In: Psychology
The diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders across the lifespan has changed with time. Discuss at least one point grounded in the nature/nurture debate that relates to how ADHD is currently diagnosed as well as how the treatment has changed as compared to earlier versions of the DSM
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been a controversial disorder for reasons such as its very existence as a disorder, the nature of the disorder and the use of stimulants to treat the disorder. Many critics say that ADHD does not exist and the behavior patterns of the children are just different from other children, and this does not make it a disorder. The problem of over diagnosis is also seen, which means that children who did not have ADHD were diagnosed as ADHD, this is very concerning as this shows that their are some diagnostic issues with this disorder.
Ritalin is one of the stimulants used to treat ADHD, it has been a controversial drug as studies have shown that children who were being treated with ritalin have a high likelihood of smoking or using other stimulants as adults. Other researches have not been able to replicate the same findings and have produced mixed results. So, there may be benefits but risks as well.
Behavior therapies are used in ADHD to treat the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity. It is very challenging to treat the symptoms as the children may not pay attention to the therapist and will not be able to comply with instructions of the therapist, which makes it very difficult process initially. But, behavioral therapies have shown to have good efficacy in treating ADHD and often the first line of treat in mild to moderate ADHD.