What are some of the benefits of using the cultural identity approach in intercultural communications? Please...

What are some of the benefits of using the cultural identity approach in intercultural communications? Please be specific.

In: Psychology

Explain the historical circumstances and events described in the film that led to the “lost boys”...

Explain the historical circumstances and events described in the film that led to the “lost boys” of Sudan being displaced/forced to leave Sudan and forced to live in UN refugee camps for the duration of their childhood years.

In: Psychology

Read the following case and answer the question at the end: As Zappos made its push...

Read the following case and answer the question at the end:

As Zappos made its push toward holocracy, Hsieh decided to ramp up the efforts to an even higher level: Teal. Hsieh sent out a 4,700 word e-mail to all employees entitled “Reinventing Zappos: The Road to Teal.” Teal, supposed to be the next stage of development after holocracy, is characterized as “A new kind of organization designed to enable ‘whole’ individuals (not narrow professional selves) to self-organize and self-manage to achieve an organic organizational purpose.” In the memo, Hsieh essentially told the remaining employees to get on board or get out. Hsieh was not happy with the progress that had been made up to that point and wrote, “in order to eliminate the legacy management hierarchy, there will be effectively no more people managers.” John Bunch, the employee in charge of the move to teal says, “Teal is the goal; holocracy is the system.”
Hsieh even went as far as to offer the equivalent of three months’ worth of salary to employees who would quit the organization if they didn’t feel they could fit in. Over 200 employees (14 percent) took him up on the offer—a massive number of people given Zappos’s normal turnover rate of 1 percent annually. Clearly, not everyone felt comfortable in an organization with no clear leadership structure and very little to no legitimate power. One departed employee called holocracy “a social experiment [that] created chaos and uncertainty.” Others felt like “more employees are feeling like favoritism [and management issues are] becoming a bigger problem.” CEO Tony Hsieh remains undaunted. Hsieh says, “The one thing I’m absolutely sure of is that the future is about self-management.”
The move has not been bad for everyone. Less experienced individuals with less expertise have felt energized by their ability to speak up and have a voice. One employee whose prior boss blocked a job transfer stated that as soon as he figured holocracy out, “I was like, ‘Actually, my boss can’t tell me that.’” Jake McCrea, who teaches new hires about Zappos culture, states, “Holacracy is like a sport or a new language. You can read about it, you can hear people tell you about it, you won’t understand it until you start using it.” Even through all the issues, Hsieh stated, “I’ve been surprised at how hard it is to let go of the psychological baggage. In retrospect, I would have probably ripped off the Band-Aid sooner.”

Do you think leadership skills would be more or less important at Zappos under holocracy? How so?

In: Psychology

Differences between psychoanalysis and rational emotive method, psychological and medical approach.

Differences between psychoanalysis and rational emotive method, psychological and medical approach.

In: Psychology

As part of the free shs policy the government of Ghana has recruited 40 new teachers...

As part of the free shs policy the government of Ghana has recruited 40 new teachers to teach in your district.
As the Circuit supervisor in your district , Write a presentation on how to prepare and present a good lesson for the newly recruited teachers

please I need it before the close of today.

In: Psychology

Later this week you will create a PowerPoint assignment addressing societal/social influences on thoughts and behaviors....

Later this week you will create a PowerPoint assignment addressing societal/social influences on thoughts and behaviors. In preparation for this assignment review the reading materials and links provided above and respond to the following in a short essay:

  • Describe socialization, explain what it is, and how it occurs.
  • Discuss the relationship between socialization and culture. How do socialization and cultural influence attitudes and contribute to stereotyping?

In: Psychology

What do you think about Erikson's theory in regards to Adolescence? How do you think it...

What do you think about Erikson's theory in regards to Adolescence?

How do you think it is connected to the three different areas of development (Physical, Cognitive, and Emotional/Social) during this period?

please explainn

In: Psychology

Imagine you work for a large computer software company and you have been offered an opportunity...

Imagine you work for a large computer software company and you have been offered an opportunity to propose a leadership training model to your company’s CEO and executive staff. What would it look like and how would you present this model? What steps would you use to determine the leadership needs of the company? Which employees would be candidates for this leadership training opportunity and how would they be selected?

In: Psychology

Compare and contrast top-down vs. bottom-up processing (for the visual system) and provide an example or...

Compare and contrast top-down vs. bottom-up processing (for the visual system) and provide an example or two of each in your discussion. What benefits does top-down processing provide? What problems can it produce?

In: Psychology

1. a. In about three (3) sentences each, outline four (4) ways in which adult learners...

1. a. In about three (3) sentences each, outline four (4) ways in which adult learners in Ghana can be helped to learn at a distance.

b. Distinguish between Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education.

c. Identify any three (3) characteristics of a successful teacher.

2. a. In about eight (8) sentence, explain privatisation in education.
b. Explain Socratic technique in about seven (7) sentences.
c. In about ten sentences, write on how a teacher can use the Socratic technique?

3. In about six (6) sentences each, explain five (5) conditions that can promote adult learning.   

In: Psychology

In what ways does discourse of panic relate to control and/or power? Book is Constructing Panic

In what ways does discourse of panic relate to control and/or power? Book is Constructing Panic

In: Psychology

The concepts of reliability and validity are very important when it comes to the testing of...

The concepts of reliability and validity are very important when it comes to the testing of intellectual abilities. When tests are given such importance (in terms of how we look at and use the numbers), they must be carefully constructed to be as accurate as possible. Could a test of intelligence be reliable, but not valid? How? Could some other measure (assessing something other than intelligence) be valid, but NOT reliable? Why or why not? Give examples.

Of what practical use are intelligence tests? Does it matter what someone's "IQ" is? Why or why not? Do you think that you could tell the difference between two people whose IQ scores differ by 10 points? By 20? (Assume normal, everyday type conversations.) At what size gap do you think there WOULD be a noticeable difference? What behavior(s) or other observations would signal to you that a person has a higher IQ score?

In: Psychology

What symptoms are associated with major depression? How are glucocorticoid levels changed for many people with...

  1. What symptoms are associated with major depression?
  2. How are glucocorticoid levels changed for many people with depression?
  3. How are glucocorticoid changes related to memory in people with depression?
  4. Do glucocorticoid levels change the same for people with atypical depression?
  5. Describe how different affective styles impact our responses to stress.
  6. Describe the variables that the male baboons possess, that cope the best with stress (have lower glucocorticoid levels).
  7. Describe the difference between fear and anxiety.
  8. Is anxiety dominated by catecholamines or glucocorticoids?
  9. How are hostility and cardiovascular disease related?

dont need to be long just two or 3 sentences at most for a-i please

In: Psychology

Choose a psychological disorder from the DSM-V. Neurocognitive Disorders (591) What type of therapy do you...

Choose a psychological disorder from the DSM-V.

Neurocognitive Disorders (591)

  • What type of therapy do you believe would be the most successful in treating this type of disorder?

In: Psychology

1. What is the Dark Triad? What are the three traits in the Dark Triad personality...

1. What is the Dark Triad? What are the three traits in the Dark Triad personality structure? Explain each trait – do not simply list them. Give an example of each trait (how would we observe each trait behaviorally?).

In: Psychology