Using the regime-theory method, design a channel to carry wastewater from a manufacturing plant. Assume a...

Using the regime-theory method, design a channel to carry wastewater from a manufacturing plant. Assume a design discharge of 950 ft3/s.950 ft3/s. The channel will have a sand bed and banks. Use a Manning’s roughness coefficient of 0.025.

Assume: Water Temp = 60°F, slope = 0.25%

In: Civil Engineering

A clean sand deposit has a total unit weight gabove the groundwater table of 18.9 kN/m3and...

A clean sand deposit has a total unit weight gabove the groundwater table of

18.9 kN/m3and a submerged unit weight of 9.84 kN/m3. The groundwater table

is located 1.5 m below ground surface. Standard penetration tests were

performed at 3 m below the ground surface with a blow count of 3 blows for

the first 150mm, 4 blows for the second 150mm and 5 blows for the third

150mm. Estimate the shear wave velocity of the sand at 3 m below the ground

surface. If a cone penetration test was performed at 3m below the ground

surface and the cone tip resistance was 3.9 MPa, estimate the shear wave velocity.

Compare the values obtained from both approaches.

In: Civil Engineering

how many types of design drawings for a project? give brief explanations

how many types of design drawings for a project? give brief explanations

In: Civil Engineering

(a) A snow sample 20 cm high melted into 3 cm of water. What was the...

(a) A snow sample 20 cm high melted into 3 cm of water. What was the density of the snow sample?
(b) What is the water equivalent of snow accumulation measuring 9 inches with a density of 8%?
(c) Compute the overall snow-water equivalent for a watershed for which following elevation-area-snow-water-
equivalents have been measured.

Elevation (m) 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Cumulative area (km2) 0 255 432 519 605
Snow-water equivalent (mm) 0 0 8 22 30

In: Civil Engineering

Hi I need Stress Strain Graphs to be made for the following data tables. There should...

Hi I need Stress Strain Graphs to be made for the following data tables. There should be 3 graphs, one for each table. I also need to know what material each sample is made of. I assume this is calculated from calculating the Modulus of Elasticity E. However I do not really know. I appreciate everything. There is an image of the tables as well as the data itself below this post.

Include the Following

  • Stress Strain graphs for each sample showing what variable and unit you have on both axes, and stating if it is sample 1, 2 or 3. Show the points in the graph and additionally a trendline.
  • Explain how you got your conclusion (i.e., show your work) including how it was calculated/how you got it, what value it had and what you compared with.
  • Your conclusion of what each of the three samples are made of.  
Sample 1
Strain [mm/mm] Stress [MPa]
0.0019 509.2958069
0.0019 530.5164795
0.00198 558.8106689
0.0021 583.5681152
0.00216 601.2520142
0.00228 622.4726563
0.00242 604.7887573
0.00242 604.7887573
0.0025 647.2301025
0.00268 684.9140015
0.0027 699.5978394
0.00272 720.2817383
Sample 2
Strain [mm/mm] Stress [MPa]
0.0004 17.68388176
0.00096 38.90454102
0.00104 60.12520218
0.00162 81.34586334
0.0018 99.02973938
0.00204 116.713623
0.0024 134.3975067
0.0026 152.0813904
0.00306 173.3020477
0.00342 194.5227051
0.00366 212.2065887
0.00398 229.8904724
Sample 3
Strain [mm/mm] Stress [MPa]
0.00088 31.68388
0.00098 35.36776
0.00122 93.58842
0.00132 102.5665
0.0019 130.8607
0.002 130.8607
0.0021 183.9124
0.0024 201.5963
0.0026 222.8169
0.00278 244.0376
0.00322 265.2582
0.00358 282.9421

In: Civil Engineering

During the construction phase of a health-care project, delays not attributed to the contractor were experienced,...

During the construction phase of a health-care project, delays not attributed to the

contractor were experienced, but the contractor was delayed in submitting all delay

information required by the contract until 7 days before the contractual completion date,

can the architect issue an extension of time prior to the completion date? Explain.

In: Civil Engineering

The city of Stillwater is planning to install a new settling tank as an upgrade to...

The city of Stillwater is planning to install a new settling tank as an upgrade to their existing water treat plant. You run a batch settling test using a 2.0 m column and coagulated water from their existing tank and collect the following data (Table 1). Using this data, design a settling tank to remove 65% of the influent suspended solids. Assume a design flow of 0.5 m3/s. Use scale up factors of 0.65 for overflow rate and 1.75 for detention time (Eckenfelder 1980). Discuss your results.

Table 1. Percent suspended solids removal as a function of time and depth.

Sampling time (min)

Depth (m)
































In: Civil Engineering

What is the purpose of a throttling valve? What are the implications of having a throttling...

What is the purpose of a throttling valve? What are the implications of having a throttling valve prior to the pump inlet? Explain in terms of NPSH.

In: Civil Engineering

application for tunnel boring machine?

application for tunnel boring machine?

In: Civil Engineering

coasting for tunnel boring machine in Indiain pune metro project

coasting for tunnel boring machine in Indiain pune metro project

In: Civil Engineering

A car bomb was placed along Bays water road London in year 1990. It has damaged...

A car bomb was placed along Bays water road London in year 1990. It has damaged Central Bank. The bomb was estimated about 400 kg of explosive and was detonated against the main entrance of the building. Evaluate the effect of the bomb damaged to the building in terms of structural damage sub system damage and also hazard to the people

In: Civil Engineering

A process to remove contaminant A includes two independent pipes flowing into a cylindrical reactor, and...

A process to remove contaminant A includes two independent pipes flowing into a cylindrical reactor, and a single outlet port. The reactor has a diameter of 2.8 m and a height of 2 m. The flow in the larger of the inlet pipes is 2.5 m3/s and contains 50 μg/L of A. The smaller pipe also carries contaminant A at a rate of 5x104 μg/s. Under these conditions, the reactor’s outlet flow is 3.25 m3/s. Assuming that the removal of contaminant A follows first-order kinetics (k = 0.35 s-1): a) Sketch the described process and write a mass-balance equation for contaminant A around the entire control volume assuming the reactor behaves as an ideal CSTR. Calculate the steady-state concentration of A in the reactor, in μg/L. Answer: C=23.2 µg/m3 b) Calculate the flow and concentration of A in the smaller pipe, in m3/s and μg/L, respectively. c) If the smaller pipe inlet valve is suddenly closed so that its flow into the reactor is completely stopped, what is the new steady-state concentration of A in the reactor, in μg/L? Answer: C =18.4 µg/m3 d) How long does it take the contaminant A concentration to regain steady-state condition after this change? Express answer in seconds. Answer: t = 53.8 s

In: Civil Engineering

What are the two types of bond mechanisms that join reinforcing steel and concrete in RC...

What are the two types of bond mechanisms that join reinforcing steel and concrete in RC beams?

In: Civil Engineering

1.Activites involve for tunnel boring machine 2.activites involve for tunnel boring machine for pune metro 3.coasting...

1.Activites involve for tunnel boring machine

2.activites involve for tunnel boring machine for pune metro

3.coasting for tunnel boring machine

4.coasting for tunnel boring machine for pune metro

In: Civil Engineering

A contractor has submitted a tender while specifying that it is available for acceptance for a...

A contractor has submitted a tender while specifying that it is available for acceptance for a

period of five weeks after the tender submission. However, the contractor withdrew its bid

after two weeks due to an unexpected rise in its workload. Can the owner recover the costs

for employing a different contractor? Explain.

In: Civil Engineering