Explain the basic model of capitalist economic production. Contrast this model to socialism. Assess the operation...

Explain the basic model of capitalist economic production. Contrast this model to socialism. Assess the operation of capitalist and socialist economies in terms of economic productivity, economic equality, and support for political rights and freedoms.

In: Psychology

QUESTION 1 This theory advocates for well being of others although own self-interest is still most...


  1. This theory advocates for well being of others although own self-interest is still most important:


    Enlightened Egoism.







2 points   


  1. One of the seven things selfish people do in the workplace is:


    They bring others down to build themselves up.


    They give credit to others.


    They put service before self.


    They bring in doughnuts and coffee for co-workers.

2 points   


  1. Teleology can be considered a "selfish" ethical theory.



2 points   


  1. Acceptable behavior defined in terms of consequences to the individual that maximizes personal interests:









2 points   


  1. ______________ considers acts as morally right or acceptable if they produce some desired result such as pleasure, knowledge, career growth, the realization of a self interest, or utility.








    Virtue Ethics.

In: Psychology

Discuss how occupational sex segregation and contribution to childcare and household chores lead to the gender...

Discuss how occupational sex segregation and contribution to childcare and household chores lead to the gender gap in pay.

Must be in 150 words or more please

In: Psychology

The correlation of traits between twins raised apart is often considered a powerful argument that genetics...

The correlation of traits between twins raised apart is often considered a powerful argument that genetics as opposed to the environment is responsible for expression of the shared trait.While this reasoning may provide valuable insight into the role of genetics as opposed to environment in the control of behavior, serious caution should be taken to not jump to a causative statement. Correlations provide evidence of associations but are not appropriate grounds for implied causation.

In thinking about the short article below discussing Jim Springer and Jim Lewis, please discuss several factors which help support the above statement

Please answer in 200 words or less

In: Psychology

Clients who enter residential treatment for substance abuse demonstrate difficulties correctly identifying emotions in themselves and...

Clients who enter residential treatment for substance abuse demonstrate difficulties correctly identifying emotions in themselves and others, regulating emotions, and using positive coping skills to deal with their emotions. The purpose of the study is to quantify the level of emotional understanding as well as other skills related to emotional intelligence among substance abusers. Do substance abusers have a different level of emotional understanding than the general population? The researchers used a convenience sampling method to obtain a sample of 40 substance abusers who have just entered residential treatment. The participants completed the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) to measure their emotional intelligence. Note, the ability based model of emotional intelligence measures four branches: 1) the ability to identify emotions in facial expressions, 2) the ability to use emotional information to facilitate thoughts, 3) the ability to understand emotions, and 4) the ability to regulate emotions in the self and others. This assessment was selected to provide information on emotional understanding and other abilities under the umbrella of emotional intelligence. The mean score on the MSCEIT for the population is 100. The null hypothesis states there will be no difference between the scores on the MSCEIT for substance abusers when compared to the general population. A single sample t-test was used to analyze the data.

In: Psychology

What type of society is dependent on the combining of plant and animal genomes to create...

What type of society is dependent on the combining of plant and animal genomes to create food and medicine?




-none of the above

In: Psychology

Do people from various cultures do have different moral beliefs and practices? Name some of these...

Do people from various cultures do have different moral beliefs and practices? Name some of these differences. Do different cultures have different views about the place of women in society? Do they have different practices and beliefs regarding human rights?

In: Psychology

Instructions 1.    In America, both boys and girls are encouraged to have careers outside of the...


1.    In America, both boys and girls are encouraged to have careers outside of the home. In contrast, there are other countries in which girls are not only discouraged from working outside the home but also not permitted to have an education. Could such cultural differences contribute to cross-cultural sex differences in cognition?

2.    Many studies that assess cross-cultural cognitive differences rely upon meta analyses. Why do you think this is?

3.    Do different cultures value certain cognitive functions or skills more or less than other cultures? I would imagine that indigenous cultures, for example, value spatial skills more than western cultures.

4.    In Chapter 11, you learned about cognitive illusions and how they affect decision making. Do you think all cultures are affected equally by cognitive illusions? Why?

5.    We tend to think of cultures as independent entities with different values, customs, and beliefs. Can you think of any two cultures that actually have many commonalities? With so many similarities, how can these cultures be considered different?

In: Psychology

Research Time! Google " ancient sculptures of Zeus" (or Athena, or any other deity of your...

Research Time! Google " ancient sculptures of Zeus" (or Athena, or any other deity of your choosing except Nike. ) then look at them. Tell me what is similar about their sculptures. What symbols are used to represent that deity? What do those symbols mean and why are they used?

In: Psychology

Identify and discuss the methods of coping with stress along with the advantages and disadvantages. (for...

Identify and discuss the methods of coping with stress along with the advantages and disadvantages. (for employees)

In: Psychology

Discussion Question: How can we see homophobia and stereotypes about sexual identity being bolstered by Hollywood...

Discussion Question: How can we see homophobia and stereotypes about sexual identity being bolstered by Hollywood representations? How can we see the shift that occurred in the 1990’s as a part of a larger pattern of cultural change in terms of sexuality and sexual expression that dates back further than the 90’s? What does it suggest about American culture that we are more comfortable with representations of aggression and violence than affection and sexuality between two people of the same sex? How can we make sense, sociologically, about the double standard between men and women in terms of representations of same-sex sexuality?

In: Psychology

Identify the brain pathways involved in color perception and also in motion perception.

Identify the brain pathways involved in color perception and also in motion perception.

In: Psychology

Describe the characteristics of the adulthood stage (e.g key terms,definitions, age.) Also give practical examples of...

Describe the characteristics of the adulthood stage (e.g key terms,definitions, age.) Also give practical examples of behaviors/cognitions that mark this stage , also describe the influence of heredity and environment here with examples.

In: Psychology

Life Case study ASsignment Choose an adult from your own life. A fictional character from a...

Life Case study ASsignment
Choose an adult from your own life. A fictional character from a book, television show or movie. You will analyze one concept within each of the three domains.
Physical development (the Adolescent brain )
Cognitive development (critical thinking)
Psychosocial development ( theory of love)
Please write an essay

In: Psychology

Why does our society want to regulate drug use?

Why does our society want to regulate drug use?

In: Psychology