Determine the elastic neutral axis,I,S, plastic neutral axis,Z,ξ (shape factor), yield moment, and plastic moment about...

Determine the elastic neutral axis,I,S, plastic neutral axis,Z,ξ (shape factor), yield moment, and plastic moment about the x-axis only for the beam sections below:

a. WT10.5×61

b. L6×6×5/8

Note:For unsymmetric sections, determine S-top and S-bottom

In: Civil Engineering

What is the effect of the lower natural frequencies? What is the effect of higher damping?

What is the effect of the lower natural frequencies?

What is the effect of higher damping?

In: Civil Engineering

Regarding a "No Damage For Delay Clause", answer the following: What is it and why is...

Regarding a "No Damage For Delay Clause", answer the following:

  1. What is it and why is it important for a General Contractor to know if its Owner contract contains one?

  1. Under what circumstances is a "No Damage For Delay Clause" unenforceable or stated another way, when will a Court refuse to apply a "No Damage For Delay Clause" as written?

In: Civil Engineering

answer following questions from the Traffic Signal Systems Operations and Design Book 1. What is the...

answer following questions from the Traffic Signal Systems Operations and Design Book

1. What is the purpose of the ring barrier diagram?

2. How is timing represented in a ring barrier diagram?

3. Why use a ring barrier diagram instead of a conflict matrix to describe the sequencing of phases?

4. What is the difference between a movement and a phase ?

In: Civil Engineering

Provide definitions for each of the folowing dont copy paste from google concurrency group movement NEMA...

Provide definitions for each of the folowing dont copy paste from google

concurrency group


NEMA phase numbering




ring barrier diagram

In: Civil Engineering

A freeway is to be designed to provide LOS C for the following conditions: design hourly...

A freeway is to be designed to provide LOS C for the following conditions: design hourly volume of 5600 veh/h; PHF: 0.92; trucks: 6%; recreational vehicles: 0%; driver population: commuters and familiar drivers; right side lateral clearance: 7ft; rolling terrain; total ramp
density of 0.75 ramps per mile. Determine: whether eight (four in each direction) 12 ft lanes are enough to provide LOS C.

In: Civil Engineering

The maximum annual flows of a river can be modeled by the Gumbel law. The average...

The maximum annual flows of a river can be modeled by the Gumbel law. The average of flow rates calculated with 57 years of observations is 8 m3/s and the standard deviation is 2.4 m3/s. The region is flooded with damage when the flow exceeds 10 m3/s.

a) What is the return period of the 10 m3/s flow.

b) What is the throughput for a 100 year return period.

c) Determine the 95% confidence interval around the flow calculated in b).

In: Civil Engineering

Name the 4 categories of microbiological contaminants and for two of them, give an example microorganism.

Name the 4 categories of microbiological contaminants and for two of them, give an example microorganism.

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the physical process for how precipitation forms in non-tropical regions. Start with warm moist air...

Describe the physical process for how precipitation forms in non-tropical regions. Start with warm moist air rising. Also, describe the three different mechanisms that foster the formation of precipitation.

please help me answer this question.

In: Civil Engineering

Calculate the firewater demand in (m3/min) for a building having 25 floors including basement. Building is...

Calculate the firewater demand in (m3/min) for a building having 25 floors including basement. Building is constructed with non-combustible construction material and serving total population of 1400. Assume area of each floor as 9800 ft2. Using following formulas:                                 [5 Marks]

a). Insurance Services Office Formula

b). Equation for National Board of Fire Underwriters

c). If fire water demand is required for 4 hours calculate the volume of water storage tank in m3 (For Part b only)

Instructions: Find the values of required parameters from class notes or course book.

Also use 1 gallon = 7.8 Liter.

In: Civil Engineering

Given an unconfined aquifer with a saturated thickness of 15 m, h0, as shown in Fig....

Given an unconfined aquifer with a saturated thickness of 15 m, h0, as shown in Fig. 1. Observation wells are located at the radial distances of 30, 60, and 120 m from the center of pumping well.

Water is pumped at the rate of 0.015 m^3/sec. After pumping 12 hours, the drwdowns are z1=0.60 m at the radius r1= 30 m , z2 = 0.43 m at r2 = 60 m and z3= 0.26 m at r3 = 120 m.

1. Evaluate the permeability of the aquifer using all three combinations of selecting two observation wells in the computation.

2. How many laboratory permeability tests would be required to achieve the accuracy?

In: Civil Engineering

Social and political factors refer to the societal pressures, real or perceived, that influence Electrical Power...

Social and political factors refer to the societal pressures, real or perceived, that influence Electrical Power Distribution, on Corporate initiatives

I am having trouble on figuring out the Corporate initiatives that influence Electrical Power Distribution. Any leads on websites or help you can give would be appreciated.

In: Civil Engineering

You are provided a fully saturated clay soil sample with a plasticity index of 21 and...

You are provided a fully saturated clay soil sample with a plasticity index of 21 and a liquid limit of 43. The dry unit weight, γd, of the sample is 1.62 Mg/m3 and the moisture content is 21%.

Calculate the following:

• γsat

• ρs

• e

In: Civil Engineering

Double Ring Infiltration Testing and Field Applications Find 10 reference sources that deals with this topic.

Double Ring Infiltration Testing and Field Applications

Find 10 reference sources that deals with this topic.

In: Civil Engineering

Match each of the numbered definitions with the correct term in the following list. a. agent...

Match each of the numbered definitions with the correct term in the following list.
a. agent
b. agency by necessity
c. agency by ratification
d. apparent authority
e. attorney in fact
f. express authority
g. contract of agency
h. disclosed principal
i. implied authority
j. irrevocable agency
k. partially disclosed principal
l. power of attorney
m. principal
n. undisclosed principal

The party in an agency contract who represents another.
A principal whose existence and identity are not known to third parties.
The name given to a legal document that formally creates an agency.
The party in an agency contract who delegates power to another.
An agreement between a principal and an agent in which the agent is vested with authority to represent the principal.
An agency coupled with an interest.
The authority possessed by an agent that may be reasonably assumed by a third party.
The authority possessed by an agent that is specifically stated in the agency contract.
A principal who is known to third parties.
The precise legal term for an agent.
The agency that results when a person approves an unauthorized act done in the principal’s name by a person who had no authority to act as agent.
The agency that results when a person fails to support his or her spouse or minor children.
The authority an agent reasonably assumes he or she has that relates to the express authority granted by the principal.
A principal whose identity is not known to a third party who knows he or she is dealing with an agent.

In: Civil Engineering