1.How do peoples psychological make up relate to disorders such as cancer and heart disease? 2.What...

1.How do peoples psychological make up relate to disorders such as cancer and heart disease?

2.What is the greatest preventable cause of death in the US and why is this so?

3.Who should be overseeing your health care?

4.List 2 things which may limit one's health care and 2 things which may make it more sucessful.

This is all from chapter 11. Essentials of understanding psychology by Robert Feldman 12th edition.

In: Psychology

Task: To complete this activity, edit the incorrect APA STYLE citations in the following paragraphs. Highlight/circle...

Task: To complete this activity, edit the incorrect APA STYLE citations in the following paragraphs. Highlight/circle the mistakes and write/type out the correct citations within each paragraph. Then rewrite a new sentence in correct APA STYLE.

  1. Red and blue make green (York, Butler, and Robin). Purple and white make lavender (York, Butler, and Robin, 1996; Abercrombie & Fitch, 1996). Smithers and Brown demonstrated that black and white make grey (2002), and these finding have been replicated in other laboratories (Baker, 2001; Collin, Johnson, Walker, Marmot, Greeves, Cohen, Silverman, and Loddy, 2004; Baker, 2003). The debate continues about the result of adding yellow to orange (Griffith, Tory, Burch) 2002.

In: Psychology

Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment?

Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment?

In: Psychology

Describe the role of community colleges in U.S. higher education. When did community colleges become widespread?...

Describe the role of community colleges in U.S. higher education. When did community colleges become widespread? Compared to other types of colleges and universities, what benefits do they offer? What special importance do they have for minority populations? Make certain that your response includes all aspects of each question being asked in order to receive full credit.

In: Psychology

Based on a recent mass shooting in the United States: What do you think drives individuals...

Based on a recent mass shooting in the United States:

What do you think drives individuals to engage in mass shootings of this type?

What criminological theories can we use to potentially explain the causes of these kinds of mass shootings?

What practical steps do you that policymakers, local jurisdictions, and/or individual citizens can take to prevent high casualty mass shootings such as this from happening in the future?

In: Psychology

Question:1(a) Nature and nurture in your life. In what ways have nature and nurture impacted your...

Question:1(a) Nature and nurture in your life. In what ways have nature and nurture impacted your development? Do you possess any attributes that seem to be more clearly influenced by one factor over the other? Is there any way to tease apart what has resulted from nature and what has resulted in nurture in your own development?

Question: 1(b)Albert Einstein wrote, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” The question I have for you at this point of our journey together is, “What is your genius?” For your discussion forum this week, describe what Albert Einstein is referring to based on what you have learned in this chapter. Be sure to use intelligence theories in your initial posting.

Write a three-page journal entry addressing both the topics.

Can someone help me to write a journal entry addressing both these topics?

In: Psychology

Discuss the impact that video cameras in assisting the police to identify suspects of crimes. Explain...

Discuss the impact that video cameras in assisting the police to identify suspects of crimes. Explain and give a relative scenario!

In: Psychology

Jane is a 69-year-old black, married, retired female who lives with her husband. She was referred...

Jane is a 69-year-old black, married, retired female who lives with her husband. She was referred to you for individual counseling to work on severe anxiety and moderate depression. Jane's physical health has been declining after injuring her knee a year ago. Jane has been doing water aerobics weekly, and was working a part-time job and active in her prior to the onset of the medical problem. Jane underwent surgery to repair the injury, however, she still reports weakness and some numbness which impacts most daily activities. When Jane comes to meet with you, she is tearful and reluctantly using a walker. She tells you that she had delayed coming to therapy for a week in hopes of feeling better but finally came at the urging of her husband and using the walker for the first time that day to steady herself. Jane's doctor informed her that there is nothing more he can do to help her and suggested pain medication which Jane does not want to take because it makes her feel sick. Since receiving this news, Jane has been feeling more down and has been isolating herself and has refused to seek a second opinion despite her husband's urging because she does not feel any doctors will listen to her or understand. Using Multicultural Feminist Theory, how do you help to empower Jane and encourage her to explore other medical options? What strategies do you incorporate to address Jane's depression and anxiety?

In: Psychology

Option 2 Age Differences    People of varying ages have different attitudes toward death. Ask people of...

Option 2 Age Differences   

People of varying ages have different attitudes toward death. Ask people of different ages (ideally, at least one from each decade: younger than 20, in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s or older), what thoughts they have about their own death. Have they experienced the death of a close friend or family member? Are they fearful or not? How has their cultural background influenced their attitudes? What differences did your find and how might you attribute the differences to age or culture? Summarize your findings in a 1 – 2 page paper. Use the content in your textbook to support your conclusions.

In: Psychology

how does culture impact the way infants learn

how does culture impact the way infants learn

In: Psychology

One main consequence of the Civil War was the abolition of slavery. For the first time,...

One main consequence of the Civil War was the abolition of slavery. For the first time, some four million blacks living in the South faced life as freed people. Regarding the emancipation of slaves: What tensions and conflicts emerged between the ideal that all human beings are created equal and the previous existence of slavery and ongoing racial prejudice?

Using evidence provide at least two distinct consequences of this tension and conflic.

In: Psychology

Can you show me an example of a detailed family-systems based assessment?

Can you show me an example of a detailed family-systems based assessment?

In: Psychology

1. Why are adolescent researchers and others so interested in the prefrontal cortex when exploring adolescent...


Why are adolescent researchers and others so interested in the prefrontal cortex when exploring



What do we know? What

can we


to the prefrontal cort

ex in terms of physical, social


cognitive development?



As pertains to cognitive, social and emotional development of tweens and teens, why is socialization so


What is gained, learned and developed during socialization?

Your help will be much appreciated. I only have to submit one with three paragraphs.

In: Psychology

Jeffery Arnett talked about the social shifts that have occurred in the last 40 years that...

Jeffery Arnett talked about the social shifts that have occurred in the last 40 years that have opened the way for emerging adulthood to exist. Name and define two of these social shifts, and explain how they have allowed for people to delay adult roles in emerging adulthood.

In: Psychology

Explain why Leibniz thought a purely mathematical account of nature was inadequate. What special features of...

Explain why Leibniz thought a purely mathematical account of nature was inadequate. What special features of reality does his theory of substance try to explain?

In: Psychology