
In: Psychology

How depth cues are related to cognitive ergonomics and display in industrial engineering?

How depth cues are related to cognitive ergonomics and display in industrial engineering?


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Perception is the process of Information acquisition from the environment via sense organs and transformation or interpretation into meaningful experiences of objects, events, sounds, tastes, etc. perception is a key part of our everyday life as it helps us acquire and process information and adapt to the environment. Within the domain of the work environment, the field of Ergonomics caters to the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use. It incorporates elements from many subjects: anatomy, physiology, psychology and design and applies them to ensure that products and environments are comfortable, safe and efficient for people to use based on their capabilities and limitations.

Thus, ergonomics helps design more efficient technology by such features that designers could incorporate to make their products more user friendly. For instance, in the context of visual perception, Ergonomics helps design a road sign, new software, etc. so that the majority of people will understand and act in the intended manner. Within the visual perception of a road sign, the presence or absence of certain depth cues can influence whether commuters And passerbys read and understand the specific information being coomunicated in the road sign.

For instance, pictorial cues like : overlap, relative size and height in the field of view, atmospheric perspective, etc can influence the perception of a ‘danger’road sign . If the road sign is partly covered by a tree, or a building then it would not be visual to the commuters. Similarly, relative size can influence the success of a road sign since ‘a no U-turn’ signboard which is very small compared to the other signboards on the same lane will be perceived as distant and the drivers may not be able to avoid taking a U-turn on the road. Moreover, dull road signs in dark colours may likely appear hazy and would be ignored by the drivers especially during twilight hours due to the presence of the depth of atmospheric pressure which makes hazy objects appear farther than they usually are in the presence of mist or fog. However, bright road signs panted in neon colours or glow in the dark borders would be more better perceived by the drivers.

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