Recording Observations Unobtrusively record observations in a public place of your choice for at least thirty...

Recording Observations Unobtrusively record observations in a public place of your choice for at least thirty minutes or more. The place must have at least ten people to observe. Since you are playing the role of an unobtrusive investigator, you must not disturb the people and must be positioned so that the people will not really take notice of you. You should watch people and focus on behaviors. The behaviors might be ordinary or interesting. You might even choose to look at behaviors related to a theme, such as how people relax or you can look at dyadic interactions. No matter what you choose to observe, you should describe what you witness. Record the observations in your notebook in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document. The observations should not be conducted with any specific notions or theories. Type and submit your notes, which should be at least 500 words. Include the date of the observation, the time, and the setting. Along with your observation notes, include five specific study ideas that come to mind because of your observations. For example: After observing mothers and children in the park, I would like to investigate whether mothers with multiple children allow the children to venture further away from them as compared to mothers with one child. You must also state hypotheses for at least two of your study ideas. For example, you might hypothesize mothers with only one child will keep their child closer than mothers with multiple children. *** Please help with my homework I am struggling with. Thank you.***

In: Psychology

Thomas Aquinas “Christianizes” Aristotle’s theory of causes. How does Aquinas explain the reason why there is...

Thomas Aquinas “Christianizes” Aristotle’s theory of causes. How does Aquinas explain the reason why there is something rather than nothing? That is, what are the causes of creation, according to Aquinas?

In: Psychology

What types of barriers of place can you think of and why does each interfere with...

What types of barriers of place can you think of and why does each interfere with listening? What types of barriers of time can you think of and why does each interfere with listening? How might you overcome the barriers you named in your lists of barrier of place and time?

In: Psychology

Identify specific areas of workplace stress that impact employees and provide some possible remedies to make...

Identify specific areas of workplace stress that impact employees and provide some possible remedies to make the workplace a less stressful and healthier environment. Give specific examples.

In: Psychology

1. _______________ is/are stressors of LGBT Youth (circle all that apply) a. Discrimination/Harassment b. Cyberbullying c....

1. _______________ is/are stressors of LGBT Youth (circle all that apply) a. Discrimination/Harassment b. Cyberbullying c. Unsupportive Environments d. None of the above.

2. Traditional, Marginal, Bicultural, Assimilated, and Pan-traditional are all levels of_______________________________ levels of acculturation?

3. ___________________ is the concept of maintaining some components of an individual’s native culture while incorporating practices and beliefs of the host (dominant) culture. With regards to acculturation conflict this concept is considered to be the healthiest resolution.

4. Detail the assessment and actions of the clinician in each step G.A.T.E.

In: Psychology

Sy guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology. The subject:...

Sy guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology.

The subject: culture and diversity

Why is sex different from gender? In your response, you should identify the key difference between sex and gender.You should also discuss how this distinction contributes to our understanding of how culture influences gender identity. Use a relevant example to support your answer. Why is gender largely considered a social construction? Are there limits to such an argument? Discuss your answer with 3 relevant examples.

In: Psychology

Sry guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology. The subject:...

Sry guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology.

The subject: culture and diversity

Using relevant examples, analyze the impact of globalization on our daily experiences. Discuss how it might impact migration patterns and our cultural identities, and include 3 relevant examples in your answer.What is globalization and is it always a positive force for the various cultures and societies in the world? Discuss your answer with 3 relevant examples.

In: Psychology

How do Positivist’s and their perspective with anomie strain theory explain and analyze crime (specifically THEFT)...

How do Positivist’s and their perspective with anomie strain theory explain and analyze crime (specifically THEFT)

Answer questions with positivist view on theft

1 Attempt to explain the occurrence, enactment, and/or distribution of deviant or criminal behavior.(specifically theft)
2 An explanation for why deviant behavior is enacted (Why do they steal?).
3 Deviance is a type of action that needs to be explained.
4 Concerned with the factors that lead certain people to violate the rules or those that produce higher rates of deviance in some societies or areas then others.
5 Concerned with how and why certain circumstances encourage deviant behavior.

In: Psychology

Does anyone know where to find good studies done on theories of gender identity, all I...

Does anyone know where to find good studies done on theories of gender identity, all I keep finding are the actual theories themselves but never a study on the theories.

In: Psychology

Sry guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology. The subject:...

Sry guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology.

The subject: culture and diversity

Will religion continue to be relevant in the future for human societies? Using 3 relevant examples, identify the key ideas in the secularization thesis. You should analyze their relevance to the impact of religion in human societies. Provide relevant examples to support your discussion.What are the possible outcomes when different religious systems or ideas come into contact with each other? Please discuss 2 possible outcomes using relevant examples.

In: Psychology

) Bacon's Rebellion highlighted significant tensions within Chesapeake society. What provoked the rebellion and what did...

) Bacon's Rebellion highlighted significant tensions within Chesapeake society. What provoked the rebellion and what did it accomplish?

In: Psychology

After viewing the three videos on Emotional Intelligence, how does the absence or presence of this...

After viewing the three videos on Emotional Intelligence, how does the absence or presence of this kind of intelligence affect interpersonal communication and how does it line up with concepts in the module? Are IQ and EQ mutually exclusive? Give examples and support your points. Videos:

In: Psychology

I need to write paragraph why the people Learn a new language

I need to write paragraph why the people Learn a new language

In: Psychology

Discuss in detail the main characteristics and values of an encourager, paraphrase, and summarization?  What can you...

Discuss in detail the main characteristics and values of an encourager, paraphrase, and summarization?  What can you expect when you use encouragers, paraphrases, and summarizations? Explore why these are important skills to obtain for human service workers.

In: Psychology

Explain whether you anticipate greater demands for boards and their members to be more accountable (or...

Explain whether you anticipate greater demands for boards and their members to be more accountable (or accountable in different way) than is the case today. If so, how? Please explain your perspective and defend it with evidence from the human service field..

In: Psychology