discuss some of the complex psychological and social factors that may influence individuals' decision to engage...

discuss some of the complex psychological and social factors that may influence individuals' decision to engage in safe sex practices, such as using a condom. Why is knowledge alone not enough to encourage individuals' engagement in healthy behaviors, like practicing safe sex?

In: Psychology

develop a three-four minute Personal Narrative speech about your hobby about traveling

develop a three-four minute Personal Narrative speech about your hobby about traveling

In: Psychology

As a healthcare professional, why would it be important to ask your patients with HIV about...

As a healthcare professional, why would it be important to ask your patients with HIV about their social support and level of social contact? What is the impact of loneliness on individuals' living with HIV?

In: Psychology

How does the war on terror change the way as Americans look at Domestic and National...

How does the war on terror change the way as Americans look at Domestic and National Security?

Please identify the next major threat to the United States

Please rate the United States response to catastrophic events domestically. Choose your own rating criteria and then explain.

Please answer each part separately.

In: Psychology

1 The information processing model refers to a channel of communication divided in 4 steps. What...

1 The information processing model refers to a channel of communication divided in 4 steps. What are those 4 steps?(Describe it briefly ) How can we understand memory based on that model? (100 words minimum; 5 points).

  • Encoding (sensory/short-term memory)
  • Storage (short-term/long-term memory)
  • Programming (control processes)
  • Retrieval (what the person says or does)

#2 Discuss some other aspect of memory that might have been of your interest trough this lecture; something other than the information processing model please! (100 words minimum; 5 points) (it has to be different from the previous answer)

Module 22: Studying and building memories

Module 23: Storage and retrieval

Module 24: Forgetting, memory construction and memory improvement

In: Psychology

Can you please give me a good question that I can present to my class on...

Can you please give me a good question that I can present to my class on Social Obedience? It has to be a question that the class can have a conversation about. Please give answer also.

In: Psychology

3 roadblocks to communication as Judging, Rejecting, and Blaming, Criticizing. Identify and describe three roadblocks to...

3 roadblocks to communication as Judging, Rejecting, and Blaming, Criticizing.

Identify and describe three roadblocks to communication. Now look at the list of ways to build bridges to communication in your textbook. For each of the three roadblocks to communication that you identified, pick one bridge to communication and tell how it could be an improvement to a roadblock.

Communication is a key part of healthy relationships between people and within an organization. What are some formal and informal channels of communication in a company or an organization? How do informal channels of communication differ from formal channels of communication?

Discuss an experience you had communicating with someone either in your personal or professional life. Describe the method of transmission of the message. Was it effective or were any elements misconstrued? Discuss in what ways the message was transmitted effectively and/or misconstrued. Explain why you felt it was transmitted effectively and/or misconstrued.

Effective communication is an essential factor to influence others; to express feelings and emotions; and to provide, receive, and exchange information. Current technology allows people to communicate in a wide variety of alternate ways including via instant messaging, text messaging, email etc. How does communication differ depending on the method used? How can one express feelings, emotions, tone, and intent clearly while using technology as opposed to face-to-face communication?

Give at least 2 references in APA format to support your EACH answer. Answers need to be at least 200 words with at least 2 substantial replies with at least 150 words. Give the question in bold and the answer not in bold. The initial post with the answers is due by Thursday and all replies must be posted no later than Sunday.

Thank you!

In: Psychology

what is the main phylosoohy of Hewlett parkard corporation?

what is the main phylosoohy of Hewlett parkard corporation?

In: Psychology

what elements define Canadian identity and Canadian culture? in the era of globalization, is Canadian culture...

what elements define Canadian identity and Canadian culture? in the era of globalization, is Canadian culture still distinct? Make sure to describe the issues of globalization effects on culture?

In: Psychology

List the five HIPAA-identified individual rights. For each, explain whether a covered entity must comply with...

List the five HIPAA-identified individual rights. For each, explain whether a covered entity must comply with the request. If the covered entity is not required to comply, describe the situations in which it does not have to comply. 200 words

In: Psychology

5. Verbal Disagreements and Factual Disagreements Disputes can arise about the meaning of language due to...

5. Verbal Disagreements and Factual Disagreements

Disputes can arise about the meaning of language due to factors such as vagueness and ambiguity. Disagreements about the meaning of language are called verbal disputes. By contrast, disputes can also arise over facts, such as whether a statement accurately reflects a certain actual state of affairs. Disagreements about facts are called factual disputes. When dealing with disputes, you should first determine whether a dispute is verbal or factual. If the dispute is verbal, then you should attempt to determine whether it is a result of vagueness or ambiguity.

Indicate whether each of the following disputes is a factual dispute or a verbal dispute. If the dispute is a verbal dispute, then also indicate whether the dispute arises from vagueness or ambiguity. If the dispute is a factual dispute, answer "not applicable" for the second portion of each question.

Dispute A

TREVOR: I can't believe that this artifact dates to over 10,000 years ago. It is in remarkable condition for such an antiquated find.

GARY: I guess you haven't heard the bad news. It turns out that radiocarbon dating has shown that the artifact is actually only 2,000 years old.

Is Dispute A a verbal dispute or a factual dispute?



If Dispute A is a verbal dispute, is the dispute a result of vagueness or ambiguity? Mark "not applicable" as your answer if Dispute A is not a verbal dispute.



Not applicable

Dispute B

EDUARDO: Although Mr. Rivers has his quirks, he is still a relatively normal person.

FELICITY: Mr. Rivers cannot be normal. After all, he has a model railroad in his garage. No normal person his age would still play with trains.

Is Dispute B a verbal dispute or a factual dispute?



If Dispute B is a verbal dispute, is the dispute a result of vagueness or ambiguity? Mark "not applicable" as your answer if Dispute B is not a verbal dispute.



Not applicable

Dispute C

VIVIAN: Last summer I was quite an adventurer. I climbed to the summit of Mt. Dana in Yosemite. It was the first time that I had climbed a mountain over 14,000 feet in elevation.

BEAU: I think you need to keep on climbing, then! I hate to break the news to you, but Mt. Dana is just barely over 13,000 feet above sea level.

Is Dispute C a verbal dispute or a factual dispute?



If Dispute C is a verbal dispute, is the dispute a result of vagueness or ambiguity? Mark "not applicable" as your answer if Dispute C is not a verbal dispute.



Not applicable

Dispute D

ELLIE: I have never met a person as mean as Mr. Jensen.

GARRETT: How could you possibly think that Mr. Jensen is an average person given all that he has accomplished?

Is Dispute D a verbal dispute or a factual dispute?



If Dispute D is a verbal dispute, is the dispute a result of vagueness or ambiguity? Mark "not applicable" as your answer if Dispute D is not a verbal dispute.



Not applicable

Dispute E

MARCOS: It was so exciting to go to the aquarium and see the new baby dolphin exhibit. Dolphins are such amazing fish.

PAUL: You obviously did not read the information plaque next to the dolphin tank. Dolphins are not fish but mammals.

Is Dispute E a verbal dispute or a factual dispute?



If Dispute E is a verbal dispute, is the dispute a result of vagueness or ambiguity? Mark "not applicable" as your answer if Dispute E is not a verbal dispute.



Not applicable

Dispute F

JEFF: Did you see on the news that the murder defendant was found innocent?

MALACHI: He's not innocent! He killed the victim alright; the prosecution just couldn't prove it!

Is Dispute F a verbal dispute or a factual dispute?



If Dispute F is a verbal dispute, is the dispute a result of vagueness or ambiguity? Mark "not applicable" as your answer if Dispute F is not a verbal dispute.


Not applicable


In: Psychology

Discuss laws, ethics, and morality in a totalitarian society. Give specific examples to support your perspective.

Discuss laws, ethics, and morality in a totalitarian society. Give specific examples to support your perspective.

In: Psychology

A “sick society”? One way of interpreting the statistic that at least 12 percent of children...

A “sick society”? One way of interpreting the statistic that at least 12 percent of children suffer from a mental disorder is to argue that “something is wrong with our society.” If there is something wrong, what is it? Ineffective parenting? Insufficient research support for effective treatments? Apathy? After identifying some of the societal problems leading to mental disorders of childhood, you can ask about solutions. Should parenting classes be required? Should more money be spent on research? Should children be monitored by the government more closely, for example, mandatory psychological testing?

In: Psychology

Behavioral approaches for autistic spectrum disorders: Why are behavioral approaches to autism the most effective ones?...

Behavioral approaches for autistic spectrum disorders:

Why are behavioral approaches to autism the most effective ones? No other treatment approach has yielded results nearly as favorable. Behavioral approaches are based, largely, on operant conditioning methods in which rewards and punishments are systematically applied to increase the child’s ability to attend to others, play with other children, develop academic skills, and eliminate self-mutilating behavior.

In: Psychology

What is transference and countertransference and how do they operate in the therapeutic relationship?Why is it...

What is transference and countertransference and how do they operate in the therapeutic relationship?Why is it essential to understand these basic concepts? How is resistance a central issue in analytic therapy? Explain the functions that resistance serves. Discuss some guidelines that you might use in understanding both the resistance of your clients and your reactions to their resistance. What are some ways of therapeutically dealing with resistance as opposed to viewing resistance as a negative force in ?

In: Psychology