1) What is the significance of the Persian Wars (494-480 BC)? 2) What is the significance...

1) What is the significance of the Persian Wars (494-480 BC)?
2) What is the significance and legacy of Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic kingdoms--in terms of science, philosophy, religion, etc.

In: Psychology

In what ways is socioeconomic status related to wellness in old age and to life expectancy?

In what ways is socioeconomic status related to wellness in old age and to life expectancy?

In: Psychology

what are the primary assistive technology approaches to assisting individuals who have visual field problems

what are the primary assistive technology approaches to assisting individuals who have visual field problems

In: Psychology

Love Language Project Part I Objective: To demonstrate the principles of love languages and effective use...

Love Language Project Part I
To demonstrate the principles of love languages and effective use of interpersonal communication skills through “gifting” a close interpersonal relationship.
Please research the 5 Love Languages. Set a time when you can interview your selected person, at least ½ hour. Choose a quiet, comfortable environment where you will be able to listen effectively. The goal of your interview is to learn how your selected person most likes to receive expressions of affection.
You might begin by sharing the five love languages with them and asking some versions of the following questions:
1. Based on the descriptions in this section and this piece, which of the five love languages is most appealing to you to receive?
2. Can you share a story/example of a time when you received affection this way?
3. Which is the most challenging/uncomfortable love language for you to receive?
4. Can you share a story/example of a time when you received affection this way?
5. What changes do you think you could make in the way you receive affectionate messages in your close relationships?

Please describe the person that you chose to interview and your relationship with them. Then, post their responses to the questions

Love Language Project Part II

Write a personal reflection paper, at least 1.5 pages long, double spaced, typed, include the following:
1. What did you learn about your selected person and their preferred love languages from your interview? What was challenging about the interview? What surprised you?
2. How does their preferred love languages differ from yours? Did this make it difficult to plan your special event?
3. Comment on planning your Love Language Event. How did you come up with your ideas? What was easy and what was challenging?
4. Comment on implementing your Love Language Event. What was enjoyable? What was challenging? Did it go as you’d planned?
5. Comment on the Love Language Project in general. What did you learn? About the other person? About yourself?
6. How might what you learned during this Love Language Project affect your expressions of affection in other relationships?

In: Psychology

give an example of a population of gang violence. Which sampling method would be the best...

give an example of a population of gang violence. Which sampling method would be the best to use in order to obtain a sample from the population of gangs

In: Psychology

Respond briefly to ONE (1) of the following therapeutic interventions as it corresponds to a client...

Respond briefly to ONE (1) of the following therapeutic interventions as it corresponds to a client with Depression:

A. Explore how depression is experienced in a client's day-to-day living.

B. Ask a client to make a list of what he/she is depressed about and process list with a therapist.

C. Encourage sharing feelings of depression in order to clarify them and gain insight as to causes.

D. Explore experiences from a client's childhood that contribute to current depressed states.

E. Encourage client to share feelings of anger regarding pain inflicted on him/her in childhood that contributes to current depressed state.

In: Psychology

Is sampling always necessary? Discuss under what circumstances it is necessary and under what circumstances it...

Is sampling always necessary? Discuss under what circumstances it is necessary and under what circumstances it would not be.

In: Psychology

Examine the key reasons why so many people might seem to be attracted to more pseudoscience-type...

Examine the key reasons why so many people might seem to be attracted to more pseudoscience-type claims. Describe at least two (2) such claims that you have heard people make, and analyze the main reasons why such claims do or do not meet rigorous scientific methodology standards. Determine at least two (2) ways in which the material discussed this week has changed your own thinking.

In: Psychology

To test the following statistical hypothesis, which statistical test would you use? Younger girls compared to...

To test the following statistical hypothesis, which statistical test would you use?

Younger girls compared to older girls (1= younger, 2=older) score higher on self-esteem (total score ranging from 1 to 50).

Select one:

a. t-test

b. paired samples t-test

c. Chi-square

d. Correlation

In: Psychology

How did the women's movement in the 1960s and 1970s change how we view women in...

How did the women's movement in the 1960s and 1970s change how we view women in the workforce?

In: Psychology

Select ONE of the following questions and write a brief (at least 5 sentences, but less...

Select ONE of the following questions and write a brief (at least 5 sentences, but less than one page) essay response:

Is the correspondence theory of truth (as discussed by Russell) plausible? Do you think it adequately conveys what we ordinarily mean by “truth” or is something missing?

Is James’ criterion of truth as the success of an idea in practice clear? What problems, if any, do you see with it? Does it seem a better alternative than the correspondence theory? Explain why or why not.

In: Psychology

Discuss how various explanations of gender differentiation can be used to accoount for the way that...

Discuss how various explanations of gender differentiation can be used to accoount for the way that you have developed. In doing so, identify some experiences in your life in which you were treated in a particular way primarily because of your gender.

In: Psychology

Match the terms with their definitions. Paired sample T test, Inferential statistics, descriptive statistics, Non-parametic inferential...

Match the terms with their definitions.

Paired sample T test, Inferential statistics, descriptive statistics, Non-parametic inferential statistical procedures, Chi-square, Correlation, Independant-samples T test, Parametric inferential statistical procedures

1) This parametric statistical procedure is used when you have a dependent variable that is interval (1, 2, 3, 4, .....and so on), and an independent variable that is dichotomous (1=yes, 2=no for example). This tests compares the means (averages) of two samples and tells you if there are statistically significant differences between the two samples.

2) This statistical test determines the strength of a linear relationship between two variables. It measures the degree of relatedness and the direction of the relationship. It is a measure of "effect size" (effect size is from chp 21)

3) This parametric statistical procedure is used when you have scores from two points in time (pre-test and post-test), and the dependent variable is interval level. this test indicates whether there is a statistically significant difference in mean (average) scores between time 1 (pretest) and time 2 (posttest)).

4) When you can assume that a variable is normally distributed in a population and the dependent variable of interest is an interval level variable (measured continuously with one meaning one and two meaning two etc.) these types of statistical tests are used

5) These are used when you are using a sample to test a hypothesis about a population.

6) This non-parametric statistical procedure is used when you have a dependent variable that is either dichotomous, categorical, or ordinal and an independent variable that is dichotomous, categorical or ordinal. The results tell you whether the observed sample data is the same as what you would expect (the expected data), if the two variables are not associated.

7) When you cannot assume that a variable is normally distributed in a population and the dependent variable of interest is not an interval level variable but rather a dichotomous (ie 1=yes or 2=no; 1=male or 2=female), categorical (ie1=cats, 2=dogs, 3=birds), or ordinal (ie 1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=always) with the numbers only used to represent categories, these types of statistical tests are used

8) The procedures used to describe and summarize data

In: Psychology

·         Discuss how memory works and how it becomes inaccurate. Give real life examples of the...

·         Discuss how memory works and how it becomes inaccurate. Give real life examples of the concepts you are summarizing.

In: Psychology

The die was cast. Prem Nath Divan, executive chairman of Vertigo, the country’s largest engineering project...

The die was cast. Prem Nath Divan, executive chairman of Vertigo, the country’s largest engineering project organization, decided to switch tracks for a career in academics. Divan was still six years short of the company’s retirement age of 65. His premature exit was bound to create a flutter at the Vertigo board. Having joined Vertigo as a management trainee soon after college, he had gradually risen through the hierarchy to take a board position as the marketing director of the firm at 32. He had become the president five years later and the youngest chairman of the company at 45. But, by the time he was 50, the whizkid had acquired a larger than life image of a role model for younger managers and a statesman who symbolized the best and brightest face of Indian management.

          On his wife’s suggestion that it would be wise to discuss the move with one of his trusted colleagues before making a formal announcement of his intention to seek premature retirement, Divan called on Ramcharan Saxena, a solicitor who has been on the Vertigo board for over a decade. Sexena was surprised at Divan’s plan. But he was unfazed. “If that is what you want to do for the rest of your life, we can only wish you well”, he told him. “The board will miss you. But the business should go on. We should get down to the task of choosing a successor. The sooner it is done, the better.

          “I think the choice is quite obvious, “said Divan, “Ranjan Warrior. He is good and …” Divan was taken aback to see Saxena grimace. “You don’t have anything against him, do you?” he asks him. “No, no,” said Saxena, “He is good. A financial strategist and a visionary. His conceptual skills have served the company well. But he has always had staff role with no line experience. What we need is someone from operations. Like Richard Crasta.”

          “Richard known things inside out alright”, said Divan, “But he is just a doer. Not fire in the belly. Vertigo needs someone who understands the value of power and known how to use it. Like me. Like Ranjan.”

          “That is just the problem, “said Saxena. “Prem, let me tell you something. Ranjan is a man in your own image. Everyone known that he is your protégé. And are never popular. He has generated a lot of resentment among senior Veritigo executives and there would be a revolt if he were to succeed you. An exodus is something we can’t afford to have on our hands. We should think of someone else in the interest of stability to top management.” Divan could not believe what he heard. He had always prided himself on his hands – on style and thought he had his ear to the ground. “How could I lose touch?” he wondered, somewhat shaken.

          “When you are the boss, people accept your authority without question,” continued Saxena. “In any case, you have been successful at Vertigo and it is difficult to argue with success. But the moment you announce your intention to leave, the aura begins to fade away. And in deciding on your successor, the board will seek your opinion, with due regard to your judgment. The board member must do what in their view is right for the company. Having said that, may I also mention that if there is a showdown in the boardroom, you could always choose to stay on ? We would like it. Or we could bring in an outsider.”

          “I have finalized my career plans and there is no question of staying on beyond six months from now,” said Divan. “The board is scheduled to meet next month. Let us shelve the matter till then. In the meantime, I rely on you, Ram, to keep this discussion between the two of us.”

          “Of course yes,” said Saxena.

          On his way home, Divan thought about the matter in detail. Bringing an outsider would undo all his life’s work at Vertigo. There were considerations like cuture and compatibility which were paramount. The chairman had to be an inside man. “Richard lacks stature, “Divan said to himself. “Ranjan is the one I have been grooming, but heavens, the flip side of it all had missed me completely. There is no way I can allow a split at the top just before I quit. I must leave on a high note in my own interest. I must find a way out of he imminent mess.”


1.         What should Divan do?

In: Psychology