QUESTION 1 The Jubail Bicycle Shop operates 7 days per week, closing 5 days each for...

QUESTION 1 The Jubail Bicycle Shop operates 7 days per week, closing 5 days each for Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid- Ul -Adah (this gives 355 working days in a year). The shop pays SAR 600 for a particular bicycle purchased from the manufacturer. The annual holding cost per bicycle is estimated to be 25% of the SAR value of inventory. The shop sells an average of 25 bikes per week. Frequently, the dealer does not have a bike in stock when a customer purchases it, and the bike is back ordered. The dealer estimates his shortage cost per unit back-ordered, on an annual basis, to be SAR 400 due to lost future sales (and profits) and the lead time is 2 weeks. The ordering cost for each order is SAR 300. Determine the following a. [1 Mark] Optimal order quantity b. [1 Mark] Shortage level (Maximum number of back orders) c. [1 Mark] Total minimum cost. d. [1 Mark] Optimal ordering policy e. [1 Mark] How long will there be stock out?

In: Operations Management

List at least three beneficiaries of project documentation. Describe how each might benefit from good project...

List at least three beneficiaries of project documentation. Describe how each might benefit from good project documentation, and what they might lose if they did not receive good project documentation.

In: Operations Management

Create a communication matrix for building a Target retail location in Canada. Stakeholders Messages Vehicles Frequency...

Create a communication matrix for building a Target retail location in Canada.






Feedback Mechanisms

include persons such as Target CEO, stakeholders, contractors, etc

In: Operations Management

A. ArmaCo must determine whether or not to drill for oil at the Northern part of...

A. ArmaCo must determine whether or not to drill for oil at the Northern part of Jubail. It costs $100,000 to drill, and if oil is found, the value is estimated to be $600,000. At present, ArmaCo believes there is a 45% chance that the field contains oil with the profit payoffs give in the table below. Alternatives State of Nature Oil Dry Drill 500 –100 No Drill 0 0 a. [0.5 Mark] Show the decision tree for the situation. b. Which alternative should the Armaco choose using: i. [1 Mark] the optimistic approach ii. [1 Mark] the conservative approach iii. [1 Mark] the minimax regret approach. c. [1 Mark] Determine which alternative should be chosen based on expected value. d. [1 Mark] Determine the expected value with perfect information. e. [1 Mark] Determine the expected value of the perfect information. B. Before drilling, ArmaCo can hire (for $10,000) a geologist to obtain more information about the likelihood that the field will contain oil. There is a 50% chance that the geologist will issue a favorable report and a 50% chance of an unfavorable report. Given a favorable report, there is an 80% chance that the field contains oil. Given an unfavorable report, there is a 10% chance that the field contains oil. f. [1 Mark] Show the decision tree for the situation. g. [1 Mark] Determine ArmaCo’s optimal course of action. h. [0.5 Mark] How much is the expected profit? i. [1 Mark] Determine the Expected Value of Sample Information.

In: Operations Management

Our college purchases sweatshirts from a vendor emblazoned with the college name and logo. The vendor...

Our college purchases sweatshirts from a vendor emblazoned with the college name and logo. The vendor sells the sweatshirts to the college for 45 SAR a piece. The cost to the college for placing an order is 175 SAR and the carrying cost is 20% of the average annual inventory value. The college administration estimates that 2,000 sweatshirts will be sold during the year. The vendor has offered the college the following volume discount schedule: Quantity Discount (%) 1 – 299 0% 300 – 499 5% 500 – 799 8% 800+ 12% [5 Marks] The college admin staff wants to determine the optimal order quantity, given the foregoing quantity discount information.

In: Operations Management

Ground rules describe how a team will operate and interact with each other. They may deal...

Ground rules describe how a team will operate and interact with each other. They may deal with respect or with communication, and are generally about interpersonal interactions.

Develop a list of at least five, but no more than ten, ground rules that you would implement as a project manager leading this multi-national team. Also state the reason or rationale for each ground rule.

Consider the issues you might run into with a global team, and develop your ground rules to help manage those issues.

In: Operations Management

Our college purchases sweatshirts from a vendor emblazoned with the college name and logo. The vendor...

Our college purchases sweatshirts from a vendor emblazoned with the college name and logo. The vendor sells the sweatshirts to the college for 45 SAR a piece. The cost to the college for placing an order is 175 SAR and the carrying cost is 20% of the average annual inventory value. The college administration estimates that 2,000 sweatshirts will be sold during the year. The vendor has offered the college the following volume discount schedule:


Discount (%)

1 – 299


300 – 499


500 – 799




The college admin staff wants to determine the optimal order quantity, given the foregoing quantity discount information.

In: Operations Management

Describe at least three unique ways in which you can celebrate project successes. What are some...

Describe at least three unique ways in which you can celebrate project successes. What are some team characteristics that would make each one meaningful?

In: Operations Management

Barcelona Restaurant Group is always trying to attract and retain only those employees who reinforce its...

Barcelona Restaurant Group is always trying to attract and retain only those employees who reinforce its service-oriented culture and provide top-quality customer service. The manager being interviewed in the video is constantly recruiting and hiring new employees and letting low performers and poor fits go. He also tries to provide job candidates with a realistic description of the company’s expectations to ensure that they know what they would be getting into if they took a job with the company.

Task: Read the “Barcelona” case below and then consider the following questions.

>> It's funny, when I got hired I had to define the philosophy. I figured the more I say it and the more I preach it and the more people I hire and tell that to, eventually that would happen. And I think we're getting there three years later. Human resources is one of the most important things we do in our business. You can't train people to be enthusiastic, nice, fun, great people. We have to hire that. And this is a transient business. So, people are constantly moving. So, the minute you stop looking you're actually sliding backwards. So, we're always hiring. And we're always firing. My name is Scott. I'm the COO for Barcelona Restaurant Group. I think in the three years I've worked here only one or two managers out of quite a few have quit. However, we've turned over probably 60 to 70% of management in the past three years. And that is because we were not afraid to let people go. We demand a certain level of quality. And we're continuously raising the bar on what our expectations are. And the other thing is this is a high burnout business. People burn out. Somebody who was great a year ago may not be great this year. You guys are famous for friendly service. I mean this is how you built the business. This is how you guys went from a losing restaurant to a restaurant that is making money that's in the game with everybody else. And I'm getting some signs. They did not feel welcome by D.J. They love Barcelona, but they said it just didn't feel like Barcelona to them.

>> That's what they perceived it to be. That is what it was. I'm not, I'm not denying that from any standpoint. I just saw him hustling and doing a really good --

>> Well, let's put it another way. D.J. can be good. Right now he's not. So, Yeah, so have somebody else there or make him real good, real fast.

>> If you think it's somebody who's got, you know, who has got the ability, happy in the kitchen, then you owe it to them to spend a night, two nights, three nights glued to them. Figure it out.

>> So, we got to just double our efforts. Does everybody have a Craigslist ad in right now for servers?

>> I need bussers. I just hired servers. I need bussers.

>> OK. We're always hiring. We're always, keep the ads running. That's our philosophy. We're always bringing in. We're always calling out the bottom 20%. There's always somebody better out there than our worst servers. I have an interview every day. I interview people every single day. You guys should be too. That's how you get better. You hire your way out of your problems because we can train people all day, but we can't find happy people with good attitudes. We can't train that into people. Either they are or they aren't. Human resources is the biggest thing we do. And I really think for any company that is involved in customer service it is the most important thing you can do is have the right people in front of your customers. You don't have to have the greatest resume in the world to make it into the interview. I'll have as many as four to six interviews a day. They last 20 minutes. I don't take a long interview. I don't take a long interview because I don't believe I get anything out of the actual conversation. I've hired too many people that I thought were amazing in an interview, and they ended up being a dud and vice versa. I do more talking than they do quite often in the interview because I am trying to just kind of get across the philosophy, who we are, what we're going to do, and I've got the spiel pretty well nailed now. But my process is a three-stage process. Interview them. Send them out on a shop. I send prospective management, whether I like them or not, even if I know I'm not going to hire them I still send them on the shop. And I give them $100 allowance and tell them to go out to the restaurants, one or two of the restaurants if possible and eat a few tapas, sit down, have a couple drinks, and write me an essay. It lets me see what is important to them within the restaurant because I think we, as professionals, in this industry cannot just go to a restaurant and not pay attention to what's going on whether, it drives my wife crazy, but I see everything. And I have to make a conscious choice not to get annoyed by it. So, I try to tap into that with our candidates. I also get a sense of their level of education, of their intelligence, of their ability to complete a task. There's a lot of other ancillary things that come out of that process, how long it takes them to do it, whether it's two weeks later, whether it's the next day, how excited they are. And I think they get something out of it too because sometimes these candidates come in blind. They don't know our restaurant group or, you know, they might be from New York. They might be from somewhere else, and they're driving in for the interview. So, this introduces them to the brand. So, they're learning about us at the same time. If it's a good shop, it doesn't have to be a great shop, if it's a good shop I'll go to the Stage 3, which is I want you to pretend like you've worked for us for six months, and I want to see who you are. I want to see you commanding the floor, making friends with the guests, talking to the staff. I want to see who you would be for me. If they do a good job on that, at that point we start talking about a job.

>> Would you pass your own test? Would you hire you?

>> That's a good question. I think I would. Well, I don't know. I don't know if I would have the floor presence that I demand out of my managers. I am not sure that I would be a great floor manager for Barcelona.

1. (a) How does the Barcelona Restaurant Group focus on fit?

     (b) What types of fit does Barcelona try to optimize when hiring?


2. (a) How does sending managerial candidates on a $100 “Shop” serve as an RJP?

     (b) Explain why you think this would or would not be effective in helping job candidates assess their fit with the Barcelona Restaurant Group.

3. (a) Besides the “Shop,” how else does Barcelona try to maximize employee fit?

     (b) What other suggestions do you have for the company to improve new hires’ fit with the job and organization?

In: Operations Management

Subject :Business research Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow. ChemLee Manufacturing is...

Subject :Business research

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

ChemLee Manufacturing is a chemical manufacturing firm that produces and supplies various chemical substances. ChemLee manufacturing employs 300 employees. However, the labour turnover rate experience by ChemLee manufacturing has escalated substantially ovet the years. This has compromised ChemLee's ability to ensure efficient service delivery to its clients.

As a consultant, you have been assigned to investigate the causes of labour turnover for ChemLee manufacturing. You are also required to develop suitable strategies and resolutions for ChemLee manufacturing.

1.1 develop an appropriate title for the study.
Read, understand and supply Section 1: Introduction to business research. (3)

1.2 discuss the various steps in the research process that you would undertake. Read, understand and supply Section 1: introduction to business research (14)

1.3 Explain which research paradigm would be the most appropriate.
Substantiate your answer. Read, understand and supply Section 1: Introduction to business research. (6)

1.4 Discuss the most suitable research strategies to be used. Justify your answer. (6)
Additional research is required. Read, understand and supply Section 3: research

1.5 Provide two questions you include on the research instrument. (4)
Additional research is required. Read, understand and supply Section:5 data collection

1.6 Discuss the three possible data collection methods that could be used for the study. (12)

In: Operations Management

You are the HR management of the international subsidiary office in Munich, Germany. As HR Manager,...

You are the HR management of the international subsidiary office in Munich, Germany. As HR Manager, You are directly responsible for human resource functions, Including dealing with collective agreements processes. Last March, you have been informed that the Munich office will be closed by June 2020. and the operation will offshored to China

Question: Based on the latest decision made by the management, Evaluate three HRM implication with offshoring

In: Operations Management

Discuss best practices for evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the IT governance structure. What should...

Discuss best practices for evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the IT governance structure. What should IT managers consider when evaluating the effectiveness of the IT governance structure? Provide an example of a best practice and how it is relevant to the strategic vision of your organization, or an organization you are familiar with. at least 175words

In: Operations Management

what is the impact of the corona virus on Zambia's economy specifically on the agriculture, mining...

what is the impact of the corona virus on Zambia's economy specifically on the agriculture, mining and tourism sectors and its access to the international markets? please give valid examples

1000 words.

In: Operations Management

You are hired as a Social Media Manager in a big company. Your mission is to...

You are hired as a Social Media Manager in a big company. Your mission is to use Social Media platforms and increase your Return on Investment (ROI) What are the main Key social media services you choose for your business? How can you assess the intangible part of the ROI?

In: Operations Management

Do Businesses Need a Social Media Management Tool? Why When and how?

Do Businesses Need a Social Media Management Tool? Why When and how?

In: Operations Management