
In: Psychology

Case Study: Little Raymond Raymond and his mother live in the urban high rise. Raymond loves...

Case Study: Little Raymond

Raymond and his mother live in the urban high rise. Raymond loves to use the kitchen pots and pans as his instruments. He sings and dances to the rhythms. The neighbors do not appreciate Raymond’s musical interests, so responding to the pounding on the wall, Mom turns on the radio station and take the “instruments.”

On Monday nights after dinner, Mom takes Raymond to the library. The books they select are used throughout the week for bedtime once Raymond is snuggled in bed. Raymond also participates in Monday Story Time giving Mom a chance to select their books for the week.

This Monday night, Mom did not take Raymond to the library. Her new boyfriend came over to visit and watch football on television. He doesn’t like the noise Raymond makes in the kitchen and wants the boy to be quiet. Raymond retreats under the kitchen table with Elmo and has Elmo play instruments and sign to him. Boyfriend belittle Raymond’s behavior and makes fun of his high-pitched Elmo voice imitation. Boyfriend threatens to take Elmo if Raymond is not quiet.

Mom can’t let Raymond outside to play because the neighborhood is unsafe. Not going to the library means fewer books at home and a break in a family ritual.

Raymond, still under the table, tells Elmo: Read book, read book. Raymond fantasizes that Elmo takes him to the library for story time. Later Raymond snuggles Elmo on his lap and pretends to read Elmo a book saying: Elmo no cry, Ray read book.

Answer the following questions in essay form. Your essay should be between 1 - 2 pages in length and adhere to APA guidelines.

In terms of self-control, how does Raymond use language and fantasy as strategies for controlling his high activity impulses?

How does Raymond’s retreat under the kitchen table provide evidence of shame and doubt?

Explain the contribution of the ritual of going to the library for Raymond’s sense of autonomy, self-control, and language development.


Expert Solution

Fantasy and manipulating language to suit fantasies is a common practice of childhood. Raymond's case is a matter of concern as fantasies are created in retaliation to emotional pain (caused by threats from Mom's boyfriend). It can be implied that Raymond is impulsive, but suppressing those impulses in an above-cited manner is more likely than not to produce dysfunctional coping. Fantasies here become a method of self-control and a self-soothing behavior to manage impulses. Raymond says, "Elmo no cry, Ray read book" which is perhaps the little boy projecting his own current feeling (of crying) and asking Elmo (or Raymond himself) to not cry.

Raymond is described to be impulsive and overall a happy kid. The concluding remarks of the case study, however, reveal a sad little boy whose mother is not paying attention to his routine, who changes his ways because of external (non-familial) authority. Shame and doubt are clearly exhibited as he is being harshly disciplined and repeatedly. According to Erik Erikson, a Psychologist, Shame, and Doubt arise in conflict with the need for Autonomy as a common stage in psycho-social development. When autonomy or freedom is questioned, shame and doubt will follow, in most cases.

Going to the Library is associated with a sense of autonomy, self-control and language development for Raymond. He has control over which books to choose. Reading no doubt improves his development of language. The Library ritual is perhaps associated with a lot of warm and positive things for the boy. Spending time collectively with his mother, as well going to bed upon listening to stories his mother and he choose may be very comforting for the child.

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