I need case studies for case Asbestos encapsulation please

I need case studies for case Asbestos encapsulation please

In: Civil Engineering

Differences and similarities between Chemical and Mineral Admixtures. (CONCRETE)

Differences and similarities between Chemical and Mineral Admixtures. (CONCRETE)

In: Civil Engineering

How have concrete admixtures impacted the concrete construction industry? WRITE IN PARAGRAPHS PLEASE

How have concrete admixtures impacted the concrete construction industry?


In: Civil Engineering

For each of the following, situations, indicate whether Kanban or MRP would be more effective. An...

For each of the following, situations, indicate whether Kanban or MRP would be more effective.

  1. An automobile plant producing three styles of vehicles (0.8 point)
  2. A custom job shop (0.8 point)
  3. A circuit board plant with 40,000 active part numbers (0.8 point)
  4. A circuit board with 12 active part numbers (0.8 point)
  5. A plant with one assembly line where all parts are purchased (0.8 point)

In: Civil Engineering

1. Describe 5 factors affecting the selection of A/Es by owners? (In detail)

1. Describe 5 factors affecting the selection of A/Es by owners? (In detail)

In: Civil Engineering

Engineering Failure Research Paper Write a 2000 word research paper over the Takata Airbag failures. Please...

Engineering Failure Research Paper

  • Write a 2000 word research paper over the Takata Airbag failures. Please make sure to add as much detail as possible.
  • Must be in narrative form (not an outline); use 3rd person
  • Double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with 1” margins
  • Use of figures is highly recommended; provide proper citations
  • Minimum of five different references cited with at least two from non-web based sources.
  • Follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA); see:

Please type the paper at the following link below:

In: Civil Engineering

Hurricane Harvey caused a net loss of $127 Billion. Let us assume that in any given...

Hurricane Harvey caused a net loss of $127 Billion. Let us assume that in any given year the net loss would be the same for the next 10 years (Jan 1, 2020 to Dec 31, 2029) if a Harvey like hurricane were to recur in Houston and adjoining areas. However, if certain investments are made in 2019 to mitigate risks and enhance resilience in the region, the expected loss can be reduced significantly. Let us assume that scientists, engineers and policy experts have worked together to estimate that if the investments are indeed made in 2019 the net loss would reduce to 10% (i.e., $12.7 Billion expected net loss per year over the period from 2020 to 2029 if a hurricane like Harvey were to recur) but additional investments of $ 6.35 Billion would be needed each year to maintain the investments. At the end of 2029 the salvage value of the investments would be 20% of the cost of the original investment. Other than this salvage value there would be no other costs or gains expected after the 10-year period. According to a Presidential tweet at the time, Harvey was a 500-year event. Assuming this probability assessment to be accurate, what present (2019) investment would be justified from a net present worth perspective? Please feel free to make any appropriate assumptions but try to state them clearly.

In: Civil Engineering

1. According to NFPA 1600, what should the mitigation strategy include?

1. According to NFPA 1600, what should the mitigation strategy include?

In: Civil Engineering

4. A number of methodologies and techniques for risk assessment exist that range from simple to...

4. A number of methodologies and techniques for risk assessment exist that range from simple to complex. Describe the six methodologies/techniques summarized in NFPA 1600.

In: Civil Engineering

Brief Research on following : 1) Pile end-bearing capacity in sand considering soil compressibility 2) End-bearing...

Brief Research on following :

1) Pile end-bearing capacity in sand considering soil compressibility

2) End-bearing capacity of piles in crushable soils

3). Axial capacity of driven piles in sand

4) Settlement of vertically loaded piles

In: Civil Engineering

What is a theodolite / Total station? Define the main components of a theodolite / /...

What is a theodolite / Total station? Define the main components of a theodolite / / Total station?

In: Civil Engineering

4. What are the conditions that exacerbate or mitigate the effects of landslides? 5. What are...

4. What are the conditions that exacerbate or mitigate the effects of landslides?

5. What are the four types of landslides?

In: Civil Engineering

which of the following statements about the chemical kinetics are true/ a) temperature has no effect...

which of the following statements about the chemical kinetics are true/

a) temperature has no effect on the rate of a reaction

b) changes in reactant concentration do not affect the rate at which a reaction occurs

c) the addition of a catalyst to a reaction will speed up the reaction but it will not ultimately result in a larger mass of product

d) for the same reactants, the larger the surface area, the slower a reaction will occur


In: Civil Engineering

A site is underlain by sand (0 to 3 meters; unit weights = 18 and 20...

A site is underlain by

sand (0 to 3 meters; unit weights = 18 and 20 kN/m 3, K = 0.5, e 0 = 0.55, and OCR = 1); followed by

clay (3 to 8 meters; unit weights = 20 and 22 kN/m 3, K = 0.6, c r = 0.02, c c = 0.3, c v = 0.2 m 2/day, e 0 = 0.8, and OCR = 2); followed by

gravel (8 to 10 meters; unit weights = 18 and 20 kN/m 3, K = 0.5, e 0 = 0.62, and OCR = 1); followed by

rock. The unit weight of water is 10 kN/m 3. The water table is at the ground surface.

Utilize a point in the middle of the clay layer to determine the ultimate consolidation settlement of the clay layer if a 150 kPa fill is placed on the site. Express your answer in meters, but only write the numeric value in the text box.  Suggestion: draw the profile on paper.

Correct Answer is 0.2 m

In: Civil Engineering

Define estuary, coastal wetland, salt marshes, intertidal zone, coastal zone barrier islands List the problems with...

  1. Define estuary, coastal wetland, salt marshes, intertidal zone, coastal zone barrier islands
  2. List the problems with rapid human population decline
  3. What are the major processes that can affect Natural Selection?
  4. What is the difference between (GPP) and (NPP)?

In: Civil Engineering