While middle childhood is the developmental period centered on the child’s growing inclusion in the wider...

While middle childhood is the developmental period centered on the child’s growing inclusion in the wider social world, school-age children are also able to participate more fully in the responsibilities of family life. To earn credit for this post, please respond to the following questions:

1. Imagine that you are the parent of a 7-year-old child. What household tasks would you assign to your 7-year-old son? What household tasks would you assign to your 7-year-old daughter?

2. How might the school child’s responsibilities at home affect his or her ability to cope with everyday problems in adolescence and adulthood—for better or for worse?

3. How often are these tasks performed (or how much time do they take)?

4. What tasks do you think would be appropriate for an 11-year-old son and for an 11-year-old daughter?

5. How often are these tasks performed (or how much time do they take)?

6. In your hypothetical family (indicate the number of members and their ages), how are the decisions made about the division of household responsibilities?

7. If you can remember them, describe your own responsibilities at home during the school years.

In: Psychology

How is identity communicated generally, and how do you communicate your identity? What is the relationship...

How is identity communicated generally, and how do you communicate your identity? What is the relationship between cultural and religious or spiritual identity? How are they different/similar?

In: Psychology

A proposal on sexual harassment at work place in Apa format.

A proposal on sexual harassment at work place in Apa format.

In: Psychology

1) How would you go about setting up a portfolio system to assess your studentsʹ literacy...

1) How would you go about setting up a portfolio system to assess your studentsʹ literacy development?

In: Psychology

Write the reflection on the five (5) levels of Leadership by John Maxwell. Please I need...

Write the reflection on the five (5) levels of Leadership by John Maxwell. Please I need atleast two pages

In: Psychology

Describe the difference between boundary crossing and boundary violations in a counseling relationship. How do the...

Describe the difference between boundary crossing and boundary violations in a counseling relationship. How do the ACA and the NAADAC address these concepts?

*Please answer it precisely and support your answer with references.   

In: Psychology

Clinical trials are a key type of health care-related EXPERIMENTAL Research Study. Go to "Inside Clinical...

Clinical trials are a key type of health care-related EXPERIMENTAL Research Study. Go to "Inside Clinical Trials: Testing Medical Products in People" Then, go to: and choose one Clinical Trial. Summarize, in your own words, in complete sentences and paragraphs:


1.Scope of the Experiment (Trial)

2.Specific type of Experiment

3.Name(s) of those who performed the Experiment

4.Share the results of the Experiment

5.Cite the article in APA format.

In: Psychology

If you were a defense attorney, would you defend a foreign national who had been charged...

If you were a defense attorney, would you defend a foreign national who had been charged with human trafficking and sex slavery? He had been convicted of similar crimes in the past and had done time in prison twice. You have two teenage daughters yourself. He offered you cash for your service. What would you do? Why? Be sure to consider legal ethics when making your decision.

In: Psychology

Read each of the research activities below and match them to one of the 6 subdivisions...

Read each of the research activities below and match them to one of the 6 subdivisions of biopsychology

(physiological psychology, psychopharmacology, neuropsychology, psychophysiology, cognitive neuroscience, comparative psychology).

1-Investigating which great ape species (chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos) is most capable of learning to use American sign language

2-Demonstrating that patients with frontal lobe damage engage in more impulse behaviors and have more frequent emotional outbursts

3-Discovering that the drug ketamine works to relieve depression symptoms much faster than traditional antidepressant drugs

4- Using brain imaging to determine which brain areas are most active when we look at others’ faces

5- Using rats to determine how cutting the connection between the two cerebral hemispheres might affect motor coordination

6- Finding that brain activity changes during different parts of the sleep cycle by using scalp electrodes to perform noninvasive recording of electrical signals

In: Psychology

Using the following definition to determine if the child in each case study has a mental...

Using the following definition to determine if the child in each case study has a mental disorder. If there’s not enough information in the case study, identify any other information you would need to determine if he or she meets the DSM-5 definition: A mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning. Mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress or disability in social, occupational, or other important activities. An expectable or culturally approved response to a common stressor or loss, such as the death of a loved one, is not a mental disorder. Socially deviant behavior (e.g., political, religious, sexual) and conflicts that are primarily between the individual and society are not mental disorders unless the deviance or conflict results from a dysfunction in the individual, as described above.

Margaret wets the bed at night. Her parents discover her wet the next morning and spend a great deal of time and energy washing her pajamas and bedding. _______________

Shawn is afraid to ride elevators. Every time he is in an elevator, he experiences intense feelings of panic. He tries to avoid elevators whenever he can. ____________________

Charlotte is a teenage girl whose father died of a heart attack. Charlotte isn’t eating or sleeping well. She can’t concentrate on her homework or activities at school. Sometimes, at night, she talks with her father about her day before she falls asleep. She also thinks a lot about death. _____________________

Jordan was slow to reach many developmental milestones, including sitting up and walking. Most striking are Jordan’s marked delays in language. He has limited vocabulary, struggles to recite the alphabet or recognize letters, and has difficulty counting. He also has problems performing self-care tasks typical of children his age, such as dressing, bathing, and grooming. ___________________

Corey is an 8-year-old boy who shows significant problems with hyperactivity and impulsiveness at home. “Corey is always on the go. Watching him tires me out,” his mother reported. Corey has difficulty remaining seated during meals, constantly fidgets with objects around the house, talks incessantly, and engages in high-rate behavior. “He’s very impulsive,” she added. _____________________

In: Psychology

C. Wright Mills implored us to use our sociological imaginations by connecting our seemingly 'private troubles'...

C. Wright Mills implored us to use our sociological imaginations by connecting our seemingly 'private troubles' to 'public issues.' In this week's essay, I'd like you to reflect on a particular 'private trouble' in your life. However, instead of thinking about this trouble--as we so often do--at the individual level (e.g. 'It is my fault', 'This is my problem,' or 'I'm the only one that can fix this'), I'd like you to use your sociological imagination by connecting its cause to the more macro-level of 'public issues.' In short, what is the social, cultural, political, and/or economic roots of this 'private trouble'? Finally, how can we, as a society, work to address this 'public issue.'

In: Psychology

What is the overall point of The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or...

What is the overall point of The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself? What is his story referencing and why?

In: Psychology

US history Subject: Discuss the reasons for the diversity of North America's regional environments, compare and...

US history Subject: Discuss the reasons for the diversity of North America's regional environments, compare and contrast a few, along with Ancient African societies,

In: Psychology

Daily Hassles/Uplifts versus Major Life Change Events: What were your key findings from the assessments? What...

Daily Hassles/Uplifts versus Major Life Change Events: What were your key findings from the assessments? What action plans do you need to implement to better cope with your stress?

Which of the two types impact your mental and physical health the most?

Explain. What are your most challenging stressors? What are simple coping strategies that seem to be working the best for you?

In: Psychology

Effective persuasive techniques in one culture may not work in another culture. Do a web search...

Effective persuasive techniques in one culture may not work in another culture. Do a web search on “intercultural communication” and locate a topic that is important for technical communication. Find an example of persuasive techniques effective in one culture that are not effective in another. Write a short summary of your findings.

In: Psychology