Explain these concepts: Broken windows policing and zero tolerance policing. How do these concepts impact citizens...

Explain these concepts:
Broken windows policing and zero tolerance policing. How do these concepts impact citizens quality of life?

In: Psychology

Write a 6-8 page, research-driven essay addressing one of the prompts listed below. 3) Stevenson believes...

Write a 6-8 page, research-driven essay addressing one of the prompts listed below.

3) Stevenson believes that a system of justice without mercy is ultimately unjust. Consider to what extent you agree and/or disagree with this statement. What place does mercy have in a justice system? Thoroughly explain your answer and your reasoning, using evidence from Just Mercy and from your research to prove your argument. *Note: to adequately respond to this question, you should consider your personal definitions “of justice” and “mercy” – these terms can be interpreted differently by different people!

The focus should be that I dont think mercy should be given when a person deserves a severe punishment when they have done a crime that deserves it. I do believe that the system should be more balanced, fair, efficient and impartial.


In: Psychology

What role might toxic masculinity be playing in sexual harassment, mass shootings, mass incarceration, or other...

What role might toxic masculinity be playing in sexual harassment, mass shootings, mass incarceration, or other issues?

In: Psychology

Read "#SOCIALCHANGE" located on pages 474 and 475 of the textbook. Describe the manner in which...

Read "#SOCIALCHANGE" located on pages 474 and 475 of the textbook. Describe the manner in which social media provides a venue for activism. Provide one (1) example of online support for an issue or cause

In: Psychology

Textbook not required. The case study is posted on this post. All I'm requesting is to...

Textbook not required. The case study is posted on this post. All I'm requesting is to assume that patient Lena has borderline disorder and given that, let that shape the answers about treatment (rest of the questions). Hi! Below is the case study and I want to make sure I'm on the right track. I bolded the questions I'm interested in (1-5). Looking for people who are familiar with the DSM-5/abnormal psychology and able to answer all questions completely. Thank you!


1. Diagnosis; what is the evidence for it? For this one, assume the patient has borderline disorder and answer the rest accordingly.

2. Treatment; typical treatment used for this diagnosis AND most effective treatment. IF the person is in treatment, what should we target first in terms of symptoms? How likely are they to stay in treatment and how likely are they to recover? Are meds involved and if so, what broad “type” of meds work for this disorder,?

3. Differential diagnosis (why is it this disorder and not this disorder)

4. Does the person have more than one diagnosis, what would DSM say about the criteria for diagnosing that

5. What would the primary causal theories be?

CASE STUDY BELOW (it's posted under here)

Lena is a 22 year old college student who is very upset that she has such troubles with friendships and relationships. Lena has always had issues with anxiety and she has a past history of panic attacks/panic disorder. Lena also has had a very traumatic childhood, her mother was verbally abusive and very controlling and Lena was very happy to have escaped to go to a college far away from home. She rarely visits at home as she truly hates her mother and hopes to never see her mom again. Fortunately, her parents are divorced and she can go to her dad’s house whenever she has a break at school. Lena comes to therapy not to try to resolve her issues with her mom, but rather to complain about how all of her friends always seem to abandon her and how painful this is to her. She has lots of friends, but none of them stay long or live up to her expectations. She also has lots of romantic relationships, but she says they are very chaotic as no guy has ever been able to keep up with her demands. She has very low self-esteem and only feels good about herself when she thinks other people love her. But her friends all say that she is ridiculously moody and controlling and she seems to be a rollercoaster of emotions -one minute she totally loves you and the next she totally hates you and is yelling and screaming. She is often great fun to be around, but it is very emotionally draining for her friends and partners, as she gets super upset so often.... She is also extremely jealous and possessive and this drives people crazy. She comes to therapy to figure out what is wrong with everyone else - she is not really very insightful but is willing to consider whether part of the problem might be her....

In: Psychology

The complete title of Moliere’s most famous play is Tartuffe, ou l’Imposteur, or in      English, Tartuffe,...

The complete title of Moliere’s most famous play is Tartuffe, ou l’Imposteur, or in      English, Tartuffe, or the Imposter. But in the play, and in academic criticism, the title       character is referred to as a hypocrite. Explain the difference between a hypocrite and an      imposter, relating these ideas to Tartuffe, the character.

In: Psychology

Regarding the movie fight club: This scene does a good deal of critical cultural work, presenting...

Regarding the movie fight club: This scene does a good deal of critical cultural work, presenting the viewer with several social or cultural problems. What is the crux of the cultural criticism presented here and how is the societal problem a cause of the narrative crisis that evolves in the movie?

In: Psychology

1. What events or historical forces contributed to the Boston busing crisis of the mid-1970s? Name...

1. What events or historical forces contributed to the Boston busing crisis of the mid-1970s? Name at least three, and briefly explain why you think each one was a contributory cause of the Boston busing crisis

2. Name three specific consequences of the Boston busing crisis.

In: Psychology

Question 1. What is the significance of resource pricing? Explain the meaning and significance of the...

Question 1. What is the significance of resource pricing? Explain the meaning and significance of the fact that the demand for a resource is a derived demand. Why do resource demand curves slope downward? LO1

Question 2. What factors determine the elasticity of resource demand? What effect will each of the following have on the elasticity of the demand for resource C, which is being used to produce commodity X? LO4

a. An increase in the demand for product X.

b. An increase in the price of substitute resource D.

c. An increase in the number of resources substitutable for C in producing X.

d. A technological improvement in the capital equipment with which resource C is combined.

e. A fall in the price of complementary resource E.

f. A decline in the elasticity of demand for product X.

Question 3. Florida citrus growers say that the recent crackdown on illegal immigration is increasing the market wage rates necessary to get their oranges picked. Some are turning to $100,000 to $300,000 mechanical harvesters known as “trunk, shake, and catch” pickers, which vigorously shake oranges from the trees. If widely adopted, what will be the effect on the demand for human orange pickers? What does that imply about the relative strengths of the substitution and output effects? LO5

Question 4. LAST WORD Explain the economics of the substitution of ATMs for human tellers. Some banks are beginning to assess transaction fees when customers use human tellers rather than ATMs. What are these banks trying to accomplish?

In: Psychology

How does the effectiveness of psychotherapy compare to the use of drugs in treating psychological disorders?...

How does the effectiveness of psychotherapy compare to the use of drugs in treating psychological disorders? Please explain in 4 to 5 sentences.

In: Psychology

Comprehensive plans to reduce teen usage of drugs?

Comprehensive plans to reduce teen usage of drugs?

In: Psychology

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision in your life (personal, school,...

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision in your life (personal, school, work, etc). Describe how you made that decision. Please use specific detail in your response to ensure you thinking is clear. Your response should be approximately 200 words.

In: Psychology

All of these characteristics are more likely to be a component of the norms of girls'...

All of these characteristics are more likely to be a component of the norms of girls' peer groups than of the norms of boys' peer groups in middle childhood EXCEPT: A. collaboration. B. intimacy. C. emotional sharing. D. self-reliance.

In: Psychology

7_Briefly describe the research methods of naturalistic observation, case studies, surveys, correlational methods, and experimental research....

7_Briefly describe the research methods of naturalistic observation, case studies, surveys, correlational methods, and experimental research. What is the purpose of each research method? Also, list at least one limitation of each approach to research?

In: Psychology

One of the most notable contributions of social cognitive theories is that they: A. view the...

One of the most notable contributions of social cognitive theories is that they:


view the effect of children's social experience as dependent on their interpretations of the experiences.


focus on the role of the unconscious.


concentrate on the influence of biological factors on development.


can advise parents on how to deal with children's problematic behavior.

In: Psychology