
In: Psychology

Later this week you will create a PowerPoint assignment addressing societal/social influences on thoughts and behaviors....

Later this week you will create a PowerPoint assignment addressing societal/social influences on thoughts and behaviors. In preparation for this assignment review the reading materials and links provided above and respond to the following in a short essay:

  • Describe socialization, explain what it is, and how it occurs.
  • Discuss the relationship between socialization and culture. How do socialization and cultural influence attitudes and contribute to stereotyping?


Expert Solution

Q.Describe socialization, explain what it is and how it occurs.

Ans. Socialization is defined as the process by which human beings internalize the norms and ideologies of society. Socialization as a process occurs throughout the life of the individuals. It starts from the time of birth and ends when a person dies. Socialization influences the behaviour, beliefs, and actions of adults as well as of children.

Socialization is considered important because it is the process by which a person learns to be a member of a group, community, or society. Its purpose is not only to incorporate new members into social groups, but it also serves the dual purpose of reproducing the groups to which the person belongs. It is impossible to have a society without socialization because of the lack of the process to instil the norms, values, ideas, and customs that compose a society. As a result of socialization, we learn the expected norms of a group or a given situation. In effect, it can be regarded as a form of social control.

Socialization occurs through the use agents in our society.Some of the agents of socialization are;

Family-The family is the first agent of socialization. A family includes mother, fathers, siblings, grandparents, and members of an extended family.

Peer Groups- A peer group is a group of people who are similar in age and share interests. Peer group socialization starts from early stages when a child begins to play in the park with other kids. Peer group has important influence among teenage years.

School- A school not only makes us literate and knowledgeable but also help us to function in society. School socializes to have discipline and follow a schedule. Schools make students more aware of surroundings, about citizenship and national pride.

Religion-Religion is an important avenue of socialization. The United States has many synagogues, temples, churches, mosques where people gather to worship. These places teach how to perform prayers. These places are also used for ceremonies like birth, marriage etc. Organized religion forms an opinion about a common set of socialized values that are passed on through society.

Government-Every one of us has to live our lives as per the norms established by the government. We become adult, taxpayer or a senior citizen as per the government norms.

Mass Media- Mass media distributes information to a wide audience, via television, newspapers, radio, and the Internet. People learn about what is happening around them. In our day to day lives, media is influencing our beliefs and values.

The goals of socialization are to teach us to be a social being from a biological being.So, socialization is an important and necessary process that lays what values, norms, and behaviours are being taught, with this comes the responsibility to do it towards the right end.

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