Review the factors influencing impression and attraction discussed in chapter 14. Prepare a dual list of...

Review the factors influencing impression and attraction discussed in chapter 14. Prepare a dual list of behaviors indicating what you should and should not do if you wish to make a better impression on other people and to increase their liking for you. What the factors influencing impression and attration discussed?

In: Psychology

What is a positive function of each major sociological theory (functuonlist, conflict, feminist, interactionist)?

What is a positive function of each major sociological theory (functuonlist, conflict, feminist, interactionist)?

In: Psychology

discuss the role of responding patrol officers at the scene of an apparent aggravated sexual assault....

discuss the role of responding patrol officers at the scene of an apparent aggravated sexual assault. Give a detailed scenario

In: Psychology

Identify a movie, television show, or fiction book that you think relates to philosophy and that...

Identify a movie, television show, or fiction book that you think relates to philosophy and that we have not discussed in class. Describe it and explain how it relates to philosophy in at least a paragraph.

In: Psychology

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of act-utilitarianism and virtue ethics. Which do you think is the...

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of act-utilitarianism and virtue ethics. Which do you think is the better theory? How would you combine the two approaches to fashion a better theory?

In: Psychology

Describe Bandura’s social learning theory

Describe Bandura’s social learning theory

In: Psychology

Explain groupthink theory and how it relates to workplace and what are it advantages at workplace...

Explain groupthink theory and how it relates to workplace and what are it advantages at workplace and disadvantages?

In: Psychology

Think about Psychology and what you know about the field/study to date. Try to think of...

Think about Psychology and what you know about the field/study to date. Try to think of two or more ways that Psychology might be used to investigate a problem (whether it is something an individual is facing or something in a larger group/society). Describe the problem and at least two ways that Psychology might be used to investigate it.

In: Psychology

a real life example of either Emotional Intelligence at work or the lack of it on...

a real life example of either Emotional Intelligence at work or the lack of it on display,from social media comments and current situations news.Make sure you describe your example in detail and connect it clearly to Goleman's emotional intelligence.

In: Psychology

The first dilution with me 1/100th of the original concentration. In other words, one hundreth part...

The first dilution with me 1/100th of the original concentration. In other words, one hundreth part of the second solution will be dye and 99 parts will be water. Te final volume of the solution will be 10ml.

a) what part of it will be dye?

b) what part of it will be water?

the second dilution will be 1/10th of the first dilution. The final volume will be 10ml.

a) therefore, how many ml of water do you place in second tube

b) how many ml of the first dilution tube do you add

the third dilution will the 1/10th of the second one. again, the final volume will be 10 ml.

a) therefore, how many ml of water do you place in second tube?

b) how many ml of the second dilution tube do you add?

Edit question

finally, the fourth dilution will be 1/100th of the third one. again, the final volume will be 10 ml.

a) therefore, how many ml of water do you place in the second tube?

b) how many ml of the third dilution tube do you add?

How do you calculate the final dilution factor in this series? Double check that it contains 10^-6 parts dye to water in the final solution.

In: Psychology

We noted that people who like clear-cut categories often experience frustration when they try to understand...

We noted that people who like clear-cut categories often experience frustration when they try to understand lesbians and bisexual women. Discuss Lisa Diamond’s research about the fluid nature of sexual orientation, the experiences of bisexual women, and theories about sexual orientation.

Lesbians, bisexuals, and single women all have lifestyles that differ from the traditional norm. What are people’s attitudes toward women in these three groups

In: Psychology

Dr. Paddock is a counseling psychologist who is interested in decreasing adjustment issues in first-year college...

Dr. Paddock is a counseling psychologist who is interested in decreasing adjustment issues in first-year college students. She is curious if having students create collages of their first few weeks of school and then mailing them home will help students feel they have integrated their new life with their old and, as a result, will help them feel less homesick. She samples a group of 100 incoming college freshmen at her university and measures how homesick they are during the first week of school. During Week 4 of school, she has them make the collage and send it home. During Week 7 of school, she measures their homesickness again. She notices a significant reduction in the amount of homesickness from the pretest to the posttest and concludes that her treatment is effective. Imagine in Dr. Paddock’s study that only 90 of the original participants completed the measure of homesickness during Week 7 (10 participants had left the university and were unavailable). What kind of threat to internal validity does this pose? How does this affect her conclusion that her treatment for homesickness worked?

In: Psychology

What is evolutionary psychology, and how does it explain women’s and men’s choices for an ideal...

What is evolutionary psychology, and how does it explain women’s and men’s choices for an ideal romantic partner? Why is it inadequate in explaining cross-cultural research? How can the social-roles theory account for that research? Finally, why would evolutionary psychology have difficulty accounting for lesbian relationships?

Describe the division of power in traditional and egalitarian marriages, as well as in lesbian relationships. Also discuss how power operates for married women of color.

Discuss gender comparisons, Be sure to include topics such as the ideal sexual partner, the ideal marriage partner, reactions to breaking up, satisfaction with marriage, and the decision to seek a divorce.

In: Psychology

Why did the Cold War emerge at the conclusion of WWII

Why did the Cold War emerge at the conclusion of WWII

In: Psychology

Explain whether Dr. Nguyen is correct in thinking that extra-legal factors are more important in legal...

Explain whether Dr. Nguyen is correct in thinking that extra-legal factors are more important in legal decision making than legal factors.

In: Psychology