3) “The evils traditionally associated with the Industrial Revolution were temporary and, viewed from a long-term...

3) “The evils traditionally associated with the Industrial Revolution were temporary and, viewed from a long-term perspective, relatively trivial compared to the extraordinary blessings that it conferred on the British people.” Discuss the validity of this quote.

In: Psychology

1. In the Old Testament, what are the main themes that you found worthy of notation...

1. In the Old Testament, what are the main themes that you found worthy of notation and why? 2. What characters of the Old Testament do you identify with the most and why? 3. How have you grown spiritually as a result of this class, the lectures, the readings, and the interaction with your classmates?

In: Psychology

Shonda wants to train her dog to roll over and is unsure of how to use...

Shonda wants to train her dog to roll over and is unsure of how to use reinforcement to teach her dog this new trick.
A) Describe continuous and partial reinforcement and give one advantage of using each.
B) Describe each of the four schedules of partial reinforcement.
C) Which schedule of partial reinforcement should Shonda choose to use if she wants to create the highest rate of response in the shortest amount of time? Which should she use if she wants to create the most consistent rate of response?

In: Psychology

brief summary Reform Judaism

brief summary Reform Judaism

In: Psychology

For this discussion you will take on the role of a clinical psychologist treating clients for...

For this discussion you will take on the role of a clinical psychologist treating clients for depression. You are interested in doing research on effective treatments for a chronic form of depression called dysthymia. In the DSM-5, it is referred to as persistent depressive disorder. The DSM-5 is listed in your recommended resources, and details regarding the disorder can be found in section 300.4(F34.1).

In your review of the current materials, you find that most of the previous research on this disorder has been done using quantitative methods. Identify an aspect of this topic you feel should be studied using qualitative methods. Apply the scientific method to this research issue and develop a specific research question. Compare the characteristics and appropriate uses of various qualitative research designs and choose an appropriate qualitative design for this research question. Create a feasible research design that includes plans for the sample selection, data collection, and data analysis. Apply ethical principles to your design by explaining how this type of qualitative design may affect the participants in your study and how you will deal with sociocultural issues.

In: Psychology

Although the studies explain the link between the use of social media and anxiety and depression...

Although the studies explain the link between the use of social media and anxiety and depression among adolescents, social media also help them connect, socialize, seek friendship, and support. Develop a possible solution that will help the adolescents to balance between the use of social media and their mental health

In: Psychology

please incorprate this into the answer Beneficence Veracity Avoidance of killing Autonomy Fidelity why is it...

please incorprate this into the answer



Avoidance of killing



why is it ethically wrong to market a drug that counteracts side effects of a previous drug

In: Psychology

Title IX and Girl’s Sports At America’s birth, the Constitution’s framers granted women almost no civil...

Title IX and Girl’s Sports

At America’s birth, the Constitution’s framers granted women almost no civil rights. In fact, it took until 1920 for women to win the right to vote, and until the 1970s to gain overall legal equality. The modern women’s movement adopted several lessons from the Civil Rights Movement. For example, to show they were being discriminated against women had to prove they were treated unfavorably simply because they were women. The story of one fight over equality in youth sports illustrates this ongoing struggle.

Is the scheduling of athletic seasons by the state an example of discrimination?

Does it matter that the different season (different from the boys’) was combined with unequal facilities?

Should it matter that most people think that different seasons for the same or comparable sports is acceptable? Does it matter if most girls find it acceptable?

In: Psychology

Today, scientist believe that, “The concept of race simply has no basis in fundamental human biology.”...

Today, scientist believe that, “The concept of race simply has no basis in fundamental human biology.” But, as one historian wrote, “The nineteenth century was obsessed with the idea that it was race which explained the character of peoples.” How and why did scientific racists attempt to use science to explain racial difference? What sorts of evidence did they use to construct racial categories? How did some critics refute their views?

In: Psychology

Joshua has repeatedly teased and harassed Colin at their high school. On one occasion, Joshua and...

Joshua has repeatedly teased and harassed Colin at their high school. On one occasion, Joshua and some other people abducted Colin and tied him to the flag post, partially nude, for everyone to see. Colin wanted to get even, so he decided to scare Joshua. One morning before school, Colin drove his car at high speed directly at Joshua, intending to stop just before hitting him. Colin couldn’t stop in time, however, and Joshua was killed instantly. Answer the following questions:

  • Could Colin be charged with murder, voluntary manslaughter, or involuntary manslaughter? Why?
  • Could the length of time between the ongoing provocation and Joshua’s killing be a factor in how Colin is prosecuted? Why or why not? What other factors might affect this case?
  • As a Christian, how can you spot signs of bullying, and how can you address these issues in a way that honors the dignity and cares for the souls of all parties?

In: Psychology

In what sense are the explanations for inequality of opportunity in American society analogous to the...

In what sense are the explanations for inequality of opportunity in American society analogous to the reasons why people win or lose at musical chairs? Indicate how, just like in the classic children's game, being successful in our society is the result of both individual and sociological factors

In: Psychology

Answer. Since we live in a society that protects religious identity(in the First Amendment), is it...


Since we live in a society that protects religious identity(in the First Amendment), is it ever appropriate to restrict a persons (or group's) religious freedom? You may take your response in whatever direction you wish, as long as you are focused on this idea. For example, when under what circumstances, would you be comfortable restricting religious freedom? Are there certain actions, or practices (e.g. rituals etc.) that you think should be restricted? should religious people be allowed convictions in public? Should public displays of religious belief ever be restricted? Again you may go whatever you wish, as long as you address the question of when (if ever) religious freedom can/should be restricted.

In: Psychology

Author’s conclusions: What is the author arguing and are they successful? Empire of the summer moon.

Author’s conclusions: What is the author arguing and are they successful? Empire of the summer moon.

In: Psychology

Comment on the relationship and differences between human rights, legal rights, moral rights and ethical duties....

Comment on the relationship and differences between human rights, legal rights, moral rights and ethical duties. Give an example of a criminal justice ethical dilemma to substantiate your perspective. Then, give an example from your own life experience that helps clarify the difference between these concepts and how that affected your own behavioral choice

In: Psychology

Industrial psychology. I need to write about article that Tomas Jungert wrote. (""How Colleagues Can Support...

Industrial psychology.

I need to write about article that Tomas Jungert wrote. (""How Colleagues Can Support Each Others Needs and Motivation: An Intervention on Employee Work Motivation").

Can i know description of the authors’ motivational intervention and at least one theory that they used to explain why their intervention should work ?

In: Psychology