behaviors and describe why you have had a smooth relationship with the good one and why you may have had problems with the bad one. You may need to reflect upon your own values, working styles, and expectations when you describe your two contrasting followership experiences. After the discussion of the two brief examples

Part 2) show me your top 3 takeaways about leadership development based on your own leadership experience and our class discussions.

In: Operations Management

1) What are the economic conditions of globalization that allow Uber to function across the world?...

1) What are the economic conditions of globalization that allow Uber to function across the world?
2) What are Uber's legal and regulatory challenges in the US? In other parts of the world?
3) What role has technology played in the emergence of Uber as a large, global corporation? How do you see this changing in the future?
4) Can you identify any social or cultural contexts in the global environment that impact Uber's operations?
5) What do you think Uber should do to adapt its strategy in response to global challenges and opportunities?

In: Operations Management

Focusing on the company Nestles Trinidad and Tobago, Market penetration, market development and Product development are...

Focusing on the company Nestles Trinidad and Tobago, Market penetration, market development and Product development are strategies that were implemented within the past 3 – 5 years.

1. Interpret, discuss and evaluate these strategies in depth.

2. From your perspective, identify three (3) key benefits that the organization has gained from the implementation of the strategies.

In: Operations Management

Managers are usually sticklers about attendance, but Verizon recently learned an expensive lesson about its mandatory...

Managers are usually sticklers about attendance, but Verizon recently learned an expensive lesson about its mandatory attendance policies from a 2011 class action lawsuit by employees and the EEOC. The suit asserted that Verizon denied reasonable accommodations to several hundred employees, disciplining or firing them for missing too many days of work and refusing to make exceptions for those whose absences were caused by their disabilities. According to the EEOC, Verizon violated the ADA because its no-fault attendance policy was an inflexible and “unreasonable” one-size-fits-all rule. The EEOC required Verizon to pay $20 million to settle the suit, the largest single disability discrimination settlement in the agency’s history. The settlement also forced Verizon to change its attendance policy to include reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. A third requirement was that Verizon provide regular training on ADA requirements to all mangers responsible for administering attendance policies.

What are some specific rules that would fit within a fair and reasonable attendance policy?

How would you decide whether an employee was taking advantage of an absenteeism policy?

In: Operations Management

Can you please do in excel 2. Customers arrive at an ATM at a rate of...

Can you please do in excel

2. Customers arrive at an ATM at a rate of 75 per hour (assume that the arrival process can bedescribed by a Poisson Distribution). The average time a customer spends at the machine (excludingwait time) is 45 seconds (assume exponential service time).

a) What type of queuing system is this?

b) What is the arrival rate (λ)?

c) What is the service rate (μ)?

d) What is the average amount of time that a customer will spend waiting in line (in minutes)?

e) How long (in minutes) should a customer who is on their way to the ATM expect to be there(i.e., from arrival at the queue until finishing their transaction)?

f) On average, how many customers are waiting to use the ATM?

g) What is the probability that a customer will arrive at the ATM and not have to wait at all?h) Assume that a second machine is added (but customers wait in a single line), and hypothesizeon how the line length and wait time will change. Calculate the answer.

In: Operations Management

Question 4 A pharmacist has been monitoring sales of a certain over-the-counter pain reliever. Monthly sales...

Question 4

A pharmacist has been monitoring sales of a certain over-the-counter pain reliever. Monthly sales during the last 15 months were:


Number sold


Number sold


Number sold































  1. Using 3-Month Weighted Moving Average using 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5 with the heaviest weights applied to the most recent months, develop forecasts for months from 11 to 16.       
  2. Using Exponential Smoothing using an α = 0.4 and the 10th Month forecast of 50, develop forecasts for months from 11 to 16.              
  3. Using Trend Projection, develop forecasts for months from 11 to 16.
  4. Justify which method you would suggest using to predict future sales.

In: Operations Management

Question 3 Define “productivity”. Compare single factor productivity measure with total factor productivity measure. What do...

Question 3

  1. Define “productivity”.
  2. Compare single factor productivity measure with total factor productivity measure.
  3. What do we mean when we say productivity is a “relative” measure?
  4. Various financial data for the past two years follow. Calculate the total factor productivity and the single-factor productivity measures for labor, capital, and raw materials for this company for both years. What do these measures tell you about this company?

Last Year

This Year









Raw materials












In: Operations Management

The political maneuvering is referred to as office politics and is actually a game, that could...

The political maneuvering is referred to as office politics and is actually a game, that could affect negatively an employee's salary, promotions, and work environment if not played.
Compliments are defined as excessive or insincere praise, has not traditionally been viewed in a positive manner.
White lies can be referred to as social lies.

In: Operations Management

Discuss the strategic, tactical and operational roles of the procurement.

Discuss the strategic, tactical and operational roles of the procurement.

In: Operations Management

During the next four quarters Dorian Auto must meet (on time) the following demands for cars:...

During the next four quarters Dorian Auto must meet (on time) the following demands for cars: 4000 in quarter 1; 2000 in quarter 2; 5000 in quarter 3; 1000 in quarter 4. At the beginning of quarter 1, there are 300 cars in stock. The company has the capacity to produce at the most 3000 cars per quarter. At the beginning of each quarter, the company can increase (but not decrease) its production capacity. It costs $100 to increase production capacity by one unit. For example, it would cost $10,000 to increase production capacity from 3000 cars per quarter to 3100 cars per quarter. It also costs $40 per quarter to maintain each unit of production capacity (whether it is used or not). The variable cost of producing a car is $2000. A holding cost of $150 per car is assessed for each quarter’s ending inventory. It is required that at the end of quarter 4, plant capacity must be at least 4000 cars.

(1) Determine how to minimise the total cost incurred during the next four quarters. There is a concern that due to rising material and labor costs the variable cost in the fourth quarter may increase by 10%.

(2) Should you change your production plan if you believe this increase will occur?

(3) What would you do if you believed that there would be a 20% increase in variable costs in the fourth quarter?

(4) Describe and formulate another similar problem and solve the problem again.

In: Operations Management