
In: Psychology

Come up with two example stimulus-response behaviors. For example, the sight of a particular food (the...

Come up with two example stimulus-response behaviors. For example, the sight of a particular food (the stimulus) and eating (the potential response). Describe each factor (drive, incentive motivation, habit strength, and inhibition) of Hull’s Drive Reduction Theory in words, with respect to your example similar to what was done in the online content for the bustles sprout and bathroom examples. One of your stimulus-response examples should involve a situation where the person or animal engages in the behavior and one where they do not. Explain how the factors in Hull’s model contributed to the decision to perform or not perform the behavior. That is, explain why the person or animal did or did not do the behavior.


Expert Solution

Derive reduction theory was dominant force in Psychology.The primary motivation us based on reduction of derive . No one even intended to learn without any derive . When they feel necessity of learning (derive), they will also find out the way learning (Reduction).


According to Hull, a drive is biological needs that sometimes create uncomfortable situation which must be need to reduction .For example, in order to reduce tension or unpleasant situation , animals or human seeks out way to fullfilled this biological needs . We get drink when we are thirsty.

Incentive motivation:

It is size of mangnitude of goal.our action always inspired by a deisre to outside gain reinforcement or reward . That's means we mainly perform for getting reinforcement .The incentive motivation suggested that people exibit such behaiour in desirable manner which one get rewarded and pushed away or move away from such behaiour which may be punishment for him.

Habit strength(sHr) : it is established by privious habit strength hirechy , an organism can respond in a number of ways.the likelihood of a specific responce has a probablity which can be changed by reward and affected by other variable (inhibitation) .for a example , a candy has hidden in a book of six year hungry chilldren. He randomly search the candy in several time .after sometimes , he turned out right page and get candy. In same condition , when it was repeat , he was more goal directed .so he developed a strengthfull habit .


Conditioned inhibitation or not able to elucite desirable responce or performance due to lack of reinforcement .

hull model greatly impact to take decision to perform or not pperfrom behaiour . Various factor like derive reduction, habit strengrh , to overcome such intervening variable like excitory recreation potential , inhibitation etc should take proper considertion for exibiting Behaviour in desirable manner.

The main purpose of behaviour is drive reduction or satifying needs. So when animal or person feel the necessity or intented then behaviour should exibit other wise not.because purposeless Behaviour will not be meaningfull.

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