1. a) How did the concept of self-actualization evolve with humanistic psychology? b) Why are Bühler,...

1. a) How did the concept of self-actualization evolve with humanistic psychology?

b) Why are Bühler, Kohlberg, Erikson, and Gilligan's approaches to development regarded as part of humanistic psychology (what makes them 'humanistic')?

c) As a student, how do you relate to Carol Dweck's explanation of how students respond to failure?

Please answer each part of the question by your thinking rather than copying the whole from the material you already post. Thus, make the answer by your own knowledge if you have a faculty of psychology to answer this question by their own thinking.

In: Psychology

Mr. Winn wants to teach his third grade students to use a three-step process for summarizing...

Mr. Winn wants to teach his third grade students to use a three-step process for summarizing as they read. He believes observational learning is the best method.
Albert Bandura identified four elements essential for observational learning. Explain what Mr. Winn needs to do for each element to be incorporated into his teaching plan for this lesson.

In: Psychology

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following...

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Unit 2 has discussed how sociologists identify cultures and subcultures. Cultures and subcultures have unique components, such as language, values, norms (behaviors), and food. For this Discussion Board, you will dive deeper into culture by completing the following:

  1. Choose a popular television show (examples include The Simpsons, The Big Bang Theory, The Goldbergs, and Orange is the New Black) or a movie you have enjoyed.  
    • For your chosen show or movie, provide specific examples for each component of culture (language, values, norms, and food) found within your show or movie.
      • For example, in The Simpsons, language can be seen with the word "D'oh" and the phrase, "Don't have a cow, man!"
    • Each TV show could be said to represent a subculture of mainstream society. How do the four components of culture (language, values, norms, and food) identified above combine to create a group that is different from or similar to other groups you would expect to see in mainstream American culture?
  2. Finally, choose 1 of the following theorists: Durkheim, Marx, or Cooley. What does your chosen theorist say about the role of culture in shaping human behavior?

In: Psychology

Dependent on the jurisdiction some juvenile criminal records may be sealed or expunged with relative ease....

Dependent on the jurisdiction some juvenile criminal records may be sealed or expunged with relative ease. Considering that some juvenile offenses can be particularly egregious should juveniles be able to seal or expunge their records. What should be the limits of their ability to seal or expunge records?

In: Psychology

Internship essay applying for Harley Davidson, about what Freedom means to you and why you want...

Internship essay applying for Harley Davidson, about what Freedom means to you and why you want to learn about the motorcycle culture?

In: Psychology

There are many myths regarding raising children. In this discussion, you will give your opinions of...

There are many myths regarding raising children. In this discussion, you will give your opinions of some of these ideas. For each of the following statements, indicate whether you agree or disagree and why using complete sentences.

1. My baby started walking and talking earlier than other babies. I know he will be smart.

2. I pick up my baby as soon as she starts crying. My friend thinks I am going to spoil her.

3. I want to have only one child, but my partner thinks that only children have problems relating to other children.

Please answer each question using at least 2 complete sentences (8 sentences total) and correct English. That's a total of 8 sentences

In: Psychology

Explain how motivations can affect prejudice.

Explain how motivations can affect prejudice.

In: Psychology

What is the role of culture in your place of work? How is culture acknowledged? If...

What is the role of culture in your place of work? How is culture acknowledged? If you could change how your place of work acknowledges culture, what would you do differently?

In: Psychology

Defining the terms bellow: Indiginous healing Universalist & relativist perspectives Medical pluralism, biomedical model Culture &...

Defining the terms bellow: Indiginous healing

Universalist & relativist perspectives

Medical pluralism, biomedical model

Culture & its characteristics

Holistic healing

Restoration (individuals, communities, cultural)

Traditional medicine/knowledge/healing

Transformational & restorative healing

Relational epistemology, spirituality

Universal dimensions of healing

Modes & mechanisms of healing/transformation

Explanatory models (especially how it relates to cultural safety)

Symbolic healing

Shamanism, herbalism

Cultural or creative arts

Embodiment, techniques of the body

Historical, multigenerational, & intergenerational traumas

Pathologize (ation), medicalize (ation), labels

Decolonization & a decolonizing approach (to healing)

Cultural competence & cultural safety



Cultural continuity

Performative aspects of healing

In: Psychology

Based on what you know about motivation and personality, what types of people are likely to...

Based on what you know about motivation and personality, what types of people are likely to be satisfied working in each area/location of the company?  Using concepts from the job characteristics model/theory, what might need to change to increase employee satisfaction in all areas of the firm?

In terms of hiring, which Big Five traits and abilities might supervisors want to use for selection? How can the company orient employees for creativity and independence in those locations where it is needed? Finally, what kind of performance measures might be appropriate for each office location?

In: Psychology

Explain what cognitive dissonance is. Now, guess the results of these experiments. Explain the cognitive dissonance...

Explain what cognitive dissonance is. Now, guess the results of these experiments. Explain the cognitive dissonance in each example.   

1.) In one study, participants were asked to do a task. It turned out that the task was really, really boring. When they were asked to tell the next person it was a really interesting task, and, in fact, they would get paid for doing so. All agreed to do it. One half of the participants got paid $1 to tell the next person it was interesting; the other half got paid $20 to tell the next person it was interesting. Afterwards they all were asked, "Ok, really, how interesting did you find the task?" One group said they found the task more interesting than the other. Which one? Why?

2.) Researchers looked at recently-graduated college students who had been members of fraternities, some of which did hazing of new members and others that didn't. The former students were asked how committed they were to the fraternity. Did one group say they were more committed than the other? If so, which one? Explain.

I do highly appreciate your help!

Thank you so much,

In: Psychology

How would you use technology to involve the community in disaster preparedness and response?

How would you use technology to involve the community in disaster preparedness and response?

In: Psychology

Discuss to what extent the concepts of French Sensationalism and Positivism can be related to concepts...

Discuss to what extent the concepts of French Sensationalism and Positivism can be related to concepts and principles of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology/Psychotherapy

In: Psychology

Transparency among organizations is related to sharing of safety data among healthcare organizations this also includes...

Transparency among organizations is related to sharing of safety data among healthcare organizations this also includes hospitals payers vendors and purchasers. When organizations or transparent they can continue to strive to improve care by sharing information and what they've learned from their peers and also getting information from them on what they can do better. The key benefits of transparency are benchmarking accelerated Improvement, sharing what the best practice of medicine is, to learn lessons from errors from other organizations to prevent this happening at their Hospital, introduce diagnostic test and imaging. What are the most significant obstacles to transparency with other organizations is fear of losing peer-review protection among other things this? When organizations resist they lose it vital data that could help protect them from making arrows how we can overcome this is a significant cultural shift to reduce the fear of open sharing. Transparency among other organizations can work when people collaborate with each other they can find new measures and share results and learned lessons to help Advanced Care.

One of the fears from sharing data and the ramifications that came from that is Virginia Mason Medical Center we're sadly a patient Mary McClinton died after receiving an injection of chlorhexidine instead of contrast dye. On November 23rd, 2004 Miss McClinton was 69 years old I was treated for a brain aneurysm at Virginia Mason Institution. There was confusion over three identical stainless steel bottles in the room all training a clear liquid. Virginia Mass released a statement after the incident and said:”We hope to quickly reach a resolution that will support the healing process of the family.” The hospital settled with the family so they could put the pain of losing the mother to rest. After this incident, Virginia Mass institutional took radical steps to promote communication among organizations to prevent this happening at any other Hospital or physician practice. Even today Virginia Mass does safety teamwork to avoid this happening at their institution again.

Patient safety organizations or PSO represents the advancement of transparency among organizations. PSO feels that sharing data among organizations will help prevent errors and their hospitals and other hospitals. They are a federally listed group established to collect, analyze and aggregate patient safety data. When the PSO does Jacinto hospital, they can reduce the risk of liability for reporting and communication and also creates protection for the hospital. There's currently 48 federally listed PSO's in 31 States and the District of Columbia. This means that they promote and Foster transparent see-through increase reporting and Communications of errors. They can also still see when they are transparent it can lead to the group's balance of protective space and share information outside the organization.Transparency is not limited to the hospital or Health Care system. Doing transparency among organizations, for example, the airline industry has been doing this for years.

Besides how great transparency among organizations are there are also a lot of barriers that are preventing this from happening at all Healthcare systems. If you do not have a strong CEO and board support, it will not activate transparency. They're considerable concerns about malpractice legalities when there's transparency. There's lack of trust in the psoas. There's also uncertainty about how to influence behavior are identified. The last two significant barrier is lack of understanding of the governor elections on the PSO and the clinic desire to protect space versus the need to share experience and learning.

Transparency in a Healthcare organizations can be very powerful and each organization would use transparency in there organizations this would help lead to reduce harm . One of the tools that they use is called storytelling for inspiring change. Stories about an organization that allows navigating what happened to lead to Greater transparency among clinic and leaders tried to identify problem areas that can arise.

can you fix the grammar

In: Psychology

IV. Match each of the given instances below with the correct method Mill identifies for finding...

IV. Match each of the given instances below with the correct method Mill identifies for finding causes (3 points each). __Determining the cause of a measles outbreak by finding out where all the infected kids attend day care __Determining the cause of a measles outbreak by comparing the experiences of an infected child with his un-infected twin __Looking at the past 5 times the Federal Reserves increased interest rates to see if doing so matches the dollar becoming stronger. --Subtracting the levels of carbon emissions that come from transportation, electricity production, and industry to determine how much emission results from commercial and residential sources. ---Determining the cause of a flu outbreak by considering the recent histories of 3 employees who got sick and that of three employees who did not. A. Method of concomitant variation B. Joint Method C. Method of Agreement D. Residue Method E. Method of Difference

In: Psychology