
In: Operations Management

Subject: Seminar in Leadership and Influence. Q11 Part 1) Think about all the leaders you have...

Subject: Seminar in Leadership and Influence.


Part 1) Think about all the leaders you have ever had in work and/or school environment. Include supervisors, project managers, internship managers, professors, mentors, or any others who were in positions of authority. Pick one leader with whom you had no problems in the working relationship and pick one leader with whom you had some or severe problems. Compare these two leaders’ leadership styles and behaviors and describe why you have had a smooth relationship with the good one and why you may have had problems with the bad one. You may need to reflect upon your own values, working styles, and expectations when you describe your two contrasting followership experiences. After the discussion of the two brief examples

Part 2) show me your top 3 takeaways about leadership development based on your own leadership experience and our class discussions.


Expert Solution

My leader for the last time's Orientation Program proved to be very helpful and supportive for me in organising the program successfully. While my superior in the Writing project last semester did not get along well with me.

Miss Devian who was my orientation leader was quite expressive and straight forward. She used to communicate a lot and maintained a good balance between becoming friendly and staying for formal. She was easy to talk with about problems and expectations. She used to let me express my opinions and ideas and selected several among them for organising the program. Since my work ethics calls to contribute equally if the other person is putting efforts, I was successful in actively participating and contributing in each activity. This made my relationship with Miss Devian very smooth.


Mr Richard was a very highly intelligent and specialised in his field, but he was not that expressive while giving feedback or providing opinions. He over expected from the team and always seemed so disappointed which used to demotivate us from putting efforts thinking that they would not count. Richard sir was also very strict and formal due to which nobody mostly asked him any questions or provide suggestions. As my working style mostly entails getting to know the superior in a better way to respond to work accordingly, I failed to establish good persona even after working hard because my work was not recognised which I mostly expected in comparison to my efforts and hardwork. That's why the relationship with him was more severe than smooth.



The three takeaways about leadership development based on my experience explained above are:

1) Interpersonal Skills : leadership development calls for effective Interpersonal Skills.

2) Understanding Audience : Leaders development should take into consideration the level of audience so that responses suit them.

3) Support and Supervision : In establishing a good relationship , providing support and supervising activities to guide team should be the priority of leaders development course.



Thanks dear student.. Hope this helps :)

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