Who is an adult educator

Who is an adult educator

In: Psychology

How do you explain the growth of interest in neo-shamanism and what, if anything, do you...

How do you explain the growth of interest in neo-shamanism and what, if anything, do you find problematic about it?

In: Psychology

Identify the different ways in which the U.S. has responded to waves of immigrants. Discuss the...

Identify the different ways in which the U.S. has responded to waves of immigrants. Discuss the factors that shaped these different responses and how they were reflected in social policy.

In: Psychology

Answer the following question: Why do you think eating disorders are on the rise for both...

Answer the following question: Why do you think eating disorders are on the rise for both men and women? Search the internet and find a photo that reflects how social media has shaped society's thinking and maybe our own. Please make good choices when choosing your picture! When you find that perfect photo please post the URL and briefly give one or two sentences discuss the photo. Keep in mind the following: What is the ‘reality’ behind these photos? How does a photo like this affect your own thinking about body image? How do you feel the media has shaped your thinking? What do you think we as a society can do to change how photos like this create our perceptions of body image?

In: Psychology

7) Partial/intermittent vs. Continuous reinforcement     a)Explain the difference between them. b. Classic phenomenon: Partial R. maintains...

7) Partial/intermittent vs. Continuous reinforcement    

a)Explain the difference between them.

b. Classic phenomenon: Partial R. maintains learned behavior longer than continuous R. once R. is removed. Explain this phenomenon, and what it shows about learning.  

c.Schedules of reinforcement .Ratio vs. Interval schedules .Explain the difference between them.

In: Psychology

4. What is required in order for a person to become hypnotized? (hint: think about personality...

4. What is required in order for a person to become hypnotized? (hint: think about personality characteristics) (2 points)

In: Psychology

a.What role does one's social class have in their life? b.How does social class intertwine with...

a.What role does one's social class have in their life?

b.How does social class intertwine with culture, society, socialization, or gender, race, age?

In: Psychology

In chapter 3, you are introduced the to Ecological model, which basically examines how environment influences...

In chapter 3, you are introduced the to Ecological model, which basically examines how environment influences human behavior. This is important, b/c when conducting assessments, we must remember to assess how the client is functioning at multiple dimensions or levels.

Pick a social problem of your choosing, then give an example of how you would assess the problem at different levels. For example:

Problem = PTSD

Micro level - I would assess how an individual struggles or copes with internal triggers to set-off his or her ptsd. (think intra-personal at this level)

Mezzo level - I would assess how this client gets along with his or her spouse or family. You could also ask has does the ptsd effect the clients relationship with others (think inter-personal at this level)

Macro level - I would assess what community benefits, resources are available for all clients with PTSD, or what barriers would impede service delivery (think larger, community or environmental level).

Please be creative, but specific, with details.

In: Psychology

Please rewrite the following and also add more details Buber was responding to the view of...

Please rewrite the following and also add more details

Buber was responding to the view of Christians. I think his criticism is valid. Nowadays people are going to church for the people or special occasions. People aren't going to church with the mindset that they are there to get closer to God. They are there because they think they have to be. Only one day of the week people get dressed up to go to church and feel like that's enough. There are six other days of the week that you could be spending trying to get to know God more. Being in church doesn't automatically give you that close relationship. If you are truly religious, then just going to church for show or the excitement, isn't enough. You have to try to put in more effort. They are so busy focusing on the wrong things and not putting in more time for God. Rather they are putting on a show for man.

In: Psychology

John Locke George Berkeley David Hume David Hartley Which one of the philosophers listed above do...

John Locke George Berkeley David Hume David Hartley Which one of the philosophers listed above do you find the most interesting and who do you think had the biggest influence on the future discipline of psychology. Explain

In: Psychology

what similarities can you find between the discrimination faced by other minority groups and the Muslim...

what similarities can you find between the discrimination faced by other minority groups and the Muslim community?

In: Psychology

Cell phones and social media have become an essential part of life. Describe what you believe...

Cell phones and social media have become an essential part of life. Describe what you believe the pros and cons of cell phone use and social media in modern society are. Does it help or hinder communication? Why?

In: Psychology

meaning of cognition in behavioral theary meaning of cognition, affective, cosial effective and efforts efficiant market

meaning of cognition in behavioral theary

meaning of cognition, affective, cosial effective and efforts efficiant market

In: Psychology

Please read the following case study and answer the questions to the best of your ability....

Please read the following case study and answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Case 14.1: Intake for Hira

Hira called into the agency because she is not "feeling right." She sounds somewhat tearful as she describes an inability to sleep and a loss of weight over a 4-week period. She reports that she experienced a miscarriage four weeks ago and is not sure if she is dealing with a postpartum issue or grief over losing the baby. She is married and has been going out of her way to conceal her mood from her husband. He has begun to notice, however; this morning he asked if she was feeling well. Worried that she will be a burden to him, she decided to call the agency to get help, hoping she will be able to clear this up and feel better. Her mother is living in Saudi Arabia, and she has few friends in the United States. She has not told her closest friend how she is feeling because her husband and her friend's husband work together.

1. What would be a good chief complaint for Hira. What concerns has she presented during this call?

2. Why do you think Hira called today and not some other day?

3. What information did you choose to leave out of the chief complaint you wrote, and why?

4. How would you have addressed Hira's concerns if she was a walk-in at your agency?

In: Psychology

Over the past decade, cases of substance related disorders have appeared more prevalent in society. From...

Over the past decade, cases of substance related disorders have appeared more prevalent in society. From the mental health perspective, research has shown an increase in cases of substance related disorders, particularly with adolescents. This increase has prompted further investigation into adolescent risk and resilience factors, as well as accuracy in diagnosis and appropriate treatment plans. Yet, in cases of adolescent substance use, further investigation is still needed concerning notification rights of parents, legal authorities, and/or case workers.  

For this Application, review the client case study in the Learning Resources. Consider the characteristics of the client. Which specific characteristics might you consider important in developing a diagnosis? Consider your rationale for assigning particular diagnoses on the basis of the DSM. Also, think about what other information or people you may need to include in the assessment in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

The Assignment (3–4 pages)

A DSM diagnosis of the client in the case study

An explanation of your rationale for assigning the diagnosis on the basis of the DSM

An explanation of what other information you might need about the client to make an accurate diagnosis

A brief description of additional individuals you might include in your assessment and explain why

Substance Related and Addictive Disorders Program Transcript

FEMALE SPEAKER: He's-- he's always doing things on the computer. He talks on the telephone, texting. He never stops, not even to eat. He never eats much anymore.

MALE SPEAKER: Eat your veggies. Drink your milk. Eat your veggies. Drink your milk. Who needs to eat? Seen any good movies lately? I like horror movies, myself. Zombies, especially. The fast ones.

FEMALE SPEAKER: There's no alcohol or drugs in our house, none. We've never done that. We don't leave drink wine. That's why I wanted our minister to talk to him.

MALE SPEAKER: Talk about zombies.

FEMALE SPEAKER: He's the one who suggested that we come here and talk to because he was thinking that maybe something's going on.

MALE SPEAKER: Yuck! I hate booze. I don't do drugs, either. I say no every day.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Personally, I think it's the music he's listening to.

MALE SPEAKER: Oh, brother.

FEMALE SPEAKER: I mean, the screaming. It's so aggressive and angry.

MALE SPEAKER: Feels good.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Maybe you agree with your mom that you've been depressed and angry in the past, do you remember, maybe, why you felt that way?

MALE SPEAKER: Because I'm stupid.

FEMALE SPEAKER: You're not stupid, honey. See, he had to repeat the fifth grade, so he's a year behind all his friends at school.

MALE SPEAKER: They're not my friends. You hate my friends.

FEMALE SPEAKER: I don't hate them. It's just I don't think you should be hanging around boys who are that much older than you.

In: Psychology