Which of the following statements is true about the gender differences in disorganized thought and speech...

Which of the following statements is true about the gender differences in disorganized thought and speech symptoms of schizophrenia?

a) Women with schizophrenia tend to show more severe difficulties in language than do men with schizophrenia

b) Brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia may not affect women’s language and thought as much as they do men's because women can use both sides of their brain to compensate for problems

c) Compared to women, language deficits are less apparent in men with schizophrenia coming to the fact that language is controlled more ____in men.

d) Language is more localized in men, so when the side of the brain associated with language are affected by schizophrenia, men are better able to compensate for the deficits.

In: Psychology

In the middle and late childhood years, development of self-understanding and understanding others becomes more sophisticated...

In the middle and late childhood years, development of self-understanding and understanding others becomes more sophisticated and emotional understanding improves moral reasoning advances. Review Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development.

Write a brief description of each of the six stages.

Find a newspaper, Internet journal, or magazine article that you feel relates to Kohlberg’s Moral Development.

Summarize the key issues and perspectives from the article, in light of the Kohlberg Theory. Be sure to discuss the issues from a scholar as opposed to a religious viewpoint. Include a copy of the article Internet source site as a link.

In: Psychology

definition, symptoms, and recognize examples of the following disorders: panic disorder, agoraphobia, GAD, specific phobias, OCD,...

definition, symptoms, and recognize examples of the following disorders: panic disorder, agoraphobia, GAD, specific phobias, OCD, Schizophrenia (Positive vs. Negative symptoms), NPD vs. APD

In: Psychology

Let's discuss the idea of the American hero regarding Death of a Salesman. The American idea...

Let's discuss the idea of the American hero regarding Death of a Salesman. The American idea of a tragic hero differs substantially from the Ancient Greek idea of the tragic hero and one's tragic flaw. How do you find value in reading about such American tragic heroes such as Willy Loman? Be sure to support your ideas with details from the play as well as quoted passages. As always, make sure you use in-text citations and an end reference. What did you personally learn about human behavior from the historical aspects of the play and does this play's commentary on American consumerism resonate with what we see and experience in our society today?

In: Psychology

Heinz's dilemma is a frequently used example in many ethics and morality classes. One well-known version...

Heinz's dilemma is a frequently used example in many ethics and morality classes. One well-known version of the dilemma, used in Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development, is stated as follows:

A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to produce. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000 which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said: “No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it.” So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's laboratory to steal the drug for his wife. Should Heinz have broken into the laboratory to steal the drug for his wife? Why or why not?

Heinz dilemma. (2017, August 4 ). Retrieved August 4, 2017, from

Theresa, Jose, and Darnell all have different opinions about the best option in the Heinz dilemma.

Theresa agrees with option 1: Heinz should steal the drug and not go to prison, because this is unfair.

Jose agrees with option 2: Heinz should not steal the drug because he would be breaking the law.

Darnell agrees with option 3: Heinz should steal the drug and accept any prison sentence.

Write a justification for all 3 possibilities in the Heinz Dilemma. This will require you to take 3 different perspectives on the dilemma, including ones that you may not personally agree with. For each possibility, include these points:

In: Psychology

1.How would you conduct an experiment to determine the effectiveness of a new ADHD medication?

1.How would you conduct an experiment to determine the effectiveness of a new ADHD medication?

In: Psychology

There are three characteristics of family communication. Family communication is formative, Family communication is role-driven, and...

There are three characteristics of family communication. Family communication is formative, Family communication is role-driven, and Family communication is involuntary give an explanation of each characteristics.

In: Psychology

Can somone please give information on these questions in paragraph form? First Question is What were...

Can somone please give information on these questions in paragraph form?

First Question is

What were the consequences of the rise of the global terrorism in the early twenty-first century?

Second is

Why did the United States become increasingly involved in Vietnam and how did the war in Vietnam end?

Last is

What were the Roots of McCarthyism?

In: Psychology

Explain the characteristics of conscious leadership as defined by Mackey and Sisodia and compare them to...

Explain the characteristics of conscious leadership as defined by Mackey and Sisodia and compare them to the primary characteristics of two or three other leadership theories you have studied.

Describe the importance of self-awareness, self-concept, and emotional intelligence and the role they play in enabling effective conscious leadership.

Please be original work

In: Psychology

Is religion, class, or race more important in shaping this violence than masculinity? Why do you...

Is religion, class, or race more important in shaping this violence than masculinity? Why do you think so?

In: Psychology

How do the four themes of Multiculturalism, Biology and Sociology, Feminist Perspectives and Positive Psychology augment...

How do the four themes of Multiculturalism, Biology and Sociology, Feminist Perspectives and Positive Psychology augment your views on Human Development

In: Psychology

Although we in the United States like to think of this country as a fair and...

Although we in the United States like to think of this country as a fair and equitable place, this is not entirely the case. Gender Inequality is one of the most persistent forms of inequality. Begin by addressing the persistence of gender inequality in contemporary culture, by discussing some of the ways that women remain at a disadvantage in the workplace. You should do additional research as well as provide personal examples. Next, consider how the impact of gender inequality in the workplace could be harmful to families, businesses and the economy as a whole. ( atleast 2 paragraphs )

In: Psychology

Psychology of Learning: Dwight is deciding between the Lord of the Rings convention or the Star...

Psychology of Learning: Dwight is deciding between the Lord of the Rings convention or the Star Trek convention. He values the futuristic aspect of the Star Trek convention more.

a) In comparing his ventral medial prefrontal cortex neural signal, which convention would lead to greater activation while he is making the decision?

b) Dwight originally valued the LOTR convention at 5 and the Star Trek convention at 8. He went to both conventions and rated his new experience of the LOTR convention at a 8 and the Star Trek convention at 9. Which convention would give Dwight greater ventral striatum signal?

c) While on his farm, Dwight was hit with a beet and there was a lesion in his ventral striatum (in that the striatum doesn't work anymore). How will his learning change.

In: Psychology

Hi! Below is the case study and I want to make sure I'm on the right...

Hi! Below is the case study and I want to make sure I'm on the right track. I bolded the questions I'm interested in (1-5). Looking for people who are familiar with the DSM-5/abnormal psychology and able to answer all questions completely. Thank you! Detailed answers extremely appreciated!


1. Diagnosis; what is the evidence for it?

2. Treatment; typical treatment used for this diagnosis AND most effective treatment. IF the person is in treatment, what should we target first in terms of symptoms? How likely are they to stay in treatment and how likely are they to recover? Are meds involved and if so, what broad “type” of meds work for this disorder,?

3. Differential diagnosis (why is it this disorder and not this disorder)

4. Does the person have more than one diagnosis, what would DSM say about the criteria for diagnosing that

5. What would the primary causal theories be?


Paul is a 30 year old engineer who is quite successful and lives in New York with his girlfriend. He normally loves his life, but over the past four or five months he just can’t seem to get excited or happy about anything. He has a lot of work issues - the company was sold and the owners, who were his friends, pretty well just took the money and ran - leaving all the employees (including Paul) in chaos (with the new owners) .Paul is now very unhappy at work and most of the other employees (all of his friends) have left for new jobs, but Paul just can’t seem to get his act together to even look for a new job. His girlfriend notes that he is moody, irritable and always tired, he never wants to go out and he has stopped exercising and stopped pretty well all of his fun hobbies or activities. He does not even enjoy taking his dog out for a walk, and his dog was always his favorite thing in the world (next to his girlfriend). Mostly Paul just seems to sit around on the couch watching television and doing nothing when he is not at work. He does not drink or do drugs, but he does not eat healthy either. He has gained 20 pounds is six months and he does not really care. He says that he often thinks that he would be better off dead. Medically he is fine and he has tons of money and lots of friends who care about him and he even has a great family who are in frequent contact with him. His girlfriend is concerned, as is his family, as Paul does not seem to be “snapping out of it”. They send him to a psychologist to try to figure out what is wrong (his medical doctor said there were no medical problems evident).

In: Psychology

Provide a detailed analysis of Kant's Critique of Practical reason

Provide a detailed analysis of Kant's Critique of Practical reason

In: Psychology