Design a community drainage system for 20O people

Design a community drainage system for 20O people

In: Civil Engineering

In the Rational Method the peak runoff resulting from a rainfall event depends on which of...

  1. In the Rational Method the peak runoff resulting from a rainfall event depends on which of the following factors

  1. The frequency and duration of the rainfall event.
  2. The size of the area on which the rainfall lands.
  3. The characteristics of the surface over which the rainwater flows.
  4. The time that has elapsed since the last rainfall event.

  1. I, II, III and IV.
  2. I, II and III only.
  3. I and III only.
  4. II and III only.
  1. Which of the following are assumptions of the Rational Method?

  1. Peak flow occurs when the entire watershed is contributing to the flow.
  2. Rainfall intensity is the same over the entire drainage area.
  3. Rainfall intensity is uniform over a time duration equal to the time of concentration.
  4. Frequency of the computed peak flow is the same as that of the rainfall intensity.

  1. I, II, III and IV.
  2. I, II, and III only.
  3. I and III only.
  4. II and IV only.

In: Civil Engineering

What are the detailed tasks of each of the following traffic areas to complete the transport/traffic...

What are the detailed tasks of each of the following traffic areas to complete the transport/traffic part of the project??

Please provide all the breakdown of the tasks which are required to perform in the following areas to complete the project:

I. traffic generation

II. traffic distribution

III. Traffic simulation

III. Mode distribution

What are the tasks breakdown of Traffic generation?

What are the tasks breakdown of Traffic distribution?

What are the tasks breakdown of Mode distribution ?

What are the tasks breakdown of Traffic simulation?

Please provide the answer of all the parts in detail.

In: Civil Engineering

Why did king Henry VIII of England break with the Roman Catholic Church? Make sure to...

Why did king Henry VIII of England break with the Roman Catholic Church? Make sure to also list and explain the legislations that were approved under Henry VIII by the English Parliament that officially split the Church of England from the Catholic Church. Under Henry, was the Church of England dramatically different from the Roman Catholic Church?


Five-paragraph specific and thoughtful response to prompt.

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss the effects of carbon content on the properties of steel. What is the percentage of...

Discuss the effects of carbon content on the properties of steel. What is the percentage of carbon content recommended for structural steel? (1 mark)

Give one situation where you would consider using fiber reinforced concrete instead of normal reinforced concrete. (1 mark)

In: Civil Engineering

There are several features of FIDIC contracts, describe at least three of them and explain them....

There are several features of FIDIC contracts, describe at least three of them and explain them.

Plz don’t write with hand because i can’t read your handstyle........ thank you :)

In: Civil Engineering

· Identify the role of each of the following components of a solid waste management system:...

  • · Identify the role of each of the following components of a solid waste management system: 1) collection, 2) transfer stations, 3) recycling, 4) composting, 5) landfills, 6) landfill closure.
  • · What is the hierarchy of the integrated solid waste management practice?
  • · Why recycling is important and what can be recycled?
  • · Sketch a Subtitle D municipal waste landfill. How a Subtitle D landfill is different from a bioreactor that is operated at the Columbia landfill facilities?
  • · Sketch a hazardous waste landfill. Identify the components.
  • · Explain why emergency response personnel need training in identification of, and proper
  • · What law requires that businesses and industries identify hazardous materials on their property to emergency response agencies?

In: Civil Engineering

what type of contract is best for subcontracting work in construction for subcontracting exterior and interior...

what type of contract is best for subcontracting work in construction for subcontracting exterior and interior finishes? and why?

In: Civil Engineering

1. The turbine of a hydrostatic plant is driven by a falling head of water from...

1. The turbine of a hydrostatic plant is driven by a falling head of water from a falling head of water from a source 30 m high up through a 600 mm penstock flowing full.
A. Evaluate the theoretical velocity of water as it hits the turbine blades in m/sec.
B. Evaluate the theoretical discharge of water in m3/s.
C.If the turbine is only 70% efficient, estimate the horsepower available from it..

2. Reservoir A supplies water to a nozzle having a diameter of 80 mm which is discharge water 40 m below the reservoir water level at a velocity of 24m/s
A. Determine the loss of head in the pipeline.
B. Determine the horsepower produced by the jet.
C. Determine the efficiency of the nozzle.

3. The diameter of a pipe carrying water changes gradually from 150 mm at A to 450 mm at B. A is 5 m lower than B. If the pressure at A is 70 kPa and at B is 50 kPa when 150 liters/ sec is flowing.
A. Determine the direction of flow
B. Determine the frictional loss between two points

4. Reservoir A and B have elevations of 100 m and 160 m respectively. A pump is installed near reservoir A to pump the water from A to B. The rate flow in the pipe is 650 liters/sec. If the head loss in the pipeline is 8.22 m, compute the horsepower required to pump the water to B.

5. A reservoir A contains water at an elevation of 45 m and a 50 mm pipe line leads downhill from the reservoir and discharges into air at B at an elevation 0. If the loss of head between the reservoir A and B is 43.5 m compute the discharge flowing in the pipe.

6. A turbine is located at an elevation 200 m below that of the surface of the water at intake. the friction loss in the pipeline leading to it is 8 m and the turbine efficiency is 90%. What will be the power delivered by the turbine if the flow is 3 m3/ sec in kW?

7. Water is discharged through a nozzle having a diameter of jet 100 mm at a velocity of 60 m/s at a point 240 m below the reservoir.
A. Compute the total headloss.
B. Compute the horsepower produced by the jet.
C. Compute the power lost in friction.

In: Civil Engineering

A typical 2x6 stud wall is used for a bearing wall with 2x6 at 16” o.c....

  1. A typical 2x6 stud wall is used for a bearing wall with 2x6 at 16” o.c. Determine the allowable wall load (in lb/ft) for a wall height of L = 10 ft. Assume No.2 SPF, D+L governs, internal exposure with climate control, pin-pin connections, MC<19%, T<100°F. The wall is braced against weak axis buckling at mid-height.

    Assume member length of L=4ft

In: Civil Engineering

what is the difference between human exposure to hazardous chemicals in small amounts and their exposure...

what is the difference between human exposure to hazardous chemicals in small amounts and their exposure to microbes?

In: Civil Engineering

Write a paper about conducting a traffic study access road and the elements that should be...

Write a paper about conducting a traffic study access road and the elements that should be considered about a new development. Assume the development is in Detroit Jefferson and grand blv intersections

In: Civil Engineering

Briefly describe two biochemical transformations that occur in biological unit processes to remove colloidal or dissolved...

Briefly describe two biochemical transformations that occur in biological unit processes to remove colloidal or dissolved organic matter

In: Civil Engineering

Plot the head loss in a 500 m long 200 mm cast iron pipe for the...

Plot the head loss in a 500 m long 200 mm cast iron pipe for the following flow rates; 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 m3/s. Use (a) the Moody Diagram and (b) the Swamee-Jain equation to find the friction factor and (c) the Hazen-Williams Eq. Discuss why the losses are similar or different for parts a and c

In: Civil Engineering

briefly explain the factors affecting permeability

briefly explain the factors affecting permeability

In: Civil Engineering