
In: Psychology

Aristotle said that the man who is incapable of working in common, or who in his...

Aristotle said that the man who is incapable of working in common, or who in his self-sufficiency has no need of others, is no part of the community, and is like a beast or a god. Discuss the character of Achilles in light of this statement. Use plenty of examples, details, references, and quotations in the response.


Expert Solution

  • Aristotle couldn't have put it any better describing Achilles character and self-sufficiency is extremely accurate. Achilles is hot tempered, brave, uncontrollable, and every other adjective and oxymoron you can think of. He goes about being godlike, but in many ways try to use it to his advantage too much like he really cannot perish.
  • Achilles destine is death, and although he is aware of that, he makes his own choices. This is the first characteristic of Achilles that hinders Aristotle's statement. He is self-sufficient in one sense, yet in another he is not. The other aspect that he is not self-sufficient is that of women. He was known to have a number of romantic episodes, along with the "prize" he won in The Iliad.
  • Achilles feels disrespected by Agamemnon and vice versa for Agamemnon towards Achilles. Achilles let it be known that he stands alone and doesn't need anyone's help, "Unhonored myself and piling up a fortune for you".
  • In Achilles encounter with Agamemnon, he can't be bought by Agamemnon, because his claimed his life is more important that goods. It seems as though a beast or God could not be bought with goods as well, therefore Achilles fits Aristotle's description as a God-like figure.
  • In the time frame of Aristotle's quote, a beast would be described as a person that is despised which would also fit Achilles' character. Although he was the mightiest of the Greeks, he was not the biggest fan of most.
  • Aristotle says, has no need of others, in which Achilles fits very well. Friends or children like most do not see him surrounded. The only need he seems to have is the need for women. He also risks that lives of those closest to him, in order to achieve his own ends. This also shows that he is prideful in the fact that he doesn t care for the people closest to him, and that he doesn t need them.
  • Achilles, although very strong and powerful, felt that he was above the rest of mankind. He learned that he did need the care of others when Hector killed his best friend, Patroclus. In this scene, Achilles wept, and therefore sought revenge against the murderer of his friend. However, we still might wonder if he wanted revenge for his own care, or for the pride of knowing that he couldn t be beat.
  • In any sense, Achilles does fit the description that Aristotle portrayed in his quote: The man who is incapable of working in common, or who is his self-sufficiency has no need of others, is no part of the community, like a beast or god.

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