Identify which of the following items we need to know in order to establish a clear...

Identify which of the following items we need to know in order to establish a clear zone value:
          Design Year Traffic (ADT)
          Design Speed
          If the section of road is curved or not curved and the radius size if curved.
          Ground conditions outside of our EOTW ( such as shoulders and ditch slopes)

In: Civil Engineering

Identify and briefly describe the top 10 parking strategies.

Identify and briefly describe the top 10 parking strategies.

In: Civil Engineering

Please answer this in paragraphs. - Develop an individual personal development plan (max 1500 words).

Please answer this in paragraphs.

- Develop an individual personal development plan (max 1500 words).

In: Civil Engineering

Outline all methods of dynamic soil properties evaluation for machine foundation designs.

Outline all methods of dynamic soil properties evaluation for machine foundation designs.

In: Civil Engineering



In: Civil Engineering

Outline the surface waves that are most detrimental to ground surface super structures. Discuss their destruction...

Outline the surface waves that are most detrimental to ground surface super structures. Discuss their destruction mechanism.

In: Civil Engineering

Using Engineering News Record (ENR), graph the construction cost index (CCI) (y-axis) vs. time from 2001-2011....

  1. Using Engineering News Record (ENR), graph the construction cost index (CCI) (y-axis) vs. time from 2001-2011. 4 points per year - equally spaced. ENR is a weekly magazine. You will find the CCI in a section called Construction Economics and in the older issues a section called Market Trends. (Neatness Counts!)
  1. Assume a project cost $400,000 in February 2012 - How much would this project cost in :

   Feb 2013

   Mar 2015

May 2017

Jan 2019

Feb 2025 (projection)

  1. List 5 reasons why the actual cost may vary from your estimate.

In: Civil Engineering

Procedure of using principle of virtual work for beams. Please need it as step by step...

Procedure of using principle of virtual work for beams. Please need it as step by step until getting the final answer.

[Need the full procedure.]

In: Civil Engineering

The procedure of using the Conjugate Beam Method: Please explain step by step and follow the...

The procedure of using the Conjugate Beam Method: Please explain step by step and follow the steps to get the final answer correctly. [Need the full procedure.]

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss how Americans compare in terms of voter turnout with citizens of other democracies, and one...

Discuss how Americans compare in terms of voter turnout with citizens of other democracies, and one reason your text offers for why this difference may exist.

In: Civil Engineering

Procedure Muller-Breslau principle to sketch the influence lines for [A well written explanation if possible would...

Procedure Muller-Breslau principle to sketch the influence lines for

[A well written explanation if possible would be appreciated]

1. The Vertical Reaction at A

2. The Shear

3. The Moment

In: Civil Engineering

ConsensusDocs 750 vs. AIA A401‐2007: comparing the risk shifting aspects of the different AIA and Consensus...

ConsensusDocs 750 vs. AIA A401‐2007:

comparing the risk shifting aspects of the different AIA and Consensus subcontract forms. Then answer the questions below.

Imagine a situation in which you are employed as a project manager by a very large, multinational General Contractor. Given your company’s market share and financial strength, you are in a position to impose extraordinary amounts of risk on the subcontractors on your projects. If you choose to allocate extraordinary risks to your subcontractors, is that necessarily in the best interest of your company? Please discuss the pros and cons of this risk allocation strategy.

Next, assume you work for a subcontractor to whom extraordinary risk is being allocated. What is your strategy for dealing with this situation? Given the differences between the two forms, as the Subcontractor, identify which form you would prefer to use if your primary concern is:

Consequential damages

Dispute resolution



In: Civil Engineering

Briefly explain how the characteristic strength of structural timber (for example, bending strength fb) is derived.

Briefly explain how the characteristic strength of structural timber (for example, bending strength fb) is derived.

In: Civil Engineering

The procedure of the Double Integration Method of determinacy of elastic curve equation: Please include all...

The procedure of the Double Integration Method of determinacy of elastic curve equation: Please include all steps if possible , if you want to give an example it's ok.

but please follow the answer step by step

[Need the full procedure.]

In: Civil Engineering

How the country to which you have been assigned is impacted by population challenges such as...

How the country to which you have been assigned is impacted by population challenges such as growth, aging, migration, and urbanization.

How the country to which you have been assigned is contributing to or helping to resolve population challenges such as growth, aging, migration, and urbanization.

In: Civil Engineering