Select the lightest W10 section. Using Fy=50ksi and Fu= 65ksi to select trial sizes and check...

Select the lightest W10 section. Using Fy=50ksi and Fu= 65ksi to select trial sizes and check for Gross Section Yielding and Tensile Rupture. Assume the member is to have two lines of bolts in each flange. (use ASD method)

Pd - dead load = 225 ksi
Pl - live load = 150 ksi
L - member length = 28 ft
Bolt diameter = 7/8 in

Select the lightest W12 not W10.

In: Civil Engineering

Using LRFD, select a 30-ft-long W section of A992 steel with a nominal depth of 10...

Using LRFD, select a 30-ft-long W section of A992 steel with a nominal depth of 10 in (a W12) to support a tensile service dead load PD=130kand a tensile service live load PL=110k. In addition, the section is to comply with the slenderness ratio limit from AISC D1 to prevent sag of the member. As shown in the figure below, the member is to have two lines of bolts in each flange for 7/8-in bolts (at least three in a line 4-in on center).

In: Civil Engineering

Q No# 8 How is the maximum basic floor area of a building determined? Q No#...

Q No# 8

How is the maximum basic floor area of a building determined?

Q No# 11

How are the exterior wall fire-resistance rating requirements determined for buildings that are on the same lot?

Q No# 15

How are the required fire-resistance ratings of specific building elements determined?

Q No# 16

How do the two different categories of Type I construction differ in fire protection?

Q No# 17

Which characteristics are typical of a Group I occupancy?

Q No# 18

What do storage occupancy classifications have in common with those of manufacturing uses?

Q No# 19

Which occupancy groups are eligible for unlimited floor area in a one-story nonsprinklered building?

Q No# 20

Describe the difference between a through penetration and a membrane penetration.

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 1 The volume at a section of a 2 lane highway is 2000vph in each...

Problem 1

The volume at a section of a 2 lane highway is 2000vph in each direction and the density is 50 vehicles per mile. A truck joins the traffic stream and travels a length of 5 miles at 20 mph before exiting the highway. The vehicles behind the truck produce a density of 110 vehicles/ mile and the flow rate is 1000 vph. How many vehicles are behind the truck before it leaves the highway.

Problem 2

Using Greenberg model of traffic flow theory:

us = c ln(kj /k)

Show that c = uo

Problem 3

Based on an entry-exit record in a gated parking lot, 275 cars parked during a typical day between 9 am and 6 pm. Of these cars 10% were parked for 1 hour, 35% for 2 hours, 25% for three hours and the remaining for 4 hours. About 15% of the bays are vacant on an average throughout the day. If the efficiency factor is 80 %, what is the space-hour demand and the number of parking spaces in the lot

In: Civil Engineering

A monolithic reinforced concrete floor is to be composed of rectangular bays measuring 6 m x...

A monolithic reinforced concrete floor is to be composed of rectangular bays measuring 6 m x 7.5 m. The floor is to designed to carry a service live load of 5 KPa, floor finish of 1.5 KPa, and ceiling load of 1 KPa, in addition to its own weight. Design the corner floor panel slab using fc’=21 MPa, fy = 400 MPa, and concrete unit weight of 23.54 KN/m3.

In: Civil Engineering

plate boundaries can be divided into divergent boundary convergent boundary transform faults explain the continent undergoes...

plate boundaries can be divided into divergent boundary convergent boundary transform faults explain the continent undergoes extension for divergent boundary

In: Civil Engineering

QUESTION 2 (a) In your opinion, what are the contributing factors for the generation of leachate...


(a) In your opinion, what are the contributing factors for the generation of leachate in a landfill sites. [6 marks]

(b) Properties of solid wastes are important to determine, develop and design proper integrated solid waste management system. List FOUR physical properties of solid wastes. [4 marks]

subject: enviromental engineering

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 1 On freeway 3 lanes each direction serving traffic to and from coastal beach resorts,...

Problem 1

On freeway 3 lanes each direction serving traffic to and from coastal beach resorts, determine the level of service when the following parameters are given:

PHF = 0.90

Lane width = 11 ft

Rolling terrain

Average space of interchanges = 2 miles

8% trucks and 2% RV

Right shoulder lateral clearance = 5 ft

BFFS = 70

Problem 2

1. Determine the level of service for a 3000 ft segment of a four –lane highway with 3% grade, 45 mph field measure, 11 ft lanes, 0.88 PHF, 15% trucks and 4%. Assume one way peak hour volume is 2200 vehicles/hour and the traffic consists of commuters.

Problem 3

Based on an entry-exit record in a gated parking lot, 275 cars parked during a typical day between 9 am and 6 pm. Of these cars 10% were parked for 1 hour, 35% for 2 hours, 25% for three hours and the remaining for 4 hours. About 15% of the bays are vacant on an average throughout the day. If the efficiency factor is 80 %, what is the space-hour demand and the number of parking spaces in the lot

In: Civil Engineering

3. Please provide a case study about a construction project having serious problems because of excessive...

3. Please provide a case study about a construction project having serious problems because of excessive amounts of settlement due to consolidation (14 points). ***Note: Ten (10) bonus points will be given to those who can include a supporting article found for a case study. (A TITLE TO AN ARTICLE THAT COVERS THIS WOULD BE PERFECT! AND MORE THAN ENOUGH)

In: Civil Engineering

. Summarize the process of performing a cost-benefit analysis to determine the efficient level of pollution...

. Summarize the process of performing a cost-benefit analysis to determine the efficient level of pollution abatement. Identify common difficulties as well as shortcomings and positive aspects of such an analysis.

In: Civil Engineering

1. Please give concise and precise answers for the following questions. Your answers should be no...

1. Please give concise and precise answers for the following questions. Your answers should be no more than five (5) sentences. a) What is consolidation (5 points)? b) Is consolidation the only reason why soil layers having settlements (5 points)? c) Under what kind(s) of condition will soil layers consolidate (5 points)? d) What are the basic assumptions of Terzaghi’s consolidation theory (5 points)? e) Based on the consolidation theory proposed by Karl Terzaghi, which factor from the results of a consolidation test does control the quantity of consolidation process (5 points)? f) Based on the consolidation theory proposed by Karl Terzaghi, which factor from the results of a consolidation test does control the speed of consolidation process (5 points)?

In: Civil Engineering

“The right to live in a home and use the property as long as a person...

  1. “The right to live in a home and use the property as long as a person live” is an example of what kind of freehold estate? Please explain why?

  1. “No right of survivorship exists for individual tenants” is an example of what kind of leasehold estate? Please explain why?

No right of survivorship exists for individual tenants when the title is held as tenants in common.

3 What are the differences between fee simple and fee tail?

In: Civil Engineering

write about a topics taught in static course(force system resultant, moments, torque, equilibrium of rigid body,...

write about a topics taught in static course(force system resultant, moments, torque, equilibrium of rigid body, frames and machine, structural analysis, internal forces or dry friction) and how it would apply to a field of engineering you are interested in especially civil engineering(or a particular topic of engineering you are not interested in). The statics doesn't have to be the main purpose of the system or topic, but I do want you to discuss how statics fits in.

Please write a minimum of 200 words. You will be graded on your effort--not the accuracy of your statement. Think outside the box, here!

In: Civil Engineering

What are the advantages of reinforced concrete beams compared with plain concrete beams?

What are the advantages of reinforced concrete beams compared with plain
concrete beams?

In: Civil Engineering

1. What do you feel are the most significant initial considerations in determining a community's vulnerability...

1. What do you feel are the most significant initial considerations in determining a community's vulnerability to natural hazards? 2. Is it important to determine the asset inventory of your community to develop a mitigation plan? 3. What are some of the most important assets to be considered in comprising the plan?

In: Civil Engineering