Training and development and workers safety Our University is currently focusing on geographic expansion/growth by establishing...

Training and development and workers safety
Our University is currently focusing on geographic expansion/growth by establishing and opening 2 new colleges which are College of Medicine and College of Architecture as well as hiring 50 more extra workers and 4 extra supervisors.
The College of Medicine will be located in Dammam, 30 workers instructors and administration people and 2 supervisors
the College of Architecture will be located in Khobar, 20 workers instructors and administration people and 2 supervisors   
By the expansion of growth 2 locations, 50 extra workers, 4 extra supervisors.
What behaviors will you train for in workers and supervisors?
How will you measure the success of worker training?
How will you improve the worker safety?

Note do not focus on the locations where it will be it does not matter
It should be around 1000 words

In: Operations Management

How is cultural understanding and proficiency important in working with undeserved communities and health communication? How...

How is cultural understanding and proficiency important in working with undeserved communities and health communication? How can health communications be more culturally proficient?

In: Operations Management

Identify an example of a health communication intervention that has addressed the needs of vulnerable or...

Identify an example of a health communication intervention that has addressed the needs of vulnerable or underserved groups in your community. What has been the impact of this intervention among these groups? What suggestions would you make for improvement?

In: Operations Management

You eat at your office cafeteria every day during lunch time. However, you think it needs...

You eat at your office cafeteria every day during lunch time. However, you think it needs some improvements.

Write a letter to the manager of the cafeteria. In your letter about 350 words,

  • explain what you like about the cafeteria
  • describe the two (2) problems you experienced at the cafeteria and explain and example;
  • suggest two (2) ways how the problems can be resolved and explain an example.


In: Operations Management

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of...

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of employees are working to serve customers. Some of the employees work in their workplaces while some others work from home. Almost all employees worry whether they will lose their jobs or if they will have a pay cut. It is obvious that unemployment will rise because millions of employees will lose their jobs and the remaining employees may have a pay cut (10, 20, 30, 50%) depending on the position in his/her workplace.

Because of the coronavirus, the business environment has started to change. It is becoming a challenging fast-changing environment. Currently, many managers are faced with difficulties. In the near future and in the long run, they will need to deal with important issues.

Lastly, you have to remember that one can easily manage firms during prosperous times but effective managers flourish during difficult times.

Below is a sample list of terms that you can use when answering the questions.

Job security and protection; Employee morale; Employee stress; Anxiety; Employee wellness; Effective decision making; Work performance; Key competencies; Productive employees; Quality of work produced; Work-life balance; Mental health; Employees in a high-risk health category; Illness; Government sector; Health sector; Security forces.

What would be the possible changes and developments in the workforce and workplace diversity in the near future and in the long run? Discuss.

In: Operations Management

Write a letter inviting a business person to speak at an FBLA meeting about the hiring...

Write a letter inviting a business person to speak at an FBLA meeting about the hiring process. Be sure to tell them something about FBLA and what you would like them to talk about. Letter must be in proper business format.

In: Operations Management

Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind...

  1. Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Intercultural/Cross-cultural, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation. (1000 words)

  1. Prepare a Communications Manual/Guidelines/Strategy covering the areas of Interpersonal, which have to be kept in mind during Decision Making in the Organisation . (1000 words)

In: Operations Management

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't...

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't copy.ill check the plagiarism.Can u please do it fast(I want all 5 not one)

In: Operations Management

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't...

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't copy.ill check the plagiarism.Can u please do it fast(I want all 5 not one)

In: Operations Management

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't...

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't copy.ill check the plagiarism.Can u please do it fast(I want all 5 not one)

In: Operations Management

Energy Management Corporation (EMC) must decide its level of capital investment in the six energy ventures...

Energy Management Corporation (EMC) must decide its level of capital investment in the six energy ventures described below. EMC wishes to maximize its total expected return on a maximum total investment of $10,000,000. At least half of this must be in the United States, including Alaska. No more than 20% can be in sour crude and coal investments. In addition, allocations must at least meet the minimums specified in column three below. For example, investment in Wyoming Coal must be at least $1,000,000.

Venture (Location)

Expected Return

Minimum Investment

Primary Product

Wyoming Coal




Colorado Shale



Sour crude

Prudhoe Bay Alaska



Sweet crude




Sweet crude

Alberta Tar Sands



Sour crude

Virginia Coal




1. Formulate the linear programming model. Clearly state your decision variables, objective function and all constraints. Use fractions rather than percentages in your formulation of the objective function.

2. Solve the model using Microsoft Excel Solver. Attach the Microsoft Excel file as part of your submission.

3. Interpret the results from Microsoft Excel Solver, including the Sensitivity Report. What aspects of the computer-generated strategy are you in agreement with (based on a consideration of the sensitivity data)? What aspects of it would you disagree with? Why?

In: Operations Management

Would you be a good entrepreneur? Do you have the characteristics that it takes? Let your...

Would you be a good entrepreneur? Do you have the characteristics that it takes? Let your class know about your entrepreneurial abilities in the discussion forum in five to eight good sentenes. Reply to two of your classmates with three to five good sentences.

In: Operations Management

Perform a Five Why analysis on FedEx

Perform a Five Why analysis on FedEx

In: Operations Management

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't...

Select 5 international clothing brands and make a swot analysis.word count should be 4000 words.please don't copy.ill check the plagiarism.Can u please do it fast(I want all 5 not one)

In: Operations Management

“Chris was appointed the Chief Guest of Honor for the forthcoming Independence and Republic Day of...

“Chris was appointed the Chief Guest of Honor for the forthcoming Independence and Republic Day of Mauritius at MITD and in this context he should very formal and well-dressed. So he dashed to the nearest shop to get a smashing pair of shoes and a matching jacket to impress people at that function. The prices of these items were affordable but the colour of the jacket was too bright and dazzling. In addition, the shoes were unacceptably tight fit. Given the time constraint and the risk of not getting exactly what he was looking for he settled by purchasing them.” If the Shop applied the Trilogy of Juran; “Quality Planning, Quality Control and Quality Improvement,” explain what the shop-owner should have been seen doing? (400-500 words).

In: Operations Management