Name the characteristics of each of the three types of bipolar disorder.

Name the characteristics of each of the three types of bipolar disorder.

In: Psychology

Of the 6 Holland environments, select 3 which match you best and explain WHY it is...

Of the 6 Holland environments, select 3 which match you best and explain WHY

it is for the counseling57- career/life planning class

In: Psychology

Describe attentiveness as a characteristic of a good listener

Describe attentiveness as a characteristic of a good listener

In: Psychology

With very few exceptions, each state has a commission, council or board that is responsible for...

With very few exceptions, each state has a commission, council or board that is responsible for setting the minimum qualifications to be a public police officers in that state. Generally these regulatory bodies are referred to as POSTs. The POST agencies issue "certifications, or in other words, the liccense to serve as a police officer in that state. Maryland has the Maryland Police Training Commission (MPTC) While individual agencies may set their hiring standards higher than the state's "certification" requirement, all applicants to be public police officers must at least meet the standard.

No state's POST has a full four year college degree as a minimum education standard to be a public police officer. Why?

In: Psychology

SEARCH “sleepwalking defense” on the Internet and briefly describe a case you find. DISCUSS whether you...

SEARCH “sleepwalking defense” on the Internet and briefly describe a case you find.

DISCUSS whether you think it’s possible to commit horrible crimes while asleep.

In: Psychology

Discuss how modernity beyond Enlightenment may seem to have opposed theology in giving less attention to...

Discuss how modernity beyond Enlightenment may seem to have opposed theology in giving less attention to specifically theological reflections on human nature

In: Psychology

NEGATIVE NEWS MESSAGE CASE You’re the Accounting Department manager of a successful and growing organic food...


You’re the Accounting Department manager of a successful and growing organic food delivery company: Home Organics. The owner (you can make up a name) recently put you in charge of deciding on a corporate giving program (the company decided to give $5000 to a non-profit organization). Your job was to decide which organization. You had the idea of asking the other managers for input and inviting them each (if they wanted) to give a presentation on a non-profit organization to support. The owner, you, and the managers watched all the presentations, and everyone was invited to email you feedback after.

You’ve made your decision—one non-profit organization in particular met all your criteria perfectly. However, it was a much tougher task than you’d thought—choosing one organization out of a bunch of really great causes. Unfortunately, saying yes to one means you have to say no to all the others. You took the job of choosing the organization very seriously—$5000 is a lot of money for your company. You made sure to really compare each organization to your criteria. You read all the feedback from the presentations carefully. You consulted the owner. You’re very confident that the process of choosing the organization was good and totally fair.

Now, you have to tell some of the managers that their non-profit organizations weren’t chosen. Initially, you’d thought that a simple email announcing the chosen organization would be fine, and it would still work fine for many of the managers. However, you realized from the presentations that one of the managers in particular (Rupert Hennessey) felt very passionate about his organization (the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society), and he clearly had put a lot of work into his presentation. You know Rupert lives in an area of Vancouver with many poor people and that he’s a strong anti-poverty advocate in his neighbourhood. Thus, you’re afraid he’ll feel hurt and rejected that his organization wasn’t chosen and will resist the decision. You decide you’d better write him a personal email to explain the reasons and give him the bad news gently, before you make the general announcement. Because of his potential emotional/resistant reaction, you’ll use the indirect approach.

The trouble was that Rupert’s organization doesn’t meet the criteria you’d set up for the non-profit organization. Months ago, you and the owner had talked about what type of non-profit organization to choose for the $5000, and you’d agreed you wanted an organization that was as good a match or fit as possible with the Home Organics goals and values. In other words, you wanted a non-profit organization related to issues like environmental sustainability and of course organic farming and also fair trade. Thus, when you emailed everyone to invite them to give presentations on a non-profit organization, you’d mentioned in the email that the company wanted an organization that focused on these issues. You’d mentioned that ideally the organization would be one that would provide some education for people on these issues, and one that worked not just with farmers but also with stores. What’s more, you wanted the organization to be for all of BC, rather than just the Vancouver area. You work with lots of farmers in all parts of the province, so you want to support an organization that also does work around the province. You’d wanted the managers to know that you’d set up specific criteria and a fair process for choosing the non-profit organization—that’s why you gave them all this info in your email.

Rupert had simply either not noticed these criteria or ignored them. However, you want to make sure he knows that you absolutely think the food bank is extremely important and should be supported; there may be other ways you can all still do to help the food bank. For example, perhaps Home Organics could set up some kind of ongoing donation of some food? (Note: this is a weak example – think of something creative to suggest to Rupert) And Rupert could organize something like a food bank collection at the office—inviting the other staff to donate food or money.

The organization you and the owner chose after the presentations is Simple and Sustainable (SAS), a local organization. SAS does fantastic work educating people. It tells both businesses and communities about all the incredible benefits of sustainable organic farming and fair trade. It even helps local businesses find fair trade producers around the world. It’s a perfect match for Home Organics’ goals and values. (You can tell Rupert you chose S & S and explain the reasons why.)

Write the email to Rupert (you can make up his email address; remember that Ruper WORKS FOR YOU, FOR HOME ORGANICS) that will achieve the negative-news goals of clarity, acceptance, and positive image.

Remember that this case deliberately contains content and wording that may not be appropriate for your message, and the content will need reorganization to fit the 4-part indirect negative news pattern. Avoid copying long phrases/sentences from the case, and be especially careful with tone. Remember this message isn’t only about explaining why you didn’t choose the Food Bank—it’s also about making Rupert feel valued/respected and showing that the process was fair.

In: Psychology

A space station is about to disintegrate. There is room for one person in an escape...

A space station is about to disintegrate. There is room for one person in an escape pod which will preserve that person’s life until a rescue vehicle can arrive. There are three persons left on the station: a 20 year old student (that is you), a 50 year old scientist and a young child. Who should be given the space in the escape pod, or should the three draw lots and decide randomly?

In: Psychology

Think about Erickson’s theory in terms of cultural bias. What aspects of his theory are cultural-specific...

Think about Erickson’s theory in terms of cultural bias. What aspects of his theory are cultural-specific versus universal to all cultures? What aspects of his theory relate to culture-specific child rearing practices that may not be shared across all cultures? You may need to use web resources for the question.

Think about Erickson’s theory in terms of gender bias. Is his theory equally pertinent to both genders? Be specific-are there any of his stages or crises that might have different crises or might be resolved differently for males versus females? You may need to use web resources for this question.

In: Psychology

1. During the class lectures, it was noted that fallacies, in almost all cases, usually can...

1. During the class lectures, it was noted that fallacies, in almost all cases, usually can be reflected as emotionally believable while in reality they are:

Select one:

a. Deductive

b. Deductively incoherent

c. Sufficiently critical

d. Rationally imperfect


2. While reviewing fallacies, the fallacy of appeal to an individual is usually thought of as discarding a claim by which of the following:

Select one:

a. Disapproving the individual who creates it

b. Creating made-up announcements

c. Exercising speechmaking

d. Disregarding the individual


3. During in our class discussions, whether someone is insincere in stating his other claims is considered:

Select one:

a. Related only in law court

b. Unrelated to the person’s character

c. Unrelated to the accuracy of the statements

d. Confirmation that the statements are wrong

In: Psychology

Should the Texas legislature meet annually?

Should the Texas legislature meet annually?

In: Psychology

Refer to the Smart Goal resources. List one short- and long-term professional and career goal (4...

Refer to the Smart Goal resources. List one short- and long-term professional and career goal (4 total), along with practical substeps to achieve them. Be sure to include dates. What might be some potential challenges for each? How can you prevent some of these foreseeable hurdles?

In: Psychology

Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of societies and environments...

Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of societies and environments in which they operate. Other believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the boundaries of law, is to make more money.

Write a response, not more than 150 words, based on the critical thinking concepts learnt in class, in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with you own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing your position; you should address both of the views presented

In: Psychology

Answer the following questions after reading The Saints and The Roughnecks article. Explain labeling or social...

Answer the following questions after reading The Saints and The Roughnecks article. Explain labeling or social reaction theory. Explain self-fulfilling prophecy. Discuss how labeling influenced the lives of these boys and resulted in self-fulfilling prophecy. Give specific examples. What role did economics or social class play in the labeling? Compare your high-school experience with those at Hannibal High. In what ways did your "reputation" either protect or harm you. Think of a time when you were labeled negatively or positively by an authority figure, a parent, or someone else significant to you. How powerful was the label? Did it influence how others responded to you? Did it affect your perceptions of and feelings about yourself Give an example. If it was negative did you do something to try to counteract the label or its effects Did you eventually overcome, transform or shed the label? How and why?

In: Psychology

Although you may not have been in a psychodrama session when have you found yourself supported...

Although you may not have been in a psychodrama session when have you found yourself supported by others as you told or showed them a situation with which you were dealing ? How do you connect that experience to psychodrama?

In: Psychology