This week we will be discussing issues of race and ethnicity in the early modern period....

This week we will be discussing issues of race and ethnicity in the early modern period. To what extent is the nature of race and identity created by religion? Or is it created by trade and economics? Is it created by a shared language? Is it created by skin color? Is it created by wealth or inequality? Your question is this: How does a community begin to identify itself, and how does it see others? Feel free to share your thoughts on current events, personal history, or generalized ideas, as you feel appropriate. This is a graded discussion. You will need to make one original post, and make comments on two of your classmates' posts. Your comments must be substantive and engage your classmates in further discussion (not simply, I agree, or great post). Ask deeper questions of your classmates. Get to know them. Challenge them to think in different ways. But as always, be respectful, know when to back off, and know when to agree to disagree. You will also need to respond to each of the comments in thoughtful ways. I will remove any postings that are offensive in any way.  

In: Psychology

What are the theoretical framework and conceptional framework for "Student’s satisfaction with the education services provided...

What are the theoretical framework and conceptional framework for "Student’s satisfaction with the education services provided by the University" research?

In: Psychology

1. Marijuana has been legalized in several states. Some people believe this has resulted in an...

1. Marijuana has been legalized in several states. Some people believe this has resulted in an increase of impaired drivers on the road and that traffic fatalities have increased as a result. While some drug tests taken at the scene of accidents do indicate the presence of marijuana, such tests only reveal that the drug has been used -- they do not indicate actual intoxication, as indicators of marijuana use can stay in the system for days or even weeks after actual use. This is unlike alcohol, where a roadside test is a clear indicator in most cases of intoxication. What are some likely ethical issues arising from such testing? If people are using marijuana for medical reasons, they will most likely test positive for the drug's presence all the time, yet they will need to be able to drive. How can a "legal limit" be reasonably set if intoxication is not measured by certain tests?

In: Psychology

Scenario: You are the parent of a 13-year-old son and a 17-year-old daughter. You and your...

Scenario: You are the parent of a 13-year-old son and a 17-year-old daughter. You and your spouse have recently decided to obtain a divorce. The decision is that you will retain custody of the children and your spouse will have them every other weekend. Your spouse will be moving out this coming weekend. Now the children have to be told. Using your knowledge about individual differences in susceptibility for the development of adverse outcomes discuss how you will tell your children about the divorce?

List the factors to be considered in the conversation

Provide specific examples that reflects your conversation with a 13-year old and a 17-year old.

In: Psychology

I need the summary of "Marriage Shows the Way Out of Poverty" by Jennifer A.Marshall, from...

I need the summary of "Marriage Shows the Way Out of Poverty" by Jennifer A.Marshall, from the Spectrum, A Collection of Engaging Essays

In: Psychology

Answer the following: 25. Intelligence tests can be utilized to identify vocational and educational opportunities. T         ...

Answer the following:

25. Intelligence tests can be utilized to identify vocational and educational opportunities. T          F

26. What are drive reduction impulses? ___________________________________________________________________________________________


27. Human behavior is primarily instinctual. T        F

28. What are gut reactions? _________________________________________________________


29. Explain the stages of Maslow’s theory of hierarchy:




30. Men on the average earn less than women on the job. T         F

31. The degree of aggressive behavior between men and women is identical.

T           F

32. There are not any general differences between men and women regarding IQ scores.    T         F

33. A mother who drinks alcohol regularly may possibly give birth to a child with cognitive issues.    T        F

34. One in 10 people in the United states will be infected with a STI at some point or another.    T       F

In: Psychology

How does William experience being in nature both mentally and emotionally? For William, what is the...

How does William experience being in nature both mentally and emotionally? For William, what is the function of sensory experience (esp. seeing, hearing and feeling but also implicitly smelling and tasting) in facilitating the interrelationship between the mind/body and nature? What does William mean in “Expostulation and Reply” in stanza 5 when he says:

            ‘The eye it cannot chuse but see;

            ‘We cannot bid the ear be still;

            ‘Our bodies feel, where’er they be,

            ‘Against or with our will

In: Psychology

For each of the characters described below, what types of informative speeches (Definitional Speeches, Descriptive Speeches,...

For each of the characters described below, what types of informative speeches (Definitional Speeches, Descriptive Speeches, Explanatory Speeches and Demonstration Speeches) might each person be called upon to give in her or his personal and professional life? List 4 examples for each.

A. Stacy is an emergency room physician and medical school professor. She also serves on the board of directors for a local college. For recreation she enjoys rock climbing.

B. Rick is an animal control officer who volunteers his time at both the animal shelter and the local Habitat for Humanity group. He is in a bowling league with other city employees.

C. Akiko is in insurance sales and volunteers in the math classroom at her children’s middle school. As a hobby, she collects and sells antiques

In: Psychology

Consider how being part of a crowd or group changes your behavior. How can deindividuation change...

Consider how being part of a crowd or group changes your behavior. How can deindividuation change people's behavior? Could deindividuation lead to positive outcomes? What is a way to encourage members of a crowd to behave in line with their "normal" values?

In: Psychology

Cross culture communication and navigating college I n one paragraph?

Cross culture communication and navigating college I n one paragraph?

In: Psychology

What is the main concept of Max Webers theory?

What is the main concept of Max Webers theory?

In: Psychology

The Story of Psychology Book: What value should we place on Freud’s theories? Are we better...

The Story of Psychology Book:

What value should we place on Freud’s theories? Are we better off having known Freud? Or did he hinder the future of psychology? Please argue from a scientific perspective.

In: Psychology

looking for tips on how to study brain functions and parts

looking for tips on how to study brain functions and parts

In: Psychology

2. How does Boethius reconcile an omniscient God and human free will? Explain why you find...

2. How does Boethius reconcile an omniscient God and human free will? Explain why you find his reasoning persuasive or unpersuasive.

In: Psychology

Consider your own gender. What do you think it means to be that gender in our...

Consider your own gender. What do you think it means to be that gender in our society? How did you learn how a man or women should act in our society, or what they should do or be? While you were growing up did you ever feel conflicted about how you thought you should act as a male or a female and how you wanted to act (or what you should do or be)? Please share some of your own experiences with gender role socialization.

In: Psychology