what a spatial model is by using some examples of real-world entities and how they could...

what a spatial model is by using some examples of real-world entities and how they could be modeled in GIS (e.g. the city of Denver could be modeled as a vector point in a map of the US or as a vector polygon area in a map of Colorado). What are the limitations of the spatial data models with regard to your example?

In: Civil Engineering

Assume you have a coal fired plant that produces 300 MW. The plant is 30% efficient....

Assume you have a coal fired plant that produces 300 MW. The plant is 30% efficient. There is 0.2 lbs. of sulfur produced per BTU. There is 5% residual ash created. Assume you live 4km downstream to the plant. Its is a cloudy summer night with wind of 2.5 m/s. The effective stack height is 100m

  1. What is the feed rate of coal to the plant (lbs. per hour)?
  2. How much sulfur is produced per hour?
  3. What is the concentration of sulfur at your house? - list all assumptions you use
  4. Assume the concentration is too high, what should you do?
  5. How much ash is produced per day
  6. If you have decided to build an ash landfill that can hold 256 years’ worth of ash at the current rate of production, and the coal ash density is 100lbs/cy, how many cubic yards of landfill space must be created?
  7. At a cost of $50 per ton of excavation. How much will the landfill excavation cost?

In: Civil Engineering

4. The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere has changed in the past 200 years. What are/were...

4. The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere has changed in the past 200 years. What are/were the major changes in our atmospheric composition?

In: Civil Engineering

A national laboratory has stated that they are responsible for a ceramic machining program that intends...

A national laboratory has stated that they are responsible for a ceramic machining program that intends “to provide measurement methods, data, and mechanistic information needed by industry to develop innovative cost-effective methods for machining advanced structural ceramics.” Grinding with diamond wheels is the most prevalent method of machining advanced ceramics. This machining is highly complex and depends on many interdependent factors. The major elements of a grinding system are the grinding wheel, the grinding fluid, the machine tool, and the workpiece. Each of these is associated with several parameters that can influence the grinding process: such as, the type and size of the diamond grit, the properties of the grinding fluid, method of delivery of the grinding fluid, and grinder characteristics (e.g., stiffness and vibration).

A specific experiment is proposed to characterize the effects of grinding parameters on the flexural strength of ceramic “A.” The investigators are particularly interested in the effects of grinding speed, wheel diamond grit size, and “down feed rate” on the ceramic strength.

  1. What is the goal of the lab with respect to machining ceramics and state an objective for the specific experiment
  2. Give an experimental plan. Which factors are varied and the number of levels. How you might determine the values for the levels for each factor? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this plan?
  3. Three other variables not described anywhere in this problem description that may not be simple to control? For each variable, what might be done to avoid confounding the experiment due to these variables?
  4. The need for replications that is specific to this type of experiment?

In: Civil Engineering

9. The CAA dealt with both stratospheric and tropospheric ozone issues. Explain which sections addresses which...

9. The CAA dealt with both stratospheric and tropospheric ozone issues. Explain which sections addresses which issue and how these two issues are addressed. (SHORT ESSAY)

In: Civil Engineering

7. Identify two factors that affect the lifetime of pollutants in the atmosphere, and explain how...

7. Identify two factors that affect the lifetime of pollutants in the atmosphere, and explain how these two factors affect pollutant lifetime. (SHORT ESSAY)

In: Civil Engineering

5. Name the top five air pollutants we presently regulate. Is there a common source for...

5. Name the top five air pollutants we presently regulate. Is there a common source for these top five air pollutants? If so, what is it? What percentage of our atmospheric gases do these top five regulated gases make up? (SHORT ESSAY)

In: Civil Engineering

1.) A company is producing a product that has the following data: volume of sales per...

1.) A company is producing a product that has the following data:

volume of sales per year = 3

00,000 units

selling price per unit = $10


variable cost = $6

0 per unit

fixed costs per year = $6


book depreciation = $4


tax depreciation = $50


debt interest = $1


tax rate = 40%

With the above data determine

(a) Before


tax profit

(b) After


tax profit

(c) Break


even yea

rly volume of sales

(d) Break


even selling price

(e) Plot the break


even chart

In: Civil Engineering

Talk about Water Supply System and how it works in our houses within 2 pages long...

Talk about Water Supply System and how it works in our houses within 2 pages long or more (typed). You may provide pictures.

In: Civil Engineering

What are the main reasons for Design Build not being legal in some states? What is...

What are the main reasons for Design Build not being legal in some states?

What is the main reason for CM at Risk not being legal in some states?

What is the difference between CM (Agency sometimes called for fee) and CM-at-risk? If you were an owner, whose advice would you consider to be more objective?

In: Civil Engineering

Explain why proper structuring of a workshop is so important? explain the 4 easy steps in...

Explain why proper structuring of a workshop is so important?

explain the 4 easy steps in developing workshops.

How would you implement the steps and strategies stated by the presenter into your respective project and in your current workforce or educational arena (if you were to develop a workshop).

In: Civil Engineering

Q. Discuss about lighting and ventilation requirement in public buildings. (Answer must be in-detail and as...

Q. Discuss about lighting and ventilation requirement in public buildings.

(Answer must be in-detail and as per National building code, if possible please provide the reference from where the answer has been written)

In: Civil Engineering

discussion questions What are the unintended social impacts of our airport planning and engineering work? What...

discussion questions

What are the unintended social impacts of our airport planning and engineering work?

What are the unintended impacts of our engineering decisions and how can they be considered during planning and design stages?

In: Civil Engineering

How has the Department of Homeland Security changed from 2003 to the present with regard to...

How has the Department of Homeland Security changed from 2003 to the present with regard to the war on drugs?

In: Civil Engineering

ENMA 480-ETHICS QUESTIONS 1.   What is your definition of “ethics”? Are there differences in engineering ethics...

1.   What is your definition of “ethics”? Are there differences in engineering ethics versus other kinds of ethics, such as business ethics or medical ethics?
2.   What recent or historical engineering case studies do you find most interesting?
3.   Describe a moral or ethical issue that is most conflicting to you and explain your indecisiveness about it.
4.   Do humans have free will or is our fate predetermined? Explain. You may choose to provide your definition of free will in your response.

In: Civil Engineering