Behavioral approaches for autistic spectrum disorders: Why are behavioral approaches to autism the most effective ones?...

Behavioral approaches for autistic spectrum disorders:

Why are behavioral approaches to autism the most effective ones? No other treatment approach has yielded results nearly as favorable. Behavioral approaches are based, largely, on operant conditioning methods in which rewards and punishments are systematically applied to increase the child’s ability to attend to others, play with other children, develop academic skills, and eliminate self-mutilating behavior.

In: Psychology

What is transference and countertransference and how do they operate in the therapeutic relationship?Why is it...

What is transference and countertransference and how do they operate in the therapeutic relationship?Why is it essential to understand these basic concepts? How is resistance a central issue in analytic therapy? Explain the functions that resistance serves. Discuss some guidelines that you might use in understanding both the resistance of your clients and your reactions to their resistance. What are some ways of therapeutically dealing with resistance as opposed to viewing resistance as a negative force in ?

In: Psychology

**Choose an article from a newspaper, magazine or internet site. ****A summary of the article in...

**Choose an article from a newspaper, magazine or internet site.

****A summary of the article in your own words

***Why this is a medical ethical issue, or a fallacy
***Your ethical analysis (Be sure to mention fallacies, if appropriate, in later memos.)
***Your conclusions, i.e., What do YOU think about this.
****Include the original article, or a copy, with the memo.
****The memo is NOT to exceed 1 page in length.

***You can choose any article*******about medical issue********

In: Psychology

Why is the traditional way of looking at the master-slave dynamic somewhat contradictory

Why is the traditional way of looking at the master-slave dynamic somewhat contradictory

In: Psychology

Discussion Module 2: Theories of Development CHOOSE one theory in Chapter 2 that you believe is...

Discussion Module 2: Theories of Development

CHOOSE one theory in Chapter 2 that you believe is the most important to the study of lifespan development (there are no "right" nor "wrong" choices). In the title of your Discussion, state the name of the Theory, the name of the Theorist, and the page numbers in Chapter 2. For example: Cognitive-Development Theory, Jean Piaget, pp. 33-35

In: Psychology

Mr.? Swope's high school biology students are learning to use a dichotomous key to identify fish....

Mr.? Swope's high school biology students are learning to use a dichotomous key to identify fish. As you observe his? teaching, think about his applications of constructivist principles.

Using a constructivist? perspective, explain why Mr. Swope does not give students answers to their questions right away.

In: Psychology

You are a clinician in the psychiatric ward of the local hospital. A patient is refusing...

You are a clinician in the psychiatric ward of the local hospital. A patient is refusing medication. Before medicating against his will, the likely next step, the actiing psychiatrist has asked that a therapist meet with the individual in a last ditch effort for them to take the medication voluntarily. You are that therapist and you are given the brief note found below before entering the room to speak with the patient. How might you address Mr. Johns?  


Mr. Johns is a 34-year-old man diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He was first diagnosed at age 19, and has been hospitalized several times over the past 15 years. In between hospitalizations, he has lived with his parents, who have supported him financially and provided for his basic needs. While he recognizes that he is unable to work and care for himself, he also feels that his parents are overly controlling and he desperately wants to be able to live independently.

Currently, Mr. Johns is enraged at being hospitalized against his will. As he sees it, he decided to move out of his parents’ home because his mother was trying to give him drugs in his food that would make him follow her wishes. In addition, he self-reported that whenever he fell asleep at home, his father would come into his room and read his mind, using his thoughts against him the next day. Naturally, he has been unable to sleep or eat under these conditions, and so decided to move out on his own. However, when his father saw him walking in the street, he began trying to force him into his car and bring him back home. When he refused to return, he called the police and had him admitted to the hospital.

Mr. Johns is adamant in his opinion that he has the right to decide how to live his life. If he wants to live on the streets or sleep on park benches, he says that is his right. He has been refusing to take medication because he knows that it only poisons his mind and keeps him from thinking clearly.

In: Psychology

Practice Using What You Have? Learned: Applying Constructivist Perspectives Mr.? Swope's high school biology students are...

Practice Using What You Have? Learned: Applying Constructivist Perspectives

Mr.? Swope's high school biology students are learning to use a dichotomous key to identify fish. As you observe his? teaching, think about his applications of constructivist principles.

Using what you know about constructivist? principles, explain why you think Mr. Swope asks students to work in groups as they learn to use the dichotomous key.

In: Psychology

(150-word min.) What happened to the Native Americans when the United States expanded coast to coast?...

(150-word min.) What happened to the Native Americans when the United States expanded coast to coast? This include tribes east of the Mississippi as well as tribes in the Plains, the Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Coast. (Look specifically at the period between 1800-1900)

In: Psychology

Camille Paglia, in a short video entitled Stop BLAMING Men! Camille Paglia argues women's malaise caused...

Camille Paglia, in a short video entitled Stop BLAMING Men! Camille Paglia argues women's malaise caused by societal changes, not men, shares her take on Feminism today. Using the video to scaffold from, share your opinion on the one of the two questions:

1) How has the Feminist movement changed when compared to the suffragist movement of the past and the Feminist movement of today?

2) Do you think the Feminist movement is all-inclusive for women and their views? Why or why not?

Stop BLAMING Men! Camille Paglia argues women's malaise caused by societal changes, not men (Links to an external site.)

In: Psychology

   It is likely you have seen a movie or television show which features Electroconvulsive Therapy...

   It is likely you have seen a movie or television show which features Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). Describe ways in which the treatment is done today as well as its success rate for providing relief from depression.

In: Psychology

Discuss differences in brain activity associated with solving a problem by insight and solving a problem...

Discuss differences in brain activity associated with solving a problem by insight and solving a problem through step-by-step analysis.

In: Psychology

Is the research described in the assigned article (Swendsen, Conway, Degenhardt, Glantz, Jin, Merikangas, Sampson, &...

Is the research described in the assigned article (Swendsen, Conway, Degenhardt, Glantz, Jin, Merikangas, Sampson, & Kessler, 2010) descriptive or causal? Does the research determine cause or association? Justify your answer with evidence from the article and our readings.

In: Psychology

Matching. Place the letter indicating the most appropriate response next to the number of the question....

Matching. Place the letter indicating the most appropriate response next to the number of the question.

            A. Peasants                          B. Zealots                   C. Pharisees

            D. Sadducees                      E. Essenes                  F. All (A, B, C, D, and E)

_   _ 1. They were rabbis who taught prayer and study in synagogues as an alternative to sacrificial methods for honoring the God of Judaism.

_   _ 2. They were an apocalyptic sect who expected and prepared for a cosmic battle between the forces of dark and light and left behind their own literature about their own beliefs and practices.

_   _ 3. The first Century Jewish historian Josephus claimed that they were responsible for the Romans burning the second Judean temple down.

_   _ 4. The oldest copies of the Hebrew Bible written in Hebrew that we know of were preserved and hidden in some caves around Qumran by them.

_   _ 5. This Jewish sect was most closely connected to the second temple in Jerusalem and its priesthood, beginning with the Hasmoneans and continuing through the fall of the temple in the Roman Period.

_   _ 6. The historical Jesus directed his earthly mission primarily toward them.

In: Psychology

Conducting ethical research is crucial to ensure that participants are not harmed. Discuss five research ethics...

Conducting ethical research is crucial to ensure that participants are not harmed. Discuss five research ethics and give examples of how you would apply each to a research project.

In: Psychology