Use this assessment as an opportunity to demonstrate the breadth of your knowledge and understanding of...

Use this assessment as an opportunity to demonstrate the breadth of your knowledge and understanding of experimental design.Respond to the following question in essay format. Approximately, three to four paragraphs or 500-550 words.

G. has just completed a study that shows a correlation between the amount of time children watch television and their attention spans. Assume the correlation was r = -.34. State an experimental hypothesis based on this finding and devise a simple procedure for testing it.

In: Psychology

QUESTION 12 The sociologist "_________________________ _________________" believed that as the United States continued to modernize, urbanize,...


  1. The sociologist "_________________________ _________________" believed that as the United States continued to modernize, urbanize, and industrialize, race and ethnicity would gradually lose their importance, allowing the boundaries between groups to eventually dissolve. He thought the result would be a more "rational" and unified society.


    Milton Gordon


    Robert Park


    Karl Marx


    Max Weber


    None of the above.


  1. According to Wagley & Harris (1958), a minority group has five characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics they emphasized:


    Lack of self-awareness


    Intimate relationships








  1. True or False: Mass immigration from Europe to the United States beginning in the 1820's had a number of causes, but underlying the process was a fundamental shift in subsistence technology: the industrial revolution.




  1. The process by which European (white) ethnic groups unintentionally affected one another's position in the social class structure of the larger society.


    Symbolic ethnicity


    Ethnic succession


    Segmented assimilation


    White ethnicity


  1. True or False: Gender equality is generally highest in the industrialized nations of North America and Western Europe and lowest in the less developed, more agricultural nations of sub-Saharan Africa.



In: Psychology

1. Mrs. Kaufman spends a lot of time stroking, cuddling, and rocking her infant son and...

1. Mrs. Kaufman spends a lot of time stroking, cuddling, and rocking her infant son and seems to be highly aware of the baby's actions and needs. Mr. Kaufman worries that his wife's interactions with the baby may eventually lead the child to (a) cry easily when frustrated, (b) fearfully cling to his mother, (c) become unfriendly toward other people, and (d) become withdrawn and uninterested in his surroundings. Describe research on social development that supports or refutes each of the father's concerns.

2. Thirteen-year-old Ryan has begun to challenge many of his parents' values and to express his own set of highly idealistic standards. Compare and contrast the explanations for Ryan's behavior that would be given by Kohlberg and by Erikson.

In: Psychology

what were some early explanation as to why humans moved thruogh our environment? Generally describe the...

what were some early explanation as to why humans moved thruogh our environment?

Generally describe the concept of shaping of behavior. and describe differential reinforcement

In: Psychology

Is learning a type of thinking? I have to do a essay on how technology impacts...

Is learning a type of thinking?

I have to do a essay on how technology impacts thinking behavior, and use studies to show proof of reason. However most of the studies I found are in technology and learning and I don't really know if that would be considered thinking. Please help I'm desperate!

In: Psychology

Tyler, Jeannie, Margeaux, and Madhukar were sitting around Margeaux’s dining-room table working on a group marketing...

Tyler, Jeannie, Margeaux, and Madhukar were sitting around Margeaux’s dining-room table working on a group marketing project. It was 2:00 a.m. They had been working since 6:00 p.m. and still had several hours’ work remaining.

“Oh, the misery,” groaned Tyler, pretending to slit his own throat with an Exacto knife. “If I never see another photo of a veggie burger, it will be too soon. Why didn’t we choose a more interesting product?”

“I think it had something to do with someone wanting to promote a healthy alternative to greasy hamburgers,” Jeannie replied sarcastically. “Right,” said Tyler, “I don’t know what I could have been thinking. Speaking of greasy hamburgers, is anyone else starving? Anybody want to order pizza or something?”

“No one will deliver up here this late,” Margeaux replied, “but I have a   quiche that I could heat up.”

“Fancy,” Tyler quipped.

“You wish,” Margeaux said. “It came out of a box.”

“Sure, that sounds great, thanks,” Jeannie said. “I’m hungry too.”

“It doesn’t have any meat in it, does it?” asked Madhukar. “I don’t eat meat.”

“Nope, it’s a cheese and spinach quiche,” Margeaux said.

Tyler and Margeaux went off to the kitchen to prepare the food. Tyler took the quiche, still in its box, from the fridge. “Uh-oh,” he said. “My roommate is a vegetarian, and he won’t buy this brand because   it has lard   in   the crust. Better warn Madhukar. He’s a Hindu, so I imagine it’s pretty important to him.”

“Shhh!” said Margeaux, “I   don’t   have anything else to offer him, and he’ll never know the difference   anyway.   Just pretend   you didn’t    notice   that.”

“Okay,” Tyler said. “It’s your kitchen.”


  1. What exactly are Margeaux’s ethical obligations to Madhukar in this situation? Why?

  1. Does the fact that Tyler is not the host relieve him of all ethical responsibility in this case?

In: Psychology

1. How can you make someone realize that his or her behavior is causing you a...

1. How can you make someone realize that his or her behavior is causing you a problem? 2. What would you do if you told someone that his or her behavior was a problem for you and the person reacted as though he or she really did not care? 3. What would you do to help someone engage in reflection? 4. Discuss how you generally show your anger to a significant other person in your life. 5. Discuss your experiences with conversations and sell-jobs in your daily life.

In: Psychology

write 2 pages about learning

write 2 pages about learning

In: Psychology

what are the basic assumption if human being according to cognitive counselling approach discuss the cause...

what are the basic assumption if human being according to cognitive counselling approach discuss the cause of employees with problems according to this theory. Explain with examples the counselling steps and process in helping an employee with problem using humanistis counselling theory

In: Psychology

Which philosophical issues are most important to Dollard and Miller

Which philosophical issues are most important to Dollard and Miller

In: Psychology

Most theories of motivation distinguish between biological motives (e.g., for food, water, sex, warmth) and social...

Most theories of motivation distinguish between biological motives (e.g., for food, water, sex, warmth) and social motives (e.g., for achievement , autonomy, affiliation). Biological needs are generally essential for the survival of the group or individual. Social motives are acquired as a result of learning. While there are relatively few biological needs, people theoretically may acquire an unlimited number of social needs.

Although this statement is basically true, we know that the biological motives for food and sex are greatly influenced by learning and thus become social motives as well. To illustrate this point , please take the following questionnaire on your ideas about sex and sexual behavior.

Please decide whether each statement below is true or false. Give a brief explanation of what led to your decision.  

T/F 1. Men have stronger sex drives than women.
T/F  2. Since sexual desires are determined by basic biological processes, sexual behavior is essentially the same in all cultures.
T/F 3. A man with a small p**** will have difficulty satisfying his female partner.
T/F 4. Rape, like other violent crimes, is a rare event.
T/F 5. A ruptured hymen is good evidence of nonvirginity.
T/F 6. More men than women can experience multiple orgasm.
T/F 7. Castration causes complete and immediate loss of sex drive in both men and women.
T/F 8. Male homosexuality results from having a seductive mother and an absent or aloof father.
T/F 9. Both alcohol and marijuana can arouse sexual desire.
T/F 10. There are good medical reasons to avoid sex during menstruation.
T/F 11. People in Western cultures have always believed that men have stronger sex drives than women.
T/F 12. The most popular theme in pornography is rape.
T/F 13. Heterosexual oral-genital relations are a sign of latent homosexuality.
T/F 14. Orgasm in females is caused by stimulation of the vaginal wall.
T/F 15. Before they reach puberty, males are incapable of erection.
T/F 16. Homosexuals all share a common tendency to behave like members of the opposite sex.
T/F 17. You can't get pregnant the first time you have intercourse.
T/F 18. All rapists are motivated by sexual desire.
T/F 19. Since men know what kind of stimulation women desire and when they want it, it is the man's fault if his female partner doesn't have orgasm.
T/F 20. AIDS can be spread by casual contact, such as sharing toothbrushes and kissing.

In: Psychology

Please write one page in first person, referring only to yourself and your ideas, not others...

Please write one page in first person, referring only to yourself and your ideas, not others (do not use we, they, their, etc. to refer to other people in general) with references as appropriate in APA format..


How important is a sociocultural-historic perspective for grounding a theory of development? What if anything do you gain from this perspective?

In: Psychology

Beginning with the Renaissance the Church is no longer the only primary patron of the arts....

Beginning with the Renaissance the Church is no longer the only primary patron of the arts. Private families, governments and other secular (non-religious) groups begin to hire artists with greater frequency. What effect do you think this new diversity in patrons had on the arts in the 15th-18th centuries? Include some specific examples of works commissioned by these new patrons.

In: Psychology

Countering Cybercrime in Russia 1. State and briefly describe your above research topic. 2. Describe the...

Countering Cybercrime in Russia

1. State and briefly describe your above research topic.

2. Describe the specific source types that you think will be useful for your research.

3. To plan your search further, list 2 key concept terms derived from your research statement. For each key concept term, list 2 alternative search terms. Use at least one wildcard or truncation with your alternative search terms.

  • Key Concept Term 1
    • Alt search term 1
    • Alt search term 2
  • Key Concept Term 2
    • Alt search term 1
    • Alt search term 2

4. Explain the purpose of using wildcards and/or truncations as it pertains to your specific search terms above.

Country Mini Research Question

The idea of a free and independent press is something that not every country has access to.   

5. Explore and describe the relationship between your assigned country's government and the press.

6. Go to the 2019 World Press Freedom Index   find where you assigned country is ranked. What does this score mean? How does your assigned country's score in 2019 compare to the previous year (2018)?

7. Who produces this report? Research and describe who they are and explore their mission, methods, objectives, etc.

8. What are the major news organizations in your assigned country? If your country is a non-English speaking county, are there any English-speaking news sources in print or available online? Try to find at least 2 creditable news sources. Share and discuss your findings.

In: Psychology

(5-7 good thought out sentences) simple. Every week for a month, two minority males between the...

(5-7 good thought out sentences) simple.

Every week for a month, two minority males between the ages oof 14-17 have been murdered in stockton. Many think the problem is gang related. You’ve noticed youth in your family and former middle school are hanging out with known gang members and their behaviors are changing.

What are immediate, short and long term actions you can identify and implement towards solutions.

In: Psychology