Although you may not have been in a psychodrama session when have you found yourself supported...

Although you may not have been in a psychodrama session when have you found yourself supported by others as you told or showed them a situation with which you were dealing ? How do you connect that experience to psychodrama?

In: Psychology

Campare between Chartes Spearman theory and Robert Sternberg (Triarchie theory) of intelligence

Campare between Chartes Spearman theory and Robert Sternberg (Triarchie theory) of intelligence

In: Psychology

Answer the following in complete sentences. Where asked, provide a sketch. If the sketch is a...

Answer the following in complete sentences. Where asked, provide a sketch. If the sketch is a cart or graph, include titles and units for the axes.

What is the significance of the length–tension relationship for a skeletal muscle fiber? Sketch the relationship.

Describe a lever system in the body that operates at a mechanical advantage and one that operates at a mechanical disadvantage. Sketch each system showing the applied loads, the resulting force and fulcrum

Define each of the following terms: concentric isotonic contraction, eccentric isotonic contraction, and isometric contraction. Include a separate sketch for each contraction.

In: Psychology

Explain and evaluate Reid's argument that psychological characteristics are not sufficient for personal identity.

Explain and evaluate Reid's argument that psychological characteristics are not sufficient for personal identity.

In: Psychology

Exercise 5: Physical/Cognitive/Social Health + Longevity - This assignment is designed to focus on various strategies...

Exercise 5: Physical/Cognitive/Social Health + Longevity - This assignment is designed to focus on various strategies that young adults can use to enhance or improve their physical, cognitive, and social health in terms of positive contributions to their longevity.

After conducting research on the internet, provide two strategies for enhancing or improving the physical, cognitive, and social health of young adults in order to positively contribute to their longevity.

Area of Development




Strategy 1:

Strategy 2:


Strategy 1:

Strategy 2:


Strategy 1:

Strategy 2:

In: Psychology

Would you suggest dopamine agonists as a primary treatment of depression? Why or why not?

Would you suggest dopamine agonists as a primary treatment of depression? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

Explain the behavior of workers of any of the largest companies.

Explain the behavior of workers of any of the largest companies.

In: Psychology

Why do you think our visual system evolved to have its strenghts/weaknesses in processing light/dark environments?...

Why do you think our visual system evolved to have its strenghts/weaknesses in processing light/dark environments? thinks of the conditions of the environments we evolved in and what we would have needed to survive in those did the mechanisms of our vision evolve to meet those needs?

In: Psychology

What makes each job either prestigious or lacking prestige - be very specific regarding your motivation...

What makes each job either prestigious or lacking prestige - be very specific regarding your motivation in classifying each occupation...why would you want this job or not want the job based on the social perceptions associated with each or the social benefits, etc.

In: Psychology

Using any organisation of your choice, actual/fictitious analyse, comprehensively and critically discuss the nature of teamwork...

Using any organisation of your choice, actual/fictitious analyse, comprehensively and critically discuss the nature of teamwork in the organisation and clearly show the functional and dysfunctional aspects of the team work.  Discuss, comprehensively and critically, the nature of teamwork in the organisation.

In: Psychology

Chapter 14: Put It in Writing Activity: Suppose that a survey reveals that first-graders from various...

Chapter 14: Put It in Writing Activity:

Suppose that a survey reveals that first-graders from various ethnic groups in a local school hold prejudiced attitudes toward one another. Imagine that you have been hired to develop a program to help these children become less prejudiced and more accepting of members of other ethnic groups.

Write a one-page description of two or three classroom activities that would help you accomplish this goal and tell why you think they would work. Do you think these activities could be successful in eliminating all prejudiced thinking in the children? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

Exercise 3 - Listening Styles In your text, you learned that Geier and Downey (1980) believe...

Exercise 3 - Listening Styles

In your text, you learned that Geier and Downey (1980) believe that there are six styles of listening: leisure, inclusive, stylistic, technical, empathic, and nonconforming. Each style of listener "hears" only communications that are consistent with his/her style. The purpose of this exercise is to provide you with an opportunity to practice communicating in different ways to different types of listeners.

For each of the situations below, indicate how you would speak to each of the six styles of listener.

Situation 1: You are a supervisor and need to tell an employee that his productivity has recently been low and he needs to improve or risk losing his job.

Listening Style

Your Response







Situation 2: You are an employee and need to tell your supervisor that you have been working too much overtime and need some time off.

Listening Style

Your Response







In: Psychology

What are the main differences between Psychosis and Neurosis disorders? Bm

What are the main differences between Psychosis and Neurosis disorders? Bm

In: Psychology

How operant conditioning theorists were able to develop the classical conditioning theury and make it more...

How operant conditioning theorists were able to develop the classical conditioning theury and make it more reasonable? Explain that and support your answers with examples (SM)

In: Psychology

Najiah was delighted when she learned her family was going to the Riyadh festival. When they...

Najiah was delighted when she learned her family was going to the Riyadh festival. When they reached Riyadh festival the temperature was in excess of 100° F, but Najiah didn't care because she was very excited. Najiah stopped and watched some clowns performing next to the merry go round. As she watched the tricks of the clowns with the merry-go-round music playing in the background, Najiah got more and more sweaty and uncomfortable. Eventually, she fainted from the heat. After that trip, every time Najiah hears merry-go-round music she feels a little dizzy.

  1. What is the unconditioned stimulus?
  2. What is the unconditioned response?
  3. What is the neutral stimulus that becomes the conditioned stimulus?
  4. What is the conditioned response?
  5. Give an example of generalization, considering the above situation.

In: Psychology