* THIS IS FROM A BUSINESS ETHICS CLASS* From 'Acknowledging the Rot' by Eric Alterman, in...


From 'Acknowledging the Rot' by Eric Alterman, in The Nation, 4/11 Dec. 2017, p. 6:

With the recent accusations of child molestation against Alabama Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore, the network's [i.e. Fox News'] top-tier 'talent'—Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham—have all questioned the veracity of the Washington Post report, which cited four on-the-record victims and more than 30 sources, and then changed the subject to the sins of either Harvey Weinstein or Bill Clinton. The Fox News anchors might as well have been taking their orders directly from Breitbart impresario Steve Bannon. Six advertisers abandoned Hannity after his defense of Moore, perhaps leading him to rethink his public position on Moore's 'consensual' sex life. Still, Hannity happily cheered on a campaign by his acolytes to attack and destroy Keurig coffee machines, following the withdrawal of the company's advertising from his show. All of this demonstrates the fact that Murdoch [CEO of Fox News] has decided to throw in with the crazies, perverts, and Nazi sympathizers who populate Trump's base, with no limits as to how low he will go. And, lo and behold, it works. During this period, Fox News secured its prime-time ratings lead over MSNBC, with Hannity handily beating Rachel Maddow, whose numbers had surpassed Fox's for three months in a row.

From this passage, reconstruct an argument concerning Murdoch in premise-conclusion form. There's also a fallacy here; bonus will be awarded for correctly naming it.

In: Psychology

1. As a teacher, you have some students who clearly want to learn the subject matter...

1. As a teacher, you have some students who clearly want to learn the subject matter you are teaching and other students who are interested only in the grades they get in your class.

a. Considering the textbook’s discussion of extrinsic versus intrinsic motivation, how would you expect the two groups of students to differ in terms of classroom learning and performance? Describe five differences you are likely to see between them.

b. Describe three strategies you might use to promote intrinsic motivation in the grade-oriented students

In: Psychology

3) How did Buddhism find its way to China? Why do you think this outside belief...

3) How did Buddhism find its way to China? Why do you think this outside belief was so readily accepted into Chinese society? How was Buddhism integrated into China?

There is no Histrory Subject choice.

In: Psychology

Why do you think so many people are hesitant to talk about sexual pleasure? How do...

  • Why do you think so many people are hesitant to talk about sexual pleasure? How do you decide whether a sexual behavior is "normal"?
  • Do you think people should be allowed to engage in BDSM (or other sexual behaviors or expressions), as long as they don't hurt anyone?
  • Kiki realizes that some people don't understand her behavior and they may see it as distasteful, perverted or abnormal. Given that, should we as a society stop her from doing it? Do you think she is sick?

400 words required.

In: Psychology

1. Discuss the role of women in religion. Apply a feminist/conflict-oriented perspective to explain what women’s...

1. Discuss the role of women in religion. Apply a feminist/conflict-oriented perspective to explain what women’s roles have been.

In: Psychology

What are some recommended methods for counseling clients of African descent? Why are these methods considered...

What are some recommended methods for counseling clients of African descent? Why are these methods considered successful?

In: Psychology

How does this compare to the teaching of controversial issues in American history such as slavery...

How does this compare to the teaching of controversial issues in American history such as slavery or atrocities against Native Americans such as the Sand Creek Massacre, which were either not or barely mentioned in any textbooks until the 1960s?

In: Psychology

List at least three things you found most interesting about interpersonal communication, explaining why you found...

List at least three things you found most interesting about interpersonal communication, explaining why you found them interesting.

Explain at least two things from the chapter you think will help you in your interpersonal relationships and how you think they will be useful.

Finally, describe what you consider to be your most common conflict management strategies and whether you would prefer to use a different strategy in the future. Give specific examples.

In: Psychology

How is information about different categories stored in the brain?

How is information about different categories stored in the brain?

In: Psychology

If I can tell you what areas of the brain are activated, and what neurotransmitters are...

If I can tell you what areas of the brain are activated, and what neurotransmitters are involved, when you have a religious experience or fall in love, does this change the way you think about those experiences?

- Please make the answer above 250 words, and many thanks!

- Write the answer by the keyboard not by hand writing please, thanks a lot!

In: Psychology

Your brother just instant messaged you at 4:00 in the morning (you were studying for a...

Your brother just instant messaged you at 4:00 in the morning (you were studying for a test, so you were fully alert). He says he just got a call from his daughter's friend who told him that his 14-year-old daughter (Denise) was really drunk and was being driven home from the beach by another friend. Apparently several friends were on the beach drinking all night and your brother didn't even know his daughter had left the house.

1.Explain to your brother about the changes going on in his daughter; physically, emotionally and socially.

2.Offer him advice on how to handle the situation when she gets home in a few minutes. Apply (and explain) the principles of good parenting.

In: Psychology

Describe the origins of Hip Hop including (1) Kool Herc's role in its development; (2) its...

Describe the origins of Hip Hop including (1) Kool Herc's role in its development; (2) its original agenda for black youth; (3) its evolution from party music to political and social commentary rap.

In: Psychology

The world in which we live today would have been considered “Science Fiction” just fifty to...

The world in which we live today would have been considered “Science Fiction” just fifty to sixty years ago. Write an expository essay* discussing the difficulties a TIME TRAVELER from 1950 might have adapting to the world as we know it today. Discuss how our lives differ from the traveler’s world. Choose a few modern technologies that our traveler would not understand, as well as technology from his/her time that has not changed all that much.

In your paper, discuss how your life would be affected if you woke up in the morning and found that you had been transported into the 1950’s. Be specific! I suggest that you discuss the 1950’s with an older person such as a grandparent.

In: Psychology

Split brain OR blindsight. Describe the phenomenon that you chose together with its neural basis and...

Split brain OR blindsight. Describe the phenomenon that you chose together with its neural basis and behavioral aspects. What is the significance of the phenomenon for consciousness research?

In: Psychology

The criminal justice field was very slow to adopt and adapt to the use of research...

The criminal justice field was very slow to adopt and adapt to the use of research and data to solve issues. Why do you think this was the case? What ways can researchers and law enforcement professionals work better to use science to their advantage in reducing crime?

In: Psychology