Explain about technology in India and also technology transfer relationships of India Explain in 200-300 words

Explain about technology in India and also technology transfer relationships of India

Explain in 200-300 words

In: Psychology

What if you worked in an agency that required you to formulate a diagnosis and treatment...

What if you worked in an agency that required you to formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan based upon your impressions at the time of the initial session?

In: Psychology

Define and explain elements of operant conditioning by applying the Skinner box experiment.

Define and explain elements of operant conditioning by applying the Skinner box experiment.

In: Psychology

can anyone summarize for me the below passage and to add for me some information that...

can anyone summarize for me the below passage and to add for me some information that u get from the below passage

Thank You

Theory of Reasoned Action stresses the importance of attitudes and intentions in changing a behavior. According to this theory, the most important determinant of behavior is intention.23 Very few actions that produce a healthy outcome happen without ample knowledge and full intention to practice the healthy behavior. Two cognitive processes are at work to develop healthy behaviors: 1) belief about what significant others think, and 2) personal motivation to comply with those significant people. Other external variables that will influence attitudes and thus behaviors are internally processed within the context of significance. According to the Theory of Reasoned Action, people make rational decisions based on their knowledge, personal values and attitudes. Therefore, a person's intent to perform a certain action is the most immediate and relevant predictor of carrying out that action. Behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs are two kinds of beliefs that shape intentions.23 Behavioral beliefs are the attitudes held by the individual alone. A person forms attitudes based on relative risks, benefits, and possible outcomes. Therefore, personal knowledge and perception of personal health importance influence behavioral beliefs. Normative beliefs are those held by other people who influence the individual. If a certain behavior is expected or is the social norm, or is expected by someone of importance to the individual, those expectations will have a bearing on an individual's intentions and, therefore, affect his or her behavior. 23 Intentions will only predict behavior if they are stable and consistent.23 When faced with an unexpected obstacle, an individual might change his or her intentions and neglect to carry out the originally intended behavior. Another limitation of this theory is that intentions must be matched very closely to the behavior to have predictive power. Social norms and community expectations are powerful predictors of individual behavior, according to the Theory of Reasoned Action. When using this theory in a community intervention, the behavior of the collective community may be more easily predicted than that of the individual. Social norms do not change as readily as individual choices; therefore, social norms are more stable and provide strong normative beliefs to those in a close community. 23 The Theory of Reasoned Action helps explain an individual's perceptions of normal and expected behavior. The theory seems to be most successful in predicting behaviors that are completely within the individual's control and in which intentions remain stable, such as daily oral hygiene practices. Extraneous factors outside of the individual's control, such as fatigue or change of environment, may quickly change intentions and therefore change behavior and outcome. This theory has proven to be effective in influencing oral hygiene in young adults. The social expectations of the group had a strong influence on their oral hygiene behavior. 10,23 Applying this concept to patient education, a teenager may consistently practice oral hygiene at home, but a change in environment, such as moving to student housing at college, may change intentions and behavior. Fatigue associated with student life also might affect nightly oral health practices.

In: Psychology

Provide 5 differences between Locke and Rousseau in how they define "property"?

Provide 5 differences between Locke and Rousseau in how they define "property"?

In: Psychology

The communication principles impact our communication. It is important to recognize and understand the eight basic...

The communication principles impact our communication. It is important to recognize and understand the eight basic principles for effective interpersonal communication. Select on the principles and describe a situation where this principle impacted you in a significant manner.

Describe an I–It, I–You, and I–Thou relationship in your life (one each). Analyze differences in communication and personal knowledge in the three relationships.

In: Psychology

At first glance, Avoidant PD seems very similar to Social Phobias (Social Anxiety Disorder). What differentiates...

At first glance, Avoidant PD seems very similar to Social Phobias (Social Anxiety Disorder). What differentiates the two disorders? What makes them different?

In: Psychology

–Use analysis and synthesis to compare the “secularization hypothesis” and the “religious transformation hypothesis”

–Use analysis and synthesis to compare the “secularization hypothesis” and the “religious transformation hypothesis”

In: Psychology

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement during the 1920s. Explain the different forms of art...

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement during the 1920s. Explain the different forms of art impacted during this movement. Who was involved and what were some of the most lasting works to come out of it? What was the biggest and most lasting impact of this movement?

In: Psychology

In the study, it was found that mothers reported more progressive parenting attitudes and modernity than...

In the study, it was found that mothers reported more progressive parenting attitudes and modernity than fathers, why might this be the case?

"Authoritarian parenting was associated with lower academic achievement in Australia, China, and the United States, but it was associated with higher academic achievement in Hong Kong. Furthermore, within Australia and the United States, authoritarian parenting was associated with higher academic achievement among parents with low education/low income." Why might this be the case?

These questions are opinion based questions. There is not a right or wrong answer. Please elaborate. Here is the link to the article.

In: Psychology

short answer: What did George Herbert Mead mean by "self?" What are two of the steps...

short answer:

What did George Herbert Mead mean by "self?" What are two of the steps in the development of the self?

Explain the concept of "The Looking-Glass Self."

Note one criticism often make of Erik Erikson's "Stages of Development" theory.

Explain how a family's social class position shapes the process of socialization.

According to Erving Goffman, what three key traits define a total institution?

In: Psychology

What is your personal beliefs about the nature of human behavior, the basic tenets of human...

What is your personal beliefs about the nature of human behavior, the basic tenets of human needs, and the principles and approaches of counseling that you believe to most effectively address such behavior and needs? Include your beliefs about the therapeutic relationship, personal strengths, and characteristics that you bring to such a relationship and ethical guidelines that you consider important to adhere to within such a relationship.

In: Psychology

What personal qualtities accounted for Hitler's rise to power? In what context would these be important?...

What personal qualtities accounted for Hitler's rise to power? In what context would these be important? How critical were Hiltler's communication skills? How did he hone them?

In: Psychology

Sexual Harassment in the work place (Business Ethics) Please develop the reason of this topic(Sexual Harassment...

Sexual Harassment in the work place (Business Ethics)

Please develop the reason of this topic(Sexual Harassment in the work place). (like why) please use these reason and explain the Sexual Harassment in the work place: gender descrimination(stereotyping, objectification), political agenda, Negative personality traits. Everything is based on Sexual Harassment in the work place.  300 words for each one. And with some news and link. Thank you, nees it asap asap!!! Help!!!

In: Psychology

Creating measurable, attainable, positive and specific (MAPS) goals.After reading each of the following general goals, write...

Creating measurable, attainable, positive and specific (MAPS) goals.After reading each of the following general goals, write a question a practitioner could use as a step toward developing a possible MAPS goal and then write a Possible MAPS goal.

1. As I understand it, your goal is to increase your self-confidence.

2.You want to learn to appropriately discipline your children.

3.You will attend six family therapy meetings.

4.You want to stop drinking.

5.You would like your family to do something together that is fun instead of working all the time.

6.You want the people in this group to stop spending so much time talking about what is going on outside of the group.

7.This task group wants to stop spending so much time complaining.

In: Psychology