Research indicates that, unlike many other disorders (e.g., panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder), GAD has a gradual...

Research indicates that, unlike many other disorders (e.g., panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder), GAD has a gradual onset that frequently dates back to childhood; many adults with GAD recall being tense, anxious, and worried all of their lives. Why do you think this is the case? Do you believe that the tendency to worry excessively is more like an enduring personality characteristic than a symptom that occurs acutely from time to time?

In: Psychology

Go to a public place and observe an interaction between people engaging in interpersonal communication. Be...

Go to a public place and observe an interaction between people engaging in interpersonal communication. Be sure you can hear as well as see the interaction.

Take notes about what you observe during the interaction.

In your notes, specifically include these topics:

What diverse characteristics did you observe (gender, age, rules of behavior, language, family patterns, etc.)?

What are the verbal messages being exchanged (summarize them).

Using the vocabulary from Ch. 5, explain three of the nonverbal cues that are evident in the interaction. Describe the relationship level of the interaction based on what you observe of the verbal and nonverbal cues.

Describe the contradictions you see between the verbal and nonverbal cues.

Prepare an analysis to be presented in a PowerPoint format with at least one slide per heading. The tasks/headings to include for the observed interaction are:

Create intro slide indicating where you went, day of the week, time of day, and describe the nonverbal elements of the environment (noise level, decorations, music, dress/ characteristics of the patrons, etc.).

Describe the diversity present. How did the differences between the two individuals observed impact the interaction? Add additional detail, explanations, and the course concepts in the text reading in the notes section (presenter notes) to support your analysis.

Summarize the verbal messages. What did you find interesting about the verbal messages?

Describe a minimum of three of the nine types of nonverbal cues you observed (consider using visuals on the slide as well as word descriptions to support your points). (Kinesics, Haptics, Physical Appearance, Artifacts, Environmental Factors, Proxemics and Personal Space, Chronemics, Paralanguage and Silence). Add additional detail, explanations, and the course concepts in the text reading in the notes section (presenter notes) to support your analysis.

Explain at least one contradiction you observed between the verbal and nonverbal cues used in the interpersonal interaction. Why was your example a contradiction and which did you believe, the verbal or the nonverbal message? Add additional detail, explanations, and the course concepts in the text reading in the notes section (presenter notes) to support your analysis.

Summarize your experience. How do our.your cultural filters influence your understanding of the verbal and nonverbal communication cues used in the interaction? Which of your own biases or assumptions did you notice from your observation? How can/did your cultural, biases or assumptions filter your perception of the verbal and nonverbal cues used in the interaction?

Using your analysis of the interaction observed and the dynamics of cultural aspects and how they affect communication, describe one strategy from the course reading that you will use to communicate effectively in your future interactions to build relationships and avoid biased perceptions, which could negatively influence your communication choices.

How can monitoring your use of verbal and nonverbal communication benefit your organization? Your community?

Include references and in-text citations

8 slides

In: Psychology

Acknowledging the family is not the main remedy to solving issues in Caribbean society. One must...

Acknowledging the family is not the main remedy to solving issues in Caribbean society. One must also consider other issues such as Tourism and finding the remedy for this. Discuss this argument.

In: Psychology

Question 2- Sexual Violence Explain the difference between a standard sexual assault case and date rape....

Question 2- Sexual Violence

Explain the difference between a standard sexual assault case and date rape.

Choose two of the nine different types of rapists that exist and compare and contrast their motives and common behaviors.

How do sexually violent crimes impact their victims?

In: Psychology

Islam seems to be at a crossroads at the present time. It seems to be struggling...

Islam seems to be at a crossroads at the present time. It seems to be struggling with reconciling the issues of modernity and its core belief system. One of the major issues involved here concerns the rise of “political Islam.” How should the U.S. deal with this issue in relation to the Constitution?

In: Psychology

What is the relationship between stories about “Ninhursag,” “Pandora,” and “Eve?” Which set of stories comes...

What is the relationship between stories about “Ninhursag,” “Pandora,” and “Eve?” Which set of stories comes first? In what ways have the stories been changed?

In: Psychology

hello , could you please answer this question for me in details , my teacher want...

hello , could you please answer this question for me in details , my teacher want more than 400 word ?.
it is an essay .

1) Discuss the application of Classical conditioning in reducing Anxiety.!!

In: Psychology

sociology question Q1: Define the following terms: (10 marks 2 for each) A- Society B- Globalization...

sociology question

Q1: Define the following terms: (10 marks 2 for each)

  • A- Society
  • B- Globalization
  • C- Social Relationship
  • D- Interaction with the Society
  • E- Main type of Social Institutions

In: Psychology

Discuss why the perspectives of various non-White ethnic populations and racial groups within the U.S. e.g....

Discuss why the perspectives of various non-White ethnic populations and racial groups within the U.S. e.g. African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, would differ from that of White, middle class Americans in regard to the pledge of allegiance? Explain why or why not.

In: Psychology

Should teachers address social/political issues related to gender, race, sexual orientation, disabilities, and social class in...

Should teachers address social/political issues related to gender, race, sexual orientation, disabilities, and social class in the classroom? Explain why/why not.

In: Psychology

Answer the questions: -What is 'Good?' -What is 'Deviant?' -Why? I want you to make a...

Answer the questions:

-What is 'Good?'

-What is 'Deviant?'


I want you to make a post with as much information as possible (or you feel comfortable) including data such as age, sex, gender, ethnicity, religious denomination, sexual preference/identity, familial relationships, etc, etc. Then, give a brief overview of the answers when taken all together: were there patterns you could observe? Did your familial relationships or religions play a role in their views of 'Goodness' or 'Deviance?'

In: Psychology

In regards to gun control legislation and gun violence in America. List and label the variables,...

In regards to gun control legislation and gun violence in America. List and label the variables, including independent, dependent, intervening and moderating.

In: Psychology

What are some of the most commons reasons for a strike?  Have you ever been involved in...

What are some of the most commons reasons for a strike?  Have you ever been involved in a strike or been effected by a strike?  Was the strike successful and what was the major impact on you personally?

In: Psychology

I have a dream speech from a student perspective. 3 paragraphs

I have a dream speech from a student perspective.

3 paragraphs

In: Psychology

Applied reserch methods. purpose of study: to determine if the amount of sleep college students get...

Applied reserch methods.

purpose of study: to determine if the amount of sleep college students get affects their academic success

explain the rationale and justification for this study and include the significance of the study

In: Psychology