Comment on the relationship and differences between human rights, legal rights, moral rights and ethical duties....

Comment on the relationship and differences between human rights, legal rights, moral rights and ethical duties. Give an example of a criminal justice ethical dilemma to substantiate your perspective. Then, give an example from your own life experience that helps clarify the difference between these concepts and how that affected your own behavioral choice

In: Psychology

Industrial psychology. I need to write about article that Tomas Jungert wrote. (""How Colleagues Can Support...

Industrial psychology.

I need to write about article that Tomas Jungert wrote. (""How Colleagues Can Support Each Others Needs and Motivation: An Intervention on Employee Work Motivation").

Can i know description of the authors’ motivational intervention and at least one theory that they used to explain why their intervention should work ?

In: Psychology

less than 250 words, what it might be like to live with a psychotic disorder. What...

less than 250 words, what it might be like to live with a psychotic disorder. What might it be like to live with auditory and visual hallucinations? What might it be like to take antipsychotic medication with strong side effects? How might you be able to cope with such a chronic condition?

In: Psychology

Please watch Child Abuse: Chain of Pain (14:00) from Films on demand. Next post a summary...

Please watch Child Abuse: Chain of Pain (14:00) from Films on demand. Next post a summary of the video. Focus on one of the broad categories and discuss how we can we prevent child abuse? 300words

In: Psychology

What is Jesus' (main theme of ) ethical ground? In what way MLK practiced Jesus' ethic?...

What is Jesus' (main theme of ) ethical ground? In what way MLK practiced Jesus' ethic? Write in your own words and analysis on the text.

In: Psychology

How to get kids to do chores: The role of conditioning in parenting. Explain how each...

How to get kids to do chores: The role of conditioning in parenting.

  1. Explain how each of the following learning concepts are demonstrated in the "Maya Method". Give concrete examples from the textbook, podcast and article to support your statements.
    1. Shaping
    2. Positive reinforcement
    3. Unconditioned stimuli
    4. Unconditioned response
    5. Conditioned stimuli
    6. Conditioned response
  2. Discuss the potential consequences of using physical punishment to shape children’s behavior.

Citing Sources:   You must use APA style to reference your source(s) at the end of your submission.  

Acceptable Length: 300-500 word initial post; 2-3 sentence responses to at least three classmates

In: Psychology

How does tobacco use negatively affect our society? Focus your thoughts on health and cost to...

How does tobacco use negatively affect our society?

Focus your thoughts on health and cost to society.

Define sexual identity.

What is infertility and how does it affect couples in America?

What is abortion and when do the majority of abortions occur?

What advice would you give to a pregnant woman in regards to proper nutrition and exercise during her pregnancy?

In: Psychology

Proponents of globalization like neoliberalists argue their approach to economic development can best move countries out...

Proponents of globalization like neoliberalists argue their approach to economic development can best move countries out of poverty. Advocates of alternative theories and approaches like sustainable development or Bejing’s approach to economic development purported by Dambisa Moyo are critical of neoliberalism.

define one alternative approach to economic development and explain one way it differs from neoliberalism

In: Psychology

The concept and paradigm of "cyber deterrence" is new to the law enforcement, national security, and...

The concept and paradigm of "cyber deterrence" is new to the law enforcement, national security, and intelligence communities globally. .

1. Define "Cyber Deterrence" in your own words. Answer the question, "what is it?" Give a few examples of cyber deterrence in your answer.

2 . Would/Is Cyber Deterrence effective in against non-state or state-actors like terrorists? Simply, is it possible for the US and International Community to implement cyber deterrence against terrorist, and why or why not?

In: Psychology

Why is the declining biodiversity a problem??

Why is the declining biodiversity a problem??

In: Psychology

Discuss about three goals you would like to achieve with your diet and use the SMART...

Discuss about three goals you would like to achieve with your diet and use the SMART goal guidelines to write them down. This question is belongs to Physical Activity.

In: Psychology

It is often said that the demand of radio and audio entertainment as a whole is...

It is often said that the demand of radio and audio entertainment as a whole is on a steep decline. Do you agree with this statement?                                                                                                            

In: Psychology

Most of these pressures manifest themselves by turning the media into a tool for deception and...

Most of these pressures manifest themselves by turning the media into a tool for deception and manipulation through the use of different tricks and techniques. Identify at least one such technique and explain it in the light of relevant examples.                                                                                                      

In: Psychology

In “Song of Myself,” Whitman describes the transformative process of coming to know himself and his...

In “Song of Myself,” Whitman describes the transformative process of coming to know himself and his country and the spirit within both. In “I Sing the Body Electric,” Whitman discusses even a more personal journey of understanding. Dead Poet’s Society has some of the characteristics of a Bildungsroman, a narrative dealing with one’s formative years or spiritual education. More familiarly in English, we call them coming of age stories.

Compare the transformation(s) described by Whitman with the transformation advocated by Mr. Keating, and most fully realized by Charlie and Neil. Do you think they have the same spirit? Why or why not? Cite examples from the poems .

In: Psychology

Beside christian and catholic what are other religious tradition where fasting can be observed? at least...

Beside christian and catholic what are other religious tradition where fasting can be observed? at least one page
SUBJECT: Anthropology

In: Psychology