An Exercise for Your Imagination Imagine you have been following a path for what seems time...

An Exercise for Your Imagination

Imagine you have been following a path for what seems time without measure during a morning of swirling mists and diffused light when you feel the ground give softly under your leading foot. As your momentum carries you forward, wet ribbon-like strands hit your face before rubbing along either side, some few catching under your arms and between the fingers of your hands. Surprised, you stop and try to orient yourself, failing until a moment when the mists separate to reveal tall grasses before you and your path dividing to the left and right. All signs along the way having appeared meaningless, feeling a sense of dread and quite lost, you see off in the distance and on both sides of the divide someone approaching. Each looks at you without a glance at the other, eventually coming so close as to feel their breath, and begins to speak, their words converging in garbled nonsense until you discover that you can listen to one at a time. Listening to the person on the left you hear something resembling mathematical formulae; listening to the person on the right you hear something resembling a narrative tale. Neither by itself seems able to offer you the understanding you seek, but as you listen more closely, you begin to grasp how the narrative explains the formulae and the formulae concern the narrative…

With your head nearly spinning you begin to realize that both roads lead to your destination.

Your Writing Assignment

Write from the perspective of the lost traveler in the imaginative exercise above.

Which way you would go: Left or Right? Explain your choice.

Who do you think the “travelers” are in relation to the Gilligan article: The one on the left; the one on the right; and, the one seeking their way?

Referring directly to the Gilligan selection (using quotations), relate the imaginary scene of the above exercise to her idea of “…Two views of morality which are complementary rather than sequential or opposed” (p. 6 & 7).

In: Psychology

1.) Create a fictitious case summary of a child with a name, an age during early...

1.) Create a fictitious case summary of a child with a name, an age during early childhood, and a gender. 2.) Explain one component of the child’s psychosocial development in terms of Erik Erikson’s third stage of psychosocial development. 3.) Create a parenting style for the child’s parents and explain the parenting style. 4.) Identify one aspect of the fictitious child’s self-concept. 5.) Create either a friend, friends, or a sibling for the fictitious child and examine the relationship between the fictitious child and the sibling or friend.

In: Psychology

Regarding Anne Moody's autobiography answer the following questions: Why didn’t more southern blacks join the movement?...

Regarding Anne Moody's autobiography answer the following questions:

Why didn’t more southern blacks join the movement?

2. Why did Anne Moody become a civil rights activist?  Was it a case of nature or nurture?

3. What were Anne Moody’s frustrations with the civil rights movement?  Why had she become disillusioned by 1963?

4. How has Anne Moody’s autobiography added to your understanding of the history of race relations in the South during the 1940s and 1950s as well as the civil rights movement’s efforts to improved conditions?  Be specific.

In: Psychology

Discuss the role of women, the women's revolution, and women's rights in early America through the...

Discuss the role of women, the women's revolution, and women's rights in early America through the late 1870's.

In: Psychology



In: Psychology

Please no copy and paste. Discuss one of the Barriers within the profession as explained by...

Please no copy and paste.

  1. Discuss one of the Barriers within the profession as explained by Schafer. What is your assessment of that barrier?
  2. Several leadership behaviors are discussed by Yukl. Select one of those behaviors that you feel is the most important, or near the top of the list. Discuss that behavior and explain your rationale for selecting it.
  3. In the reading by Malos eight leadership theories are presented. Select one theory that you believe has little validity or legitimacy. Briefly discuss that theory and then explain why you made your selection.

Number your responses and cite your sources.

In: Psychology

I want to create an app which a user can talk to and get emotional feedback...

I want to create an app which a user can talk to and get emotional feedback in a form of a conversation. So, a user can talk about how stressful their day was, and my app should reply accordingly so that the user feels better. I want to know what methods(pyschologically) I can apply on my bot so that the user feels satisfied. In short, is there any psychological therapy term which deals with such conversations? Also, what all illnesses can I best help with using my app? (anxiety, social disorders etc)


In: Psychology

. Describe the major physiological changes that occur in each stage of Masters and Johnson's model...

. Describe the major physiological changes that occur in each stage of Masters and Johnson's model of sexual arousal. State the role of the parasympathetic and sympathetic

nervous systems in this process

In: Psychology

Discuss parts of your microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem. How have each of these systems influenced...

Discuss parts of your microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem. How have each of these systems influenced your development as a child? What has this led to in your present life?

In: Psychology

Identify at least three private or non-governmental organizations playing a role in mental health and mental...

Identify at least three private or non-governmental organizations playing a role in mental health and mental disorder issues. How do these organizations work with governemnt programs? Briefly summaraize the purpose of these organizations.

In: Psychology

Think of a research idea in which you will compare 2 groups (sample v population or...

Think of a research idea in which you will compare 2 groups (sample v population or sample v sample) on some variable (e.g., the book uses the example of the IQ of a particular group vs. the IQ of the general population—do not use this example). Answer all of the following questions for this study.


a) What are your two groups?

b) What is the variable you will test?

c) State your null hypothesis using the formula notation shown in the book.

d) State your alternative hypothesis using the formula notation shown in the book.

e) In sentence structure state your alternative hypothesis.

f) Based on your hypothesis is your study one- or two-tailed?

In: Psychology

It's ok to be a cat guy Why can men not be cat people? Reflect on...

It's ok to be a cat guy Why can men not be cat people? Reflect on what these videos tell us about masculinity and what stereotypes are being subverted. How have gender norms have been socially constructed in ways that restrict all genders? Discuss using sociological concepts from the core and supplemental materials.

In: Psychology

The two child maltreatment prevention studies discussed at the end of this chapter focused on altering...

The two child maltreatment prevention studies discussed at the end of this chapter focused on altering behavior within the family microsystem, but other ecological systems beyond the family are relevant. Describe one strategy that social policy makers might follow to reduce the number of potential child maltreatment victims. How would you know that the strategy was working?

In: Psychology

"The Case of​ Hoodia" concerns bioprospecting. Bioprospecting refers to the​ centuries-old practice of collecting and screening...

"The Case of​ Hoodia" concerns bioprospecting. Bioprospecting refers to the​ centuries-old practice of collecting and screening plant and other biological material for commercial​ purposes, such as the development of new​ drugs, seeds and cosmetics. Biopiracy is a negative term referring to the claiming of legal rights over such biological​ material, usually by means of​ patents, without compensation to the groups who discovered and originated the knowledge of this material. Graham Dutfield has described fundamentally different views on biopiracy as​ follows:

In countries like​ India, the predominant view is that the nation itself is the​ "victim" of biopiracy. For​ Africa, the perception seems to be that the continent as a whole is prey to the biopiracies. But in the​ Americas, Australia and New​ Zealand, the victims are seen generally as indigenous peoples who​ usually--though not​ always--represent minority populations.

Comment on​ Dutfield's possible reasons for drawing these conclusions.

In: Psychology

The phrase communication constitutes organizations comes out of the socio-cultural tradition. First, use the terminology from...

The phrase communication constitutes organizations comes out of the socio-cultural tradition. First, use the terminology from this theory to describe how how it is that communication can constitute an organization. Then, tell me how a cybernetic scholar might describe the "essence" of an organization. How about a critical scholar?

In: Psychology