When you say “dog” I think of my hound dog and you think of your chocolate...

When you say “dog” I think of my hound dog and you think of your chocolate lab. This is an example of the concept that language is: (Points : 2)

       Symbols are arbitrary
       Symbols are ambiguous
       Symbols are abstract
       Symbols are concrete

Question 2.2. Jan just graduated from college and makes a good salary. The word “good” best represents which of the concepts of the symbolic nature of language? (Points : 2)

       Symbols are arbitrary
       Symbols are ambiguous
       Symbols are abstract
       Symbols are concrete

Question 3.3. Samantha is from South Carolina and was brought up to say things like, “yes Ma'am” and “no sir.” Which of the principals of verbal communication is she illustrating? (Points : 2)

       The meanings of language are subjective
       Punctuation shapes meaning
       Language defines phenomena
       Language and culture reflect each other

Question 4.4. Among his family members, Jacob has learned that joke telling helps to alleviate stress, but that the same behavior is not appropriate with his colleagues at work. This is an example of which of the principals of verbal communication? (Points : 2)

       The meanings of language are subjective
       Punctuation shapes meaning
       Language is rule-guided
       Language and culture reflect each other

Question 5.5. Craig thinks his boss is amazing and always calls her “the problem solver.” In his mind, there is nothing she cannot do and he is quick to overlook some of her mistakes. This is an example of which of the symbolic activities of language? (Points : 2)

       Language defines phenomena
       Language allows for hypothetical thought
       Language allows for self-reflection
       All of the above

Question 6.6. Language is not _____. (Points : 2)


Question 7.7. Speech communities can best be defined as: (Points : 2)

       People who like each other
       People who share norms about how to talk and what purpose it serves
       People who live near each other
       People who share a similar ethnic background

Question 8.8. Which of the following is an example of a speech community? (Points : 2)

       An all women basketball team
       An all men's coding group
       A mom’s club
       All of the above

Question 9.9. When we engage in dual perspective we are: (Points : 2)

       Being self-centered
       Owning our thoughts and feelings
       Recognizing the perspective of another
       Striving for accuracy and clarity

Question 10.10. Misunderstandings are less likely when we (Points : 2)

       Engage in dual perspective
       Respect what others feel and say about their thoughts and feelings
       Own our thoughts and feelings
       All of the above

I did this quiz but half the answers were wrong.

In: Psychology

Peter Sanders, a member of the Board of Directors of Wheat Growers Corporation (WGC), was getting...

Peter Sanders, a member of the Board of Directors of Wheat Growers Corporation (WGC), was getting his shoes shined on his lunch break and reading the daily newspaper. Two men sitting to his right were discussing a business deal. At one point one of the men told the other, "I think this year's corn supply is going to be very small due to the cold winter we just had. Plus, I know some other info that no one else knows. If I were you, I would buy as many shares of Corn Supply of America (CSA) as I could get." The other man replied, "Thanks for the tip. I'll go and do just that." At that time, both men left the area. Peter heard all their statements. After getting his shoes shined, Peter left to return to work at WGC.

In the afternoon, he got a phone call from a manager at Butter Is Good (BIG), a company that makes and sells butter. The BIG manager wanted to order 800 bushels of wheat at $2 per bushel. The manager asked Peter, "Does that sound good to you?" Peters responded, "Most likely. Write a check and then send it to me." The BIG Manager agreed and hung up the phone.

Before leaving work that day, Peter went online and bought 2,000 shares of CSA stock at $10 per share through his stockbroker. The next day, the shares went up to $15 per share in the morning. The same day, in the afternoon, WGC and CSA announced a joint venture and business deal to supply each other with all necessary wheat and corn. None of the information about the joint venture or deal was public knowledge. Both companies had been discussing this joint venture and deal for more than three months. The Board of Directors of WGC had approved the deal two months prior to the announcement. At the end of the day, the shares of CSA were selling at $30 per share.

  1. Do BIG and WGC have a contract for the bushels of wheat? Why or why not? Analyze all issues.
  2. Is Peter liable for any criminal activity because he bought 2,000 shares of CSA stock? Why or why not? Analyze all issues.
  3. Is Peter liable to his company, WGC, in any capacity? Why or why not? Analyze all issues.
  4. Suppose Peter is charged with a crime in federal court. At his arraignment the judge sets his bail at $100 million, orders a jury trial, and does not allow Peter to retain an attorney in any future court proceeding. What can Peter argue to the court? Discuss all relevant issues.

In: Psychology

. Mill explains that there are different forms of pleasure, and that a properly formulated utilitarianism...

. Mill explains that there are different forms of pleasure, and that a properly formulated utilitarianism accounts for the value of more than one kind of pleasure. Explain what we called the “swine objection” and the problem it charges utilitarianism with having. Next, carefully explain how Mill responds to this objection, including (but not limited to) what kinds of pleasures he thinks we value to a greater degree, why we do so, and how we can determine which pleasures those are.

In: Psychology

in the article "the relationship between cell phone use and academic performance in a sample of...

in the article "the relationship between cell phone use and academic performance in a sample of U.S. college students" anwers this question

what were the major limits ( generalizability, something not measured in the current study that may be have affected the results) of the study according to the author ? you?

In: Psychology

In your (supported) opinion, what, if any, is the difference between "police community programs" and community...

In your (supported) opinion, what, if any, is the difference between "police community programs" and community policing?

In: Psychology

How does the social faciliation theory explain why social facilitation and social interference occur?

How does the social faciliation theory explain why social facilitation and social interference occur?

In: Psychology

How does the cognitive process of thinking affect our daily lives?

How does the cognitive process of thinking affect our daily lives?

In: Psychology

what social policies might be developed to lower the incidence of disabling illness among members of...

what social policies might be developed to lower the incidence of disabling illness among members of lower socioeconomic groups

In: Psychology

Explain how the goals of sentencing are generally either aligned or in conflict with each of...

Explain how the goals of sentencing are generally either aligned or in conflict with each of the following criminal justice concepts:
I. restorative justice
II. corporal punishment
III. pay-to-stay jails
IIII. drug treatment

In: Psychology

The increased use of teams in today’s organizations necessitates having leaders who are knowledgeable of various...

The increased use of teams in today’s organizations necessitates having leaders who are knowledgeable of various group and team dynamics and strategies. Discuss recommendations for battling the occurrence of groupthink.

Real life application: What are your personal experiences in making decisions in highly cohesive groups? Have you ever experienced groupthink? How would you address groupthink in your organization?

In: Psychology

How does the stigma associated with labelling impact issues related to self-fulfilling prophecies (inevitable deviant behavior...

How does the stigma associated with labelling impact issues related to self-fulfilling prophecies (inevitable deviant behavior was expected) and the amplification of offending (engaging in more and or worse deviancy) for youth in society?

In: Psychology

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is the nation's largest non-profit working to protect families from drunk...

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is the nation's largest non-profit working to protect families from drunk driving, drugged driving, and underage drinking. Briefly summarize why MADD was established and their mission. Also, visit and identify a component of MADD that you would like to include in your social media campaign.

In: Psychology

Why has Schizophrenia been described as the ultimate psychological breakdown?  What happens for the individual that makes...

  1. Why has Schizophrenia been described as the ultimate psychological breakdown?  What happens for the individual that makes it hard to lead their lives?
  2. You have a client who is depressed (Major Depressive Disorder).  First name, then discuss THREE treatment goals for working with this client.  CLUE:  What needs to change?
  3. Anxiety, Depressive and Adjustment Disorders are diagnosed in out-patient clinical populations more frequently than other disorders.  Why?

In: Psychology

After reading the NAEYC Position Statements on Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation, identify and discuss three...

After reading the NAEYC Position Statements on Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation, identify and discuss three concepts that you will consider in your future classroom and why.

In: Psychology

Read: A Guide to the Good Life:  Irvine, William B.. A Guide to the Good Life: The...


A Guide to the Good Life:  Irvine, William B.. A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy (pp. 159-172). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.

by William B. Irvine

Chapters 13 & 14


In what way is anger beneficial?

What is Seneca's general advice about how to prevent ourselves from becoming angry?

List three pieces of more specific advice given about how to avoid anger.

According to the Stoics, what is a major reason that people are unhappy?

Why is the pursuit of fame in tension with being free?

Describe one piece of advice given by the Stoics for overcoming our obsession with what others think of us.

In: Psychology