What was MONTESQUIEU’s contribution to theories of government? What made DENIS DIDEROT’s ENCYCLOPEDIA such a definitive...

What was MONTESQUIEU’s contribution to theories of government?

What made DENIS DIDEROT’s ENCYCLOPEDIA such a definitive statement of the Enlightenment’s goals?

What influence did CESARE BECCARIA have over legal practices in Europe?

What contributions did ADAM SMITH make to economic theory?

In: Civil Engineering

Compare and contrast the architecture styles, materials and elements during the Medieval era, with that of...

Compare and contrast the architecture styles, materials and elements during the Medieval era, with that of the Renaissance Period.

In: Civil Engineering

1. Two reactors, one of them a CMBR and the other a CSTR, are operating side...

1. Two reactors, one of them a CMBR and the other a CSTR, are operating side by side in parallel. Each is treating one half of a total flow rate of 800 gal/min containing a substance that enters at a concentration of 80 mg/L and experiences first-order degradation with a k value of 0.1/min.

The reactors have identical volumes of 8000 gal, so they also have equal liquid retention times of 20 min.

(a) What is the concentration of the substance leaving the CMBR?

(b) What is the concentration of the substance leaving the CSTR?

(c) Why are the two concentrations as different as they are?

2. The total flow drops to 400 gal/min, the CMBR is shut down (so all of the flow is going through the CSTR), and the influent concentration of the substance jumps to 120 mg/L.

(a) What will be the new, long-term effluent C from the CSTR?

(b) What will be the effluent concentration 5 minutes after the change?

(c) 20 minutes after the change?

In: Civil Engineering

Consider a 10x108 m3 lake fed by a polluted stream having a flow rate of 2.0...

Consider a 10x108 m3 lake fed by a polluted stream having a flow rate of 2.0 m3 /s and pollutant concentration equal to 10.0 mg/L. There is also a sewage outfall that discharges 0.5 m3 /s of wastewater that has a pollutant concentration of 100 mg/L into the lake. The stream and sewage pollutants have a decay rate coefficient of 0.20 day-1 (first order). Under these flow conditions the lake remains the same volume (e.g. a stream enters and exits the lake) and that the lake shallow and in an area which significant wind (i.e. always has white caps). Assume there is no evaporation or other water losses or gains.

a) Which ideal reactor would be best use mathematically model this system? Why? (1 sentence)

b) What is the steady-state concentration of pollutant in the lake under current conditions?

c) If one day the wastewater plant treatment process were to be improved, releasing a pollutant concentration of 25 mg/L at the 0.5 m3 /s (which is assumed to be become immediately completely mixed in the lake), how long would it take for the system to most nearly reach steady-state.

In: Civil Engineering

Summarize the challenges of minimizing the destruction of tropical rainforests. Discuss possible policy solutions and evaluate...

Summarize the challenges of minimizing the destruction of tropical rainforests. Discuss possible policy solutions and evaluate each. Be sure to unpack the international nature of this problem.

In: Civil Engineering

list construction criteria for water distribution system. design, construction and operation. from an agency. please list...

list construction criteria for water distribution system. design, construction and operation. from an agency.
please list refrence

hydrology. water resources

In: Civil Engineering

ENMA 480: ETHICS AND PHILOSOPHY FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS Cigarettes   kill   more   than   400,000   Americans   each   year,  ...


Cigarettes   kill   more   than   400,000   Americans   each   year,   which   is   more   than   the   combined   deaths   caused  
by   alcohol   and   drug   abuse,   car   accidents,   homicide,   suicide,   and   acquired   immunodeficiency   syndrome  
(AIDS).   Cigarette   companies   do   much   good   by   providing   jobs   (Philip   Morris   employs   more   than   150,000  
people   worldwide),   through   taxes   (more   than   $4   billion   paid   by   Philip   Morris   in   a   typical   year),   and  
through   philanthropy.   Most   new   users   of   cigarettes   in   the   United   States   are   teenagers   (younger   than  
eighteen   years   of   age).   There   is   disagreement   over   just   how   addictive   cigarettes   are,   but   adults   have  
some   choice   in   deciding   whether   to   continue   using   cigarettes,   and   they   may   choose   to   continue   using   for  
reasons   beyond   the   addictive   potential   of   nicotine.  
Can   utilitarianism   provide   a   moral   justification   for   engineers   who   work   for   tobacco   companies,   for  
example,   in   designing   cigarette- making   machinery?   In   your   answer   take   account   of   the   following   facts  
(and   others   you   may   be   aware   of).
(Roger   Roseblatt,   “How   Do   Tobacco   Executives   Live   with   Themselves?”   New   York   Times   Magazine,   March   20,   1994,   34–41,   55)

In: Civil Engineering

1. Explain how the following systems work: a. Constant-volume dual-duct system b. Variable air volume reheat...

1. Explain how the following systems work:


Constant-volume dual-duct system


Variable air volume reheat system


Fan Terminal Units


Fan Coils


Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF)


Radiant Heating and Cooling


Chilled Beam


Radian Floor System


Water source heat pump


Dedicated outside air system

In: Civil Engineering

what are the advantages of using computer aided programs to solve problems withe the hardy cross...

what are the advantages of using computer aided programs to solve problems withe the hardy cross method. P.s. it was answered incorrectly the first time

In: Civil Engineering

A traffic signal has a cycle length of 90 seconds. For the travel direction of interest:...

A traffic signal has a cycle length of 90 seconds. For the travel direction of interest: (1) Green Time = 60 seconds; (2) Red Time = 30 seconds; (3) Arrival Rate = 30 veh/min; (4) Saturation Flow (i.e. the queue discharge rate) = 1 veh/sec.

a) Calculate the total delay (veh*s) for the travel direction of interest.

b) What is the maximum queue size (veh)?

Assume road works are taking place ON THE STREET, downstream from the intersection, so that only 40 veh/min (in the direction of interest) can pass. The departure from the signalised intersection will be the arrival at the work zone section. Assume that the queue at the downstream restriction never backs-up into the intersection.

c) Calculate the maximum queue (veh) caused by the street work in one traffic signal cycle.

d) Calculate the total delay (veh*s) caused by the street work in one traffic signal cycle.

In: Civil Engineering

Interview a program/project manager; it can be inside your organization or external to your organization, preferably...

Interview a program/project manager; it can be inside your organization or external to your organization, preferably this individual has more than ten-years’ experience in the profession.

ask the following:

What is your approach to managing a project?

What is your school of thought on project management? Do you prefer waterfall, agile methods etc.?

What skills does a program manager need to have in today’s market?

What is the greatest challenge as a program manager?

Where do you see program management going in the future?

How do you handle politics and conflict?

Write a 2 to 4 paragraph summary of the interview, from the above questions.

In: Civil Engineering

Identify and briefly discuss any two properties of steel structure. Briefly discuss two properties that you...

  1. Identify and briefly discuss any two properties of steel structure. Briefly discuss two properties that you have selected for part a) in the context of a structural steel design.

In: Civil Engineering

briefly define plan and profile of a roadway

briefly define plan and profile of a roadway

In: Civil Engineering

define "side ditch" and "intercepting ditch".list functions and draw sketches

define "side ditch" and "intercepting ditch".list functions and draw sketches

In: Civil Engineering

A project has 300,000 BCY (wet excavated earth). We need to complete excavation in 12 weeks...

A project has 300,000 BCY (wet excavated earth). We need to complete excavation in 12 weeks – Figure to work 6 days per week, 10 hours per day.

1. Backhoe Problem:

1. Find required production per hour in BCY/hr and LCY/hr.
2. Determine bucket Fill Factor
3. Calculate bucket cycles per hour
4. Calculate required bucket capacity assuming the following:
a. Work efficiency = 50 min/60 min hr
5. Select required excavator (Caterpillar)
6. Suggest suitable off-road haul truck for project. Assume 4 buckets to load a truck load.

In: Civil Engineering