How many trips to Africa did Malcolm X make?

How many trips to Africa did Malcolm X make?

In: Psychology

Would you classify deafness as a disablilty? Should being deaf be considered a disability in schools?...

Would you classify deafness as a disablilty? Should being deaf be considered a disability in schools? Should we be putting deaf children in special educational programs and treating them as having a developmental/language disorder? What are some things you would suggest to schools to improve how they deal with deaf students in their schools?

In: Psychology

1. During adolescence egocentrism appears to manifest in several unique ways that teens have trouble distinguishing...

1. During adolescence egocentrism appears to manifest in several unique ways that teens have trouble distinguishing until later in life. What is the imaginary audience and how does it affect behavior? Please read the article by Bell & Bromnick (2003) within the Chapter 11 folder. After reading the article do you think the imaginary audience is real (as the text suggests) or an imagined/mental construct as suggested by Bell and Bromnick. What role do you think the imaginary audience plays in the explosion of adolescents writing blogs and social media activity?

In: Psychology

Describe how race and ethnicity shape the type of work that people do as well as...

Describe how race and ethnicity shape the type of work that people do as well as their odds of receiving advanced schooling and being poor.  Feel free to start each one in a new thread.

In: Psychology

Find a developing nation in which child marriage is common. What is the age of legal...

Find a developing nation in which child marriage is common. What is the age of legal marriage in that country? Is child marriage legal in that nation?

Why might parents in that country agree to early marriage, even if it is against the law?

What would you recommend, should be done to prevent early marriage in your chosen country?

In: Psychology

Give several reasons why effective instruction involves more than giving good lectures and explain how the...

Give several reasons why effective instruction involves more than giving good lectures and explain how the QAIT model of effective instruction provides opportunities for accommodating differences in student ability.

Education Psychology: Theory and Practice, 11th Ed. by Robert E. Slavin

In: Psychology

Perspectives of Psychology Goal of assignment: identify and understand the different perspectives in understanding human behavior....

Perspectives of Psychology Goal of assignment: identify and understand the different perspectives in understanding human behavior.

Case: Patient grew up with parents who didn’t divorce but fought a lot. Patient is having trouble in a relationship with an overpowering partner. Patient is failing out of school, can’t get out of bed in the mornings for classes, and is overwhelmed with decision making. Patient does not have a good support system outside of partner. Patient reports feeling depressed and anxious. Assign a name (make one up) and gender to the patient in the above case. Now, imagine the patient’s lifestyle, culture, neighborhood, relatives, etc. (be creative). Imagine the patient’s story. We have a panel of experts, each with a different contemporary perspective, who will be given the case based on your story. Quote each expert’s opinion on the underlying reason for Patient’s current functioning. Limit your writing to 3-4 sentences per perspective. Be clear and concise. Identify the perspective and then explain. Here’s an example: • Evolutionary View “Well, this is clearly a matter of survival of the fittest - poor adaptation and weak survival instincts. Those who are capable of dealing with the stressors will go on to do well academically and in relationships and enable the survival of their genes. Some people thrive and other collapse under stress, as in Max’s case.”

Name: ______________________ Gender: _____________________

Biological View

Behaviorist View

Cognitive View

Psychodynamic View

Humanistic View

Sociocultural View

Diversity in Psychology

Why is diversity in the field of psychology important? I already know that it is good to get different perspectives, so you can’t say that. Sometimes, this can be a sensitive topic. Often, it’s because people don’t stop to think about the real value of meaningful diversity – not to fill quotas. Write 3-4 sentences on this issue depicting your understanding.

In: Psychology

Imagine you’re thinking about buying a new car. Before making this important decision, you’ll want to...

Imagine you’re thinking about buying a new car. Before making this important decision, you’ll want to gather as much information as possible to help make the right choice. Determine the level of trust that you would place in information provided by the following sources: a salesman at the car lot, the dealer’s Website, social media (i.e. Facebook), an associate from work, and a close friend. Discuss the key factors involved in assessing the amount of trust that you put into each source.

In: Psychology

Using your own words, how are gender roles developed? please respond to that in your own...

Using your own words, how are gender roles developed? please respond to that in your own words

In: Psychology

Imagine you are Person A. You just graduated from school and are now on your own....

Imagine you are Person A. You just graduated from school and are now on your own. Your family is unable to help you in any way. You managed to find a job, but the pay is only enough to cover your rent in a tiny rundown apartment, transportation to and from work, limited cell phone service, and fast food or other cheap sources of calories. Your purchases of clothing and personal items are limited to what you absolutely require. You cannot buy anything simply because you like it. You need some new slacks to wear to work, so you are skipping breakfast this month to save for them. You cannot afford to see a doctor if you get sick. Your only choices for entertainment include hanging out with old friends from school, walking in a city park, watching a 9-year-old TV in your apartment, or reading books from the library. You do not have a computer or access to the Internet or cable TV at home. You do not know if or when you will be able to get a higher-paying job.

Now, imagine you are Person B. Like Person A, you just graduated from school. But unlike Person A, you have been put under house arrest for one year because of a conviction for drug possession. Although you live alone, you are the beneficiary of a family fortune and have more money than you could possibly spend in a lifetime. You are not allowed to leave your beautiful penthouse apartment, which is furnished with every kind of electronic entertainment device known to man. You do not need a job; you can surf the Internet; you can buy anything you want online and have it delivered; you can listen to the music you like and watch TV or streaming video whenever you wish; you can order food in from the best restaurants in town; and your friends can visit you.   

In legal terms, Person A is “free” and Person B is “not free.” Person A has the right to go anywhere in the world, while Person B is “imprisoned” in a beautifully decorated 3,000 squarefoot condominium.   


1. On page 4 of Handout S3, I describe an imagined Person A and Person B. Person A is legally free to go anywhere and do anything, but has very limited resources. Person B is confined to house arrest, but has no financial constraints. Go back and read the description, then answer the following questions:

If you had to spend a year living under the conditions of Person A or Person B, which would you choose? Which of the two has greater freedom? What if the timeframe were longer? Would that change your answers? (25 POINTS)

Answer EITHER 2a OR 2b below (25 POINTS):

2a. Happiness in the present moment has been described as being “in the flow,” a state of “being so absorbed and engaged in something that time falls away.” Here is a quote from page 14 of Handout S3:

“Being “in the flow” is not the same thing as relaxation, although both might make you lose track of time and both are important to happiness. Both can also bring about a sense of peace. Yet while relaxation generally implies a passive engagement or an avoidance of purpose, “flow” happens when you are actively focused on an intentional task or pursuit. All of your thoughts and emotions are simultaneously and purposefully directed toward this task, so much so that you may not even be aware of your feelings. You may not even be able to distinguish your awareness and intent from the actions themselves.

You might play ball, for example, either to relax or to intentionally hone your athletic skills. Either way, you might enjoy yourself and lose a sense of time, but working on skills requires more directed focus. Or, you might watch a movie either to relax or to gain information. The intention of the activity is what distinguishes “flow” from relaxation.”

What intentional activities do you engage in that take you away from time, place, and maybe even an awareness of yourself? Are there any similarities in these activities? Can you think of how to build more of them into your life?  

2b. Describe a situation in which you discovered synthetic happiness. What did you want that you did not get? What happened instead? How did you find happiness? What surprised you about the situation?

In: Psychology

What are your reactions to the MBTI/personality assessment activity? What were your results? Did any surprise...

What are your reactions to the MBTI/personality assessment activity? What were your results? Did any surprise you?

I am a Defender with a ISFJ personality and my career interst is in finance

Think about how your personality relates to your career choice. Discuss aspects of your personality that make you a good fit for this career. Discuss aspects that could pose a challenge in your career and how you will attempt to overcome them.

In: Psychology

1. Damage to the diencephalon can lead to: a) difficulty determining what information to store. b)...

1. Damage to the diencephalon can lead to:


difficulty determining what information to store.


difficulty remembering one's identity.


anterograde amnesia and confabulation.


retrograde amnesia, but not anterograde amnesia.

2. Spreading activation has been used to explain:

why context impacts recall but not recognition performance

the DRM effect

the spacing effect

all of the above

In: Psychology

(The Complete Persepolis) In the last pages of Persepolis, Marjane’s father tells her, “We Iranians, we’re...

(The Complete Persepolis)

In the last pages of Persepolis, Marjane’s father tells her, “We Iranians, we’re crushed not only by the government but by the weight of our traditions!” (339). Why do Marjane’s parents and grandmother choose to stay in this repressive society when leaving does not seem that difficult?

In: Psychology

Discuss your own experience with social media and whether you believe that social media platforms such...

Discuss your own experience with social media and whether you believe that social media platforms such as Facebook have some social obligation to ethical causes.

Are social media platforms too commercial? Cite examples in support or your position.

Explain your position on how well you believe most social media privacy filters and safeguards work, citing examples from your personal experience or research on the topic.

150 words.

In: Psychology

For this task, assume that you have been asked to host a local forum for parents...

For this task, assume that you have been asked to host a local forum for parents of junior high school aged children to discuss the consequences of having sex at an early age. Parents are debating the following topic: A sexuality education unit, at least a week in length, should be included in all grades in all schools. After the debate you are to draft a summary of the conversations. In your paper, provide both the pro and con of the debate. Provide examples for each side. Include what you would recommend be included and at what age or grade level it should be addressed.

In: Psychology