In: Psychology
According to Gottman’s Method of couple therapy write a 1-page summary of what do you observed, what would you like explore more, and what appropriate interventions you may be interested in to apply in accordance to the theory.
Gottman method in couple therapy was developed by Dr. John Gottman and Dr.Julie schwartz Gottman in 1980s.This method is used in couple therapy to assist couples in enhancing their awareness about married life and spouse,a deeper understanding of eachother and developing qualities like empathy ,intimacy , respect , affection, interpersonal relationship., effective verbal and non verbal communication between the partners,and how to avoid conflicts,. This will help them lead a happy marital life.After thorough assesment and combining with therapeutic interventions and along with couple excercises it is an effective way to improve marital relationships.
The principles used in Gottman's method are
1. Enhancing love maps or buiding love maps
In the case of married couple exercises are given to couple to develop a love map by knowing the psychological inner worid of the partner , including the partner;s hopes ,worries, aspirations,goals , feelings and express that they are interested to understand these matters and really want to encourage the partner. .
2. Nurturing or sharing fondness and admiration.
Feeling that the partner is worthy.,be genuine and respect the partner, memorizing about the partners positive qualities, thinking about the good starting days of the marriage life.
3.Turning towards each other.
Taking a positive approach in solving the partner's problem,through attention,humour,affection and support., with a repairing mentality,.and creting an emotional bonding between them.
4., Accepting the partner's influence
While taking decisions in one's life ,also consider the partner's openions and feelings .and sharing power.
5.Solving solvable problems.
Normally problems in marital life are of two types. perpetual problems and solvable problems. As a method of resolving conflicts, one has to discuss with the partner, listen to the partner without criticism, and accept suggestions. Here the couples are learning to recive and accept repairing attempts, how to soothe oneself and the partner ,how to compromise, and accept each others fault.
Overcoming gridlock.
In the time of conflict the partners feel that the other partner is rejecting him or her.There must be a willingness to explore the hidden issues which will be causing the gridlock(traffic block) and motivate eachother in problem solving,avoiding all the personal grudges.
Creating shared meaning.
Creating an inner sense of living together. 'not forgotting the fact that each partner is a part of a familyand giving more importance to group visions and values.
The interventions are designed to strengthen friendships between the couples, helps them to manage conflict, and teaches the couple to create shared meaning in their min,d.,It improves communicatin skills, ,reduces emotional distances ,and teaches basic skills to avoid problems in marital life.