1.Describe three types of attention deficits seen in children with ADHD, and provide an example of...

1.Describe three types of attention deficits seen in children with ADHD, and provide an example of each.

2.How do the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity change over the lifespan?

In: Psychology

Review the content on people and power in communities, social support networks, and empowerment and communities....

Review the content on people and power in communities, social support networks, and empowerment and communities. Read the scenario below and answer the subsequent questions:

1.        In what ways does Chuck have power and in what ways does he not? (Power may involve information, wealth, reputation, high status, holding a decision-making position, laws and policies, connections.)

2.        What social support networks might be developed or enhanced for Chuck to empower himself?

3.        In what other ways might Chuck’s involvement with the community be enhanced?

SCENARIO: A concerned neighbor, Al, referred Chuck, 77, to the Hustlebustle County Older Adults Protective Services Unit. Chuck lives in his small rundown two-story home in an urban neighborhood. Al reported that twice he found Chuck had fallen helplessly on the ground while walking out to get his mail. Both times Al had to practically carry Chuck back into the house. Chuck has rheumatoid arthritis which makes it very difficult to walk even with his two canes. Additionally, his eyesight is very poor. Al also raised questions about Chuck's ability to shop and cook for himself.

Chuck’s wife Vicki died two years ago after a long bout with intestinal cancer. Since her death, Chuck has remained isolated and alone. He has three sons. Only his oldest son Mike, 48, lives in the area 12 miles away and owns a small delicatessen. Mike works long hours to keep his business afloat and has little time to spend with his own family, let alone with Chuck. Mike and his wife Jane have three teenage daughters. Chuck is proud of his grandchildren and looks forward to seeing them on holidays. Jane works part-time in the deli to help out whenever she can. Jane calls Chuck every few weeks to see how he’s doing. Sometimes, she drives him to medical appointments or to pick up some groceries.

Chuck’s second son Horace, 42, is a pop artist in San Francisco. The youngest, Henry, 35, is a worm farmer in Idaho. Both are single. Chuck usually talks to them on the phone every month or two. Chuck used to attend church regularly. However, the church is located four blocks from his home and he finds it too difficult to walk there. He no longer can drive.

Chuck considers himself an intelligent, independent man who worked hard all of his life as a carpenter. However, since his arthritis took a turn for the worse ten years ago, he has had to stop working. He is now facing financial difficulties. He has experienced many years of little income and high health costs for both him and his wife. He is becoming increasingly depressed at his failing health. However, he clings doggedly to the notion he must remain in his home. To do otherwise, he thinks to himself, would mean giving up and accepting certain death. Chuck is aware of the Happy Heavenly Health Care Center, a nursing home five blocks from his home. He has sadly watched some of his friends enter it and dreads the thought of having to go himself.

In summary, Chuck’s problems include: failing health involving arthritis, poor eyesight, and intestinal distress (the last of which he does not like to talk about); loneliness; having few activities to keep him busy; and feeling unwanted and unimportant. Strengths include: intelligence; independence; ownership of his home; having concerned children; and an outgoing, sociable personality. Some of Chuck’s likes include: a love of reading classical novels (on bright days when his eyesight improves slightly); seeing his children; playing stud poker; and drinking beer (not light, because he thinks it tastes like colored water).

In: Psychology

Many reform movements/causes began during this era, pick one of them and describe it and it's...

Many reform movements/causes began during this era, pick one of them and describe it and it's importance.​

In: Psychology

Define what Auguste Comte meant by positivism. Then describe Comte's three historical epistemological stages of human...

Define what Auguste Comte meant by positivism. Then describe Comte's three historical epistemological stages of human society.

In: Psychology

1. Define the socialisation process and what the process entails. 2. State various interactive elements of...

1. Define the socialisation process and what the process entails.

2. State various interactive elements of human ecology and explain their roles in socialisation processes.

3. Examine the influence of chronosystem on the meaning of childhood and its impacts on the process of child development.

4. Specify the measures that reflect the well-being of children in general.

5. Describe the challenges adults have to face in socialising children in the modern world and identify the ways to solve them.

6. Define socialisation.

7. Explain how socialisation is a unique human process.

8. Explain the reciprocal and dynamic process of socialisation.

9. State the difference between intentional socialisation and unintentional socialisation.

10. Explain child development through the Bronfenbrenner biological model.

11. Identify the four constructs in Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of human development.

12. Explain the impacts of changes in human ecology on the process of socialisation.

13. Illustrate the changes in the definition of childhood from the Renaissance era up until the present day.

14. Describe how socialisation can help children adapt to changes in the modern era.

15. Define the chronosystem.

16. Describe how the change in chronosystem impacts the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem.

17. Identify measures that reflect the welfare of children in general.

18. Identify and discuss current societal trends that influence the socialization process of children.

In: Psychology

Define what the scientific method is. Describe each step of the scientific method. Describe how you...

Define what the scientific method is.

Describe each step of the scientific method.

Describe how you might use one of these steps as a student or in the workforce.

In: Psychology

3. Why is the family a major social institution? Discuss

3. Why is the family a major social institution? Discuss

In: Psychology

Self-Awareness Activity 2: You are a member in the student council. After reading information about the...


Activity 2:

You are a member in the student council. After reading information about the importance of self-awareness, how does self-awareness align people's behavior with their values and lead them to make better life choices, you also decide to develop an intervention for your peer group in the student counsel. The goal of your intervention is to help them increase their own self-awareness. Design a realistic program that students could use in order to increase their self-awareness. Write down your intervention plans/ strategies you will use to train them.

Activity: 3

Narrate 2 scenarios from your life where you used Defense Mechanism and name them. Explain why you had to react respectively.

In: Psychology

Out of all of Freud’s stages which one did you find most interesting. In your answer...

Out of all of Freud’s stages which one did you find most interesting. In your answer you must first describe the stage and also include what could happen if you get fixated at this stage.

In: Psychology

In addition, cite the text, e.g. (p. 3), in at least one of your posts, proofread...

In addition, cite the text, e.g. (p. 3), in at least one of your posts, proofread your post carefully, and read all student posts.

Part 1 - Research Methods

  1. What are some key differences between experimental and correlational research? Think of at least 2.
  2. Why might researchers sometimes use methods other than experiments? Give 2 reasons and explain them.
  3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of survey method, naturalistic observation and case study? Give 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of each.
  4. Explain correlations by providing a personal example of a positive correlation and a negative correlation. Hint: Think of two variables in your personal life that are strongly related to each other.

In: Psychology

Using the Pre-Socratics as your guide, explain why it is said that the source of philosophy...

Using the Pre-Socratics as your guide, explain why it is said that the source of philosophy lies in the distinction between being and seeming.

In: Psychology

In the Benefits vs. Costs worksheet, you looked at how friends might exchange rewards in a...

In the Benefits vs. Costs worksheet, you looked at how friends might exchange rewards in a relationship. This exchange might occur more easily when friends live near one another, and would occur based on the proximity-attraction principle as we choose friends from those who live close by. However, technology has changed this pattern to some extent, giving us the ability to socialize easily from great distances. List three proximal friendships and three distant friendships and describe how you stay in touch. How do you describe the benefits vs. costs in proximal vs. distant friendships based on your own interactions?

In: Psychology

What are the biological interactions that occur during the "fight or flight" reflex. In general, how...

What are the biological interactions that occur during the "fight or flight" reflex. In general, how do neurotransmitters and neurohormones play a role in communication between the CNS and the ENS? How do the endocrine and nervous systems work together in times of an emergency. Explain the biological changes and signs that occur during Walter Cannon's arousal reflex (the fight or flight reflex) and Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome – including the concept of reactivity.

In: Psychology

The educational model at UoPeople places a great emphasis on examinations. Does your culture or country...

The educational model at UoPeople places a great emphasis on examinations. Does your culture or country have the same emphasis?

Do you personally agree with the emphasis placed on examinations?

In: Psychology

Social competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral skills. For example,...

Social competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral skills. For example, changing social interactions based on the situational perspective of another individual. Cultural competence enables organizations to work in cross-cultural situations based on skills, attitudes, behaviors and policies. For example, providing health care services that meets all the needs of patients. In 500-750 words, evaluate the importance of scientific inquiry (research) in social and cultural competence. Consider the historical foundations social psychological inquiry has been founded.

In: Psychology